4 Incredibly Powerful Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

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Tony and Sage Robbins are excited to share this practical and instructive excerpt from their recent Inner Circle members event as they guide a volunteer through inquiry and illustrate: OUR QUESTIONS are THE ANSWER.

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Tony and Sage address the source of our human suffering -- the mind’s repetitive thoughts and limiting beliefs -- that shape our emotions and drive our behavior. They discuss “The Work” of their dear friend, Byron Katie, renowned author and teacher whose transformative method of inquiry has
inspired countless individuals worldwide to achieve greater self-awareness and emotional freedom.

The purpose of this unique exercise is to demonstrate how questioning thoughts and beliefs leads to inner freedom and deeper connections to life and the people around us. In this video, watch Tony and Sage explain what they do and how they each meet their own thoughts and limiting beliefs with inquisitive curiosity and a genuine desire and willingness to see themselves.

When we choose to live as if our thoughts and beliefs are just that (and not actually absolute truths), we enter the self-inquiry process that leads to broader perspective, greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and inner liberation.

Through four impossibly simple yet powerfully profound questions, The Work of Byron Katie helps disrupt the painful thoughts we’re thinking and believing ultimately fostering our inner freedom and a more fulfilling life. In other words, our most powerful answers can come from simply asking ourselves a few questions!

The four simple questions of 'The Work' will help you uncover truths about yourself and the world around you. Please enjoy this exclusive clip from the Tony Robbins Inner Circle!

About Tony Robbins' Inner Circle:

The ultimate personal growth training club, the Inner Circle provides members with access to Tony's world-class Results Coaches, exclusive content, a next-level global peer group, and over 120 hours of Tony's greatest audio training programs. Additionally, members receive live virtual training sessions from Tony himself two times a year.

Follow Tony Robbins:

Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than four and a half decades, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and dynamic presentation of Mr. Robbins' corporate and personal development events. As the nation's #1 life and business strategist, he's called upon to consult and coach some of the world's finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations.
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Thank you so much for this guidance Tony & Sage. It's my first time watching this after being on. I have really come so far since this talk we had. The love for my father is stronger than ever & I'm really learning what it means to be me. I have learned how much focus I have had on my need for significance, & how I can transform that into contribution by following my own intuition, having a positive effect on people around me.

You have taught me a lot, Tony.

- Rasmus Fernis Jakobsen


OMG Byron Katie is a pioneer in inner work. So happy to hear that you both support her work. A pivotal icon in this time in history for sure.


It's wonderful to see 2 people I haves watched over 50 years love you guys. TONY YOU SAVED MY LIFE.
Went through Jr High school and High School in Glendora. I was in ICU with covid wires tubes going out everywhere but I watched you when I couldn't lift my arm but I did all you ask in a ICU bed it changed mr I lived because I changed Hope from hopelesness the a house fire happened and here I am reaching for the life raft again and I get a message to watch Sage just woe almost homeless from losing it all thank you for your legacy.


I have been working in this space for many years. Watching this session today, I finally put it all together. You have to understand what you are trying to achieve and walk people through a process of where I am now, where I have been operating, and what I want it to look like. It is so powerful. Thank you, Tony and Sage.


Aunt Sage and Uncle Tony dropping diamonds of knowledge on this one! Absolutely amazing content!


Thank you so much for helping the down trodden and those who just don't know how to get out of their destructive pain.
You can see Tony adores his Sage. So beautiful.
Life is going to be life But God gives us folk who have been there to help us.
Yes, We must be Born Again and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior but The Lord God is also interested in the whole man or woman. Look at The Book of Proverbs, it talks about everyday life.
Great video


I came across Byron Katie because I figured out that my suffering was my inner suffering, not my lengthy process of health challenge or life circumstances because of this- Your comtent keeps me learning and growing and encouraged/inspired. I have learned a GREAT amt from you and keep listening on repeat. God bless you both MUCH!! 🙏 ❤️


All I was doing was crying 😭 😭😭😭 Beautiful and Powerful! Sending love 💕 to Tony and Sage! Beautiful souls ❤❤❤


God's light pours out of Tony and Sage. I smile ear to ear every time I watch them. I pray to meet them one day in person.. Such a gift & blessing to my life & humanity. Thank you Tony for saving my life. Keep shining your lights my soul family. God bless you with more love light prosperity. I love you. 💖 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


Tony and Sage - You are a blessing, and Rasmus - you were so brave and powerful -this experience can change your life and I hope your life will be magnificent. x


Thank you Tony and Sage, so much gold in this conversation ❤


Tony and Sage... your energy is so beautiful and healing! Thank you for this video!!!!


Such an amazing and truly beautiful experience to witness, thank you for sharing this clip with us. Uncle Tony, your voice is cool, but Sage's voice - wow!

Your voice Sage, its so melodic that I get lost in the ebb and flow of it and then have to go back and relisten to hear the words you speak! I feel so calm and peaceful, quiet and serene after listening to you, it feels like I've just meditated. Thank you for your patience while I learn how to learn from you, and sorry for any hurt and pain I may have caused you in the past


I always recommend Tony And Sage Robbins Plus Dr.Joe Dispenza Work Which Is Crazy Beautiful !!! All The Blessings from Lechistan called now Poland


Love Byron Katie and I use the 4 questions- ❤ Thank you so much for what you both continue to do and share ❤!! It really makes a difference in my life which ripples to others 🙏


This video is a fantastic reminder of the power of self-inquiry and questioning our beliefs. Truly invaluable insights for personal growth and emotional resilience!


What a great young man, praying he will turn this all around!


What a great set of Qs + kudos to him opening up + sharing! It’s gonna change so many lives ✨! My fav couple ever + I LOVE Sage! Needed. Thank you, all. 🙏🏼💖🔥


Hi to Everyone, Thanks Tony and Sage, this Video is so Good and Liberating, I loved to see how he changed during the process of Healing, he was a great example and we could see how the believe changed the spark in his eyes returned and new connections had been made. Thanks for all the work you did on him and others to free them from their own mind Prison. I also loved how much Space you gave to Sage listening to her and how excited and involved she was in Helping and guiding. Love Love Love, all the best, curious to see more of you videos. Cheers, Heaven on Earth. Sky Mother. ⛅🌻🙌🏻⭐︎


What a beautiful video! Thank you so much for the beautiful feeling. I'm always grateful for Tony and Sage. You made my life change. Thanks to you, I can speak English and hear you every day! I hope to see you one day. I pray for Tony and Sage all the time. God bless you💕💕💕
