“Revolver” Ocelot Biography - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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“Revolver” Ocelot has spent the entire Metal Gear Solid series manipulating events for his own goals. Learn everything you need to know about him in this profile.

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ocelot is probably the most important character in the whole series


I just noticed Ocelot been in more mgs games then BB and solid snake


As a newbie to Metal
What in the actual fuck is going on?


One problem with this video. Liquid's personality never "took over". Ocelot purposefully went through the nano therapy and hypnotic whatever to become liquid, as an attempt to throw off not just the patriots, but also EVA. She was also working with him on this, but knew there needed to be a third party in the fight. EVA had no idea that the entire thing was Ocelot's plan to get rid of the patriot's control over the world. Its kinda tragic, because in the end he was a hero, doing whatever it took to get rid of the patriot's influence over the world, even if that meant painting himself as a secondary evil force in the world. Its similar to what the Boss did during operation Snake Eater, where she pretended to defect and because of Vulgan launching that nuke, she kept up the act and allowed Snake to kill her to ward off any suspicion that the US government was involved with the the virtuous mission.


"In MGSV The Phantom Pain, Ocelot-"

Yeah, that about sums it up even after release. God fucking damn it.


technically Ocelot was the ultimate ally for big boss. everyone in mgs good or bad (however you want to view it) just fought for their own beliefs.


too bad in mgsv he's been reduced to a walking Wikipedia


It's funny how you play the games and you just kinda roll with all the crazy plot twists and conspiracies, and you don't give them much thought, but then you watch a video like this and realize just how much of an insane clusterfuck it all is.


Its weird playing TPP knowing that ocelot will eventually have ELI's arm.


Not gonna lie. During Snake and Ocelots fight at the end of MGS4 I actually felt bad for both of them. 2 old men fighting because that's all they know...


naked snake, solid snake, liquid snake, venom snake, solidus snake, gas snake, so many snakes


I remember his arm got chopped off by a fukking ninja when I played MGS1 about 18 years ago.


You did the impossible. You explained Ocelot's story in just a few minutes.


This video actually got it's facts straight. I'm kinda supprised. Most people i've met totally missunderstand the character thinking he just dobecrosses everyone cuz his Ocelot. Something that is very wrong ideed! Ocelot just playd a very complex game the entire way. The only one he never really did play was Big Boss. Ever since Operation Snake Eater in 1964 he had nothing but respect for Big Boss. And he has been loyal to Big Boss ever since that point really. It didn't take him long to leave the Patriots after Big Boss did. Tough he stayd on board even after he left the ship. And even when he did leave he did somewhat stay in conteact with everyone. So you could say that Ocelot was the only one trough out the series that allways knew what was going on. He had a hand in everything. He was playing a part on every side. He had contacts on every side. And in the end he made the ultimate sacrifice just like his Mother. He died a villain for what he believed in. Tough, the villain role was just a role he was playing to achive his goal. He wasn't ever the villain. I suppose you could say that he was more of a hero really.

In a way, the true hero of the Metal Gear series. His kind of behind the success of Solid Snake. Even tough we allways tought we where fighting him we where pretty much doing what Ocelot made us do. Or rather let us do.... He set up the game and made the rules. We followed them blindly. And in the end, we made it so that Ocelot could win. And so Big Boss won. Ocelot won the war for Big Boss. Out of loyalty for Big Boss! And Ocelot in the end achived The Boss's goal. A free world. Being one of the few that actually understood her will. Big Boss and Zero missunderstood her. But in the end Big Boss did see it as well. Maybe alot thanks to Ocelot? I don't know for sure. So you could say that you never playd as the hero of the series. You playd as a couple heroes yes. Big Boss was a hero back in the day. When he was just a Soldier.... And well, the rest of the time you where i tool. Solid Snake and Raiden where tools all along. Heroes in their way. But still just tools made to do what they had to do. And there was another character, not sure how many knew this. But there was a 4th character in one of the games. This character as well was a tool. Just doing what -- had to do. Not really knowing it. But for those who didn't catch this i won't really say much more. Just gonna ask you to play trough the series again. In one of the games i'm sure you'll find a clue to what i'm talking about. And if anyone are going to go into details... Please use a spoiler tag.

No matter! Ocelot is my favorite character of the series. Hes the most complex character atleast. Big Boss, Solid Snake and Raiden where all very simple character when it all came down to it. I mean Big Boss, he was a soldier following orders. Then he left hes country after he couldn't be part of what they where doing. Joined the Patriots and left after he didn't agree with Zeroes vision And made his private Military unit MSF. And then he built up a army at his Mother Base where his vision of Outher Heaven came to be. Then it all gets taken away from him and he sets out for revenge. Becoming a demon in the process. It's a straight development line... Solid Snake, a soldier who was a hero to many but never to himself. He did what he was told, what he had to and what he tought was right. In the end beig a simple tool of a system. And Raiden... Again a tool, only way more ignorant then Snake wich knew he was a tool. Just never to what extent. And Raiden became a Cyborg Ninja. I know i'm cutting it short. Out of the 3 Big Boss is the more complex and the better charcter tough. Personally i like Solid Snake more.... But i din't fail to see who's the better character. But Ocelot beats them all becaue not until MGS4 ends do you know where Ocelot stood all along. And even then you might be in toubt. As i said, many still don't got hes story straight. Ocelot is just way to fucking cool for his own good. HAHA! When he died in the end... It was actually very sad. But he left a Legacy at the very least as great if not greater then Big Boss and The Boss behind. And much greater then Solid Snake and Raiden.


When it comes to his latest look Ocelot reminds me of Brad pit in Troy .


Naked snake was NOT a U.S Marine. 1:02


Pretty much accurate, though missing the bit where the reason he does all these things from the age of 20 on is because he's in love with John.


So if Adamska is biological son of The Boss, and Liquid is perfect cloned "son" of Big Boss, with her as mentor and waifu... that means, potentially, Ocelot grafted his own step-brother into his body, in order to kill the step-brother's brother who killed both the parents.

Dat's effed up, _even_ for Hideo-san.


Sucks we didn't get to see him in action in the new game


Not sure if it was already mentioned but big boss isn't a marine, all his gear say US ARMY (like in the Halo jump) and is always referenced as a Soldier by others
