Fix Uneven Eyes|Facial Asymmetry in 1-Minute|Balancing Exercise

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#Hisdream #ODBalancingExercise #FixtheFace

This is a full follow-along exercise video to fix uneven eyebrow, eyelid, eyeshape etc. imbalances around the eyes.

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Edix - Fire / Boxe, Workout, Training (No Copyright Music)

Song: Eneko Artola - Good Life
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Автор who came here after inverting their face on tiktok and noticed their face was lopsided and now ur insecure 🗿


me watching this 👁👄


Anyone else feel better knowing that it’s not just you


who else has uneven lips, uneven eyebrows, uneven face shape, uneven nose, and uneven eyes 😃👍🏻


Another important tip:
stop using your phone while laying down on your sides. It makes one of your eyes smaller and reduces visibility in one of the eyes.


My neighbor's saw me doing this, i am now looking for a new house


fun fact here, when you flip yourself using an iphone camera or the tiktok filter, you care naturally going to notice that some parts of your face look different, what you see in the mirror is pretty much exactly what your friends and family see! this is becuase when we see our face flipped for the first time, we start spotting imperfections with our face symmetry, it’s actually not as bad as you think! it’s just your brain making it seem worse than it actually is. firstly as we are seeing ourselves through a camera, the camera shot will obviously pixelate it and turn it into a digital image so that we can’t see the full 3Dness of our face, causing it to look uneven, secondly, this actually happens with everyone! find a picture of a friend or a family member, edit it so that it’s flipped, their face will look different! so it’s nothing to worry about if you think you have an uneven face, your face is beautiful and to other people your face looks perfectly symmetrical anyways! xx
(i did comment this on one of the other comments but i think more people need to hear this <3)


GUYS IT WORKS. Try pushing the higher eyebrow down and holding for 30 seconds then push the lower one up for 30 seconds and within a few day to a week they will be even.


No one:
literally no one:
My youtube search history:
Asymmetrical eyes
Asymmetrical jaw
Asymmetrical nose
Asymmetrical lips
Asymmetrical shoulder
Asymmetrical chest
Asymmetrical ribs
Asymmetrical hips
Asymmetrical thighs
Asymmetrical knees
Asymmetrical toes


I’ll be doing this for a month and updating weekly with HONEST RESULTS so if you wanna hear if it works check back in

Week 1: There’s definitely a slight difference comparing this weeks photo to last weeks, however, I asked my friends/family if there were any noticeable difference and they said barely if anything at all. (Note: I did the face scrunch exercise a lot more than recommended in the video because it’s so easy to do)

Week 2: I started doing the exercises before I slept and this week the exact opposite happened, I couldn’t find a difference in this weeks picture compared to last week but my friends/family said they see a noticeable difference

Week 3: This was by far the biggest week, the difference is massive. Maybe I’m just used to seeing my face inverted now but there’s a huge difference by far, a few more weeks and I should be good!

Week 4: Looks like the same amount of improvement that happened the first week happened this week. I’m rly happy with the results, finally comfortable with taking front camera selfies (probably gonna continue until week 8 though)

Week 5: Nothing too special, same progress as last week except i trimmed my eyebrows a bit to make my face seem even more symmetrical

I’ll update at Week 8




I slept on my side for 17 years and here I am now watching and tearing up.


I didn’t know this was possible to fix


i'm doing this for almost two weeks, 2-3 times a day (more effective if u do it in the morning) & i can see huge different. it's really working! ❤️


I slept on my side for 12 years and now I’m here 🥲


Me in mirror and selfie

👁️ 👁️

Me in the back camera



I had this problem while taking selfies one eye would seem bigger and the eyebrow would be lifted. I just performed these exercises along with the video and tried a selfie and it seriously works✌️ Thanks Budd


My one side of face is lifted upwards and other side seems like depressed and cheeks of one sided looks chubby other side flat

Edit : my fce is no longer assymteric after 3 years!!
I use to everyday massage with my hand upwards the face side that was dropped and made balloon face with mouth ohly the side i wanted fuller cheeks! Its 90% even now


I can confirm this works. Most eye asymmetry is caused by eyelid ptosis (one of your eyelids hangs lower than the other eye because one lid is longer or the muscle in one is weaker). What these exercises did was strengthen my eyelid muscles and create a muscle mind connection as well. If you try this, the goal you should be striving for is to form that muscle mind connection that allows you to easily hold up both eyelids to the correct height making you not only look symmetrical but also less tired as a bonus. It doesn't matter if it was a muscle problem or you have a longer eyelid this still works. If I relax my eyes I can tell one is longer but when I hold them both up my eyes look exactly the same and even better than before (both have a symmetrical fold now too).


"dont sleep in one side only. it can caused ur face become asymmetrical"
me: eh idc i just wanna sleep.
also me after a few years ending up here: *regretting all my life decision*
