20740C -Module 4 - Demonstration: Managing Storage Spaces by using Windows PowerShell

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20740C - Module 4 - Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication

Demonstration: Managing Storage Spaces by using Windows PowerShell

Demonstration Steps
View the properties of a storage pool
1. On LON-SRV1, open Windows PowerShell.
2. View the current storage configuration in Server Manager.
3. Run the following commands:
a. To return a list of storage pools with their current health and operational status, run the following
b. To return more information about StoragePool1, run the following command:
Get-StoragePool StoragePool1 | fl
c. To return detailed information about your virtual disks, including provisioning type, parity layout,
and health, run the following command:
Get-VirtualDisk | fl
d. To return a list of physical disks than can be pooled, run the following command:
Get-PhysicalDisk | Where {$_.canpool –eq “true”} or Get-PhysicalDisk -CanPool $true

Add physical disks to a storage pool

1. Run the following commands:
a. To create a new virtual disk in StoragePool1, run the following command:
New-VirtualDisk –StoragePoolFriendlyName StoragePool1 -FriendlyName Data -Size
You can see this new virtual disk in Server Manager.
b. To add a list of physical disks that can be pooled to the variable, run the following command:
$canpool = Get-PhysicalDisk –CanPool $true
c. To add the physical disks in the variable to StoragePool1, run the following command:
Add-PhysicalDisk -PhysicalDisks $canpool -StoragePoolFriendlyName StoragePool1
2. View the additional physical disks in Server Manager.
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