7 Subtle Signs a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her (You’re TOTALLY Missing These)

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No matter how much a girl wants you, she will rarely make the first move to kiss you. Instead, she will give you signs of her attraction, hoping that you have the confidence to kiss HER. Most guys completely miss or overlook these signs. And lose opportunities with women.

We don’t want you to be one of those guys.

So in this video, Marni's gonna show you the 7 most common signs that a woman is feeling attracted to you and wants you to kiss her. Pay attention and look out for these signals with women — so you can confidently make the first move…

Top dating advice for men coming directly from a woman! Marni is now your personal Wing Girl and she's going to tell you how to attract women, date women, seduce women and get any woman you want. She's helped 100's of thousands of men around the world be more confident with women so they can make women want them. Now she'll do the same for you!
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1. Holding eye contact, glancing at lips
2. Biting, licking lips
3. Touching, playfully hitting you
4. Looking submissively
5. Playing with hair, necklace
6. Being open to your touch
7. Primping herself for you

Great video. 💯


I actually had a date Saturday night and I’ve always been respectful towards women’s personal space and every time they’ve always made the move to kiss me first and it happened Saturday again


I totally agree with you on this. I met a girl at a store one time she had her hair up. But when she may eye contact with me she pull her hair down. Next thing i know i took her home with me. I miss that fun girl she move away. Thank for this video.❤


I'm confident enough to go to jail so, this is never a problem 😂


Intelligent woman like you are a huge turn on for me. Especially a woman who is confident enough to go after what she wants and lets you know. I was in love with a lady Veterinarian who was older than I. I was 27 and she was 33.


Marni and team... where were you 30 years ago? :) You would've made meeting women and having meaningful relationships so much easier for us guys. Anyways, I am glad you are here now and providing these valuable services. Thanks for your all insightful content and positive messaging. Keep it going!


Why am I kissing my monitor? 🤣🤣 thanks Marni, always there for us


I love how the camera seems to look down to your lips when talking about hint #1. Almost giving us the idea of what to look for. Thanks for making such great videos!!


Thank you Marni this was very helpful ❤


POINT OF ORDER: men “don’t want to make the first move and go in for a kiss” because they’ve been threatened for decades, and repeatedly shown hard proof over the last decade, that in doing so they will be labeled as toxic, rapists, perverts, animals, or the like if they dare touch or get in the personal space of a female. Women need to fix themselves and end that stigma first, if they want most men to boldly take initiative ever again.


Loved your natural presentation style. I have noticed these signs and am confident to act on them


Yes, it is better to recognize these signs, otherwise you will miss out on a whole lot of fun...


I've found that narcissistic women also employ these same tactics. Be careful out there fellas.


Marni uploading on a Monday, say what? 🤣 Jokes aside, thanks as always for dropping knowledge on us guys ❤️💯


Guys, this stuff that she talks about works. Look at her other videos, and you will be happier. I am.


Me, realizing all the signs I've missed. #NEVERAGAIN!!!

Actually I'll probably still miss a few, but you get the point

I'm finally trying to learn after my most recent missed sign. Learning these ways have become an obsession lately


LOL@ the part where Marni tries to link her lips like the movies 😅 That was funny. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!


Stephanie does all of those things. Next time she gets me alone I'm going for it


My female says she is married, but despises her husband, she works hard and puts up a strong front to everyone to show she has a strong loving relationship, with her husband. I met hubby, I learned not all is loving bliss, as she portrays. Her hubby plays around, and makes no effort to hide his infedilites, so neither of them to change their relationship to each other, for the sake of their 14yr old son.



Sooo... I'm 50% deaf and a lipreader so I spend 100% of my time making direct eye-contact and staring at a person's lips.
