7 Subtle Signs a Woman is Checking You Out That You Don't Want to Miss

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Looking to decode the complex world of dating? Ever asked yourself, "Is she checking me out?" or "Does she like me?" If so, this video is just what you need. Packed with top-notch dating advice and practical dating tips, this video lays out the signs a woman is checking you out. We’ll cover the subtle clues and the not-so-subtle ways she could be expressing her interest. We'll help you understand how girls flirt and tell if a girl likes you. More than just a 'how-to', we'll dive into what women want, giving you the insider info needed for flirting and possibly, how to get a girlfriend.

#1 Way to ATTRACT A Woman

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I married someone who I only thought was a family friend. Clearly out of my league in intelligence and beauty.
We got together during a tragedy in the family. She asked me why I had never noticed that she was really into me.
I told her she could have put up a billboard saying she loved me and I would've thought; "Wow. There's a lucky guy out there with the same name as me.🤣
20 and a half years later, I still can't believe she chose me. Especially when I discovered that she was more beautiful and amazing on the inside too. 😃💯👍🙏💛


If only 18 and 19 year old me knew all this, then he would have had a lot more fulfilling relationships not missed opportunities and being clueless. 😂


Please don't confuse a woman being interested in you with she just being friendly. I only noticed a couple of these signs. Other than that, hold a good conversation and listen to the details in her conversation and bring those details back up with interest. Worked for me with various women.


Shame that it’s not my problem anymore.

I’ve given up. And at the same time, I’m not cut out to be in a relationship.


Keep in mind fellas. Her wanting your attention does not necessarily m3an that she wants you. So dont be too eager, in fact be almost nonchalant. Not uncaring but unphased.

Being genuine is true tho regatfing conversation, and more importantly move with confidence.


The “chair dance” isn’t a fidgety reaction to being “caught in the act” of checking you out, it’s them urgently preparing themselves to been SEEN, they’re making themselves presentable…


I've had a few situations like this happen before. mainly casual relationships but its good to be brave and put yourself out there if you want to improve your odds.


I saw this on instagram one time. This man said, lads if a woman drops a hint for you to approach her and you don't get it, and she doesn't approach you to let you know, don't chase her.


I’m 55 now and never noticed most of these signs. Maybe a smile and look away but none of the others; a couple times I was hooking up and her girlfriend talked her out of it! Anyway I have had women tell me that their friend was interested but then I either said something stupid or she just wanted a one-nighter; man I’ve scared SO many women away I could write a book! I once asked a new friend about my rap with women. He said, “Dude your rap is not bad. It’s like Kryptonite!”


Girls will do all this and still turn you down I’m just better off single 🤦🏾‍♂️


Bro explained it with the tactical approach. 🤣


Just because you look at someone and then they smile at you and look away. I’m pretty sure it does. It mean to check you out or a no you can’t risk approaching a woman nowadays it’s so risky it’s not even funny and actually it’s dangerous. It’s seriously dangerous to approach women nowadays.


I love these type of videos not because I want a partner of some kind but because then I can reject girls through subtle ways and can set up countermeasures in order to keep girls at least a whole continent away /if you couldn't tell I'm exaggerating the words thank you @Mindness for this video


its not as easy as this video makes it out to be, i had a woman at work show interest and even give me a flower but i new from earlier conversations she has a bf so all that attension and nice gesturing is just a social thing in my case.
unless she ment to leave her bf but nowhere did i pick that up, sometimes woman are just nice.
unfortunatly for me i often suck at woman hinting they like me if thats even what they ment, in my case they have to be straightforward.


Signs that she cares: She approaches, she initiates conversations, she replies when you talk to her. Forget the rest


Unfortunately most men are clueless. Women will have a headset on staring in her phone and never making eye contact, but in her mind she’ll….. please approach me.


Nailed it. New sub. Keep going brother.


A Pessimists guide to sign-dropping:
#1 smiling after looking at you (accidently makes eye contact and covers it with a polite smile)
#2 frequents your areas (coincidentally likes/works the same areas)
#3 notices subtle changes (tries to make polite conversation to avoid awkward silences)
#4 chair dance (was randomly looking at you for a negative reason as likely as a positive one and happened to get caught - same as #1)
#5 friends noticing you (maybe they've been talking about you, but not necessarily in a good way)
#6 good conversationalist (just a friendly person with practiced manners)
#7 common interests (an enthusiastic person, maybe not into you, but fun to be around)


This is an amazing video, exactly spot on with everything you mentioned women do and I can tell you've had the experience! 😛


I've had other women tell me that a woman is interested in me and when I walk up to said woman that woman tells me that no, she is not interested in me. It's thunderdome out there guys!
