Why Lyme disease is on the rise, explained

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Lyme used to be considered an isolated disease found in North America and parts of Europe but it’s now found in 80 countries worldwide.

#GlobalNews #Explainer #Lyme #Lymedisease
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Conclusion : being outside is dangerous


Lyme will rob you of your life, your body, and your mind. I've had it for 6 years and I'm still struggling to get better. Stay safe out there. :)


So glad to see this. I live in TN and have had Lyme twice. One acute case and one not treated for 5 yrs. I spent thousands of dollars not covered by insurance trying to get better from all those symptoms and still have issues. The PTSD that comes with not being believed by the medical community that something is wrong with you is staggering. They say it’s all in your head, you don’t look sick and all your lab work is normal. They don’t even acknowledge that untreated Lyme could be a problem. I had a cardiologist say to me after doing one test for my heart which had been giving me extreme trouble. “No there’s no way Lyme can affect your heart!” He would do no further testing for me when I had Shortness of breath, chest pain, bradycardia and palpitations all the time. I just hope I don’t have carditis that goes untreated. We need help and need to be believed. Wake up people!


All ticks should be destroyed, they are not doing any good for any life


I contracted Lyme in 2015 and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I couldn't walk, couldn't lift my arm, couldn't sleep and I was in severe pain 24 hours a day. Lyme is horrendous. After a few weeks in hospital the doctor's told me that they couldn't do anything. What saved me was Buhner's protocol. I read his book and then followed his protocol to the letter. I also devoured books on body chemistry and how the immune system works. When I told the doctors I was going to try and heal myself using herbs and a special diet they just laughed. Yeah well what else was I supposed to do?
It was a very slow process because first you have to reboot your immune system and second you have to fight the bacteria of which actually hides from your immune system - known as 'pathogenic bacteria'. What is different about the Lyme bacteria to other bacteria is that they eat the magnesium in your body whereas most bacteria eat iron. Without magnesium your muscles just can't work. Most antibiotics are made to protect the iron in your body but not the magnesium - that is why normal antibiotics fail against Lyme (if you wait too long).
Using Buhner's protocol I gradually began to improve. I won't lie, it was the fight of my life and took about one year to fully recover. Only when all the bacteria was gone could I then begin to build up my muscles again. Today I play golf and am an 8 handicap. Anyone who has Lyme - don't give up - your body can kill it. It takes a special diet, special herbs and sheer will power. If I ever contracted it again however, I don't think I could go through it a second time and would probably just end my life. That's how vicious it is.
If any one wants to actually hear my full Lyme story I made a video about it and posted it on my youtube space. I tell of what actually happened, how I defeated it and the consequences afterwards. Take care out there.


If you think you have Lyme disease, call hospitals and clinics until you find a doctor who says they can diagnose and treat it. I had it once & knew what is was immediately. It took me calling hospitals and clinics asking if there was a doctor who could treat Lyme disease. Four of them said, "We don't know. You'll have to make an appointment to ask the doctor." The fifth simply said, "yes." I went there 2 days later, was examined, diagnosed & treated. Within less than a week I was fully recovered. Continued taking antibiotics until they were gone & as far as I can tell, I don't have any residual symptoms. They key is to catch it quick. Don't let one doctor look at you, shrug their shoulders, bill you & pass you on to someone else. All that time wasted will only make it worse on you.


There needs to be more research done on this disease and more training for family doctors so they can properly diagnose it and of course more specialists.


Lyme-disease is bad but getting infected with several other bacterial infections at the same time is HELL!


Why are the doctors not educated. Why is there not more research on testing??


I've had Lyme disease for 37 years. I was bitten by an infected tick in 1986. I had Lyme for 27 years before being diagnosed. I've had a total jaw joint and mandible replacement in 1995. A 9 hour surgery with 2 surgeon's. I've had a total of 3 major jaw surgeries as a result of Lyme. I still suffer from joint pain, fatigue and other symptoms. Most doctors are Lyme illiterate. I did have the bull's eye rash.


Go outside they said....
It’ll be fun they said....


There was a vaccine developed and was going to be offered in the early 90s, and was highly effective, but there were concerns of safety, and it got tabled. I would say the risk was probably less than the current covid vaccine that has been tested less and now FDA approved.


I pulled the last tick off of my body in 2004. I was finally diagnosed the last week of May '23. I've been pointing doctors towards Lyme for most of that time, but I was ignored.


I wish they would stress that in many cases when you get lyme you can get other bacteria babesia ... Bartonella and more all from the same tic. Also scientists have found lyme in mosquitoes!
I’ve had over twenty years first symptoms were cold chills the next day months later throwing up every night for months lost so much weight later anxiety which now I believe from too much cortisol from my body fighting off it. Migraines, the most gut wrenching stomach aches, fatigue like nothing you ever experienced, extreme pain after any physical activity wide spread everywhere! Not just joints. Muscle loss. Cant focus the list goes on and on . On top of the pain you have to endure trying to get a dr to listen to you that it is not in your head. Incredibly lonely and painful illness. Protect your self protect your children!! 💚


I am From South Africa , Lymes is on the rise here too!!!!


They need to start Trails for Lyme and coinfection cures !!! And make the pediatricians and doctors more knowledgeable about it and to take it more serious!! It’s in Arizona & people thought it’s impossible but even tho we live in the hottest state it’s still possible. Because i gotten bite and had the bullseye mark and did not stop hitting the hospital and specialist until a NP from Texas shadowing my doctor was the one that caught on and put my symptoms together and asked to get tested for Lyme


Thousands of people in South Africa have also tested positive for Lyme Borrelia!


Growing public health concern. What is being done to kill these


Well, Greenland looks tick free on the map lol 😂 Let’s all move there


That is what I call professional journalism.
Well done Global News. Please do more health-related investigations like this one.
