GE filter hack XWFE to XWF

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Come along as i replace XWFE filter with XWF.
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Printer manufacturers have been getting hit with, and losing, class action suits for doing the same thing with the chips in the ink cartridges. I hope that GE gets sued.


Great idea. I did use the RFID small circle in an adhesive square on the free bypass plug you can call and get from GE. I heated the sticker up up with hair dryer and removed a little at a time, more heat, remove a little more, etc.. Just like you said. I placed it where you did higher up on the refrigerator filter area . Bypass plug has a much smaller RFID on bypass plug than on the GE filter (just a small circle in an adhesive square, I then pressed it against my carpet and such to make it less sticky on purpose). So refrigerator now says BP on the display with the XWF filter and all works well. Now if you put the GE filter back in while you still have the bypass RFID sticker on, I guess that has a stronger signal, and then you have the refrigerator reading like you used to with the number of days. I just did this as a test. Cool, thank you


I took your advice because I also purchased a 3 pack of XWF. I carefully mark and removed the outside paper and put it on the XWF filter. It worked great. Thank you so much. ps. 3 filter pack was $19.00


What a SCAM by GE with the filter deal. I just hacked mine.
- Peeled the label using a hair dryer so the chip did not get damaged.
- Laminated the glued side of the label using transparent tape to protect the chip.
- Trimmed the label to make it smaller, being very careful not to damage the chip.
- Found the right spot inside fridge where the sensor detected the chip and placed it using more transparent tape.
And, “voila”!! Now, i just have to replace the generic filter when the time comes.

The filter light is still red, but who cares. Every time i see it, reminds me i am saving 42 dollars per filter and get happy!!😅
I hope this can help somebody!!

P.S- This method was mentioned by someone in the comments below. Credit for him. Thanks man for the idea!!👍🏻
Like the Mandalorians would say “THIS IS THE WAY”!


Great video. That said, read below for and even better solution! (Author, I recommend you try this and make a new video the next time you replace your filter)

I carefully removed the sticker using a hair dryer to heat it up. Then, I used scissors to cut the excess sticker around the RFID chip. Next, I essentially laminated the sticker with packaging tape, so that the sticker is no longer sticky on the bottom. I positioned the sticker under the RFID sensor and taped it into place (I had to reposition a couple times to find the right spot). Now I can buy and use the cheap filters without having to fumble around with the old GE sticker.

The only downside is that the red light always stays on, but I could care less. I put the installation date on the cheap filter, and plan to replace every 6 months or so.


Great video that I found after my xwfe filter gave me the red filter status 6 months out warning on my new2023 GE PFE24HMLTKES refrigerator similar to the one in this video. I put in the replacement XWF that I bought cheap on amazon but got the ERR warning and no water dispensing. I swapped out the label as shown in the video and got it working but the red filter status light stayed on.
I eventually called GE and got the bypass plug with the chip imprinted under the second label-gently peeled off using a hairdryer on low setting and a sharp pairing knife and stuck it near the reader with packaging tape.
The XWF filters now work with only the red filter status light coming on & BP(bypass I guess) showing in the display while dispensing water.
I had to remove the expired label off the second filter since that label overrides the bypass chip.


I bring good news on resetting the light. I bought a regulation replacement filter (the expensive kind) and swapped it for the old one. As expected, the red light reset itself. Then I reinstalled the old one. No red light! So if you can keep TWO RFID labels and keep swapping them back and forth, the continuing red light shouldn’t be a problem.


I've come back with results.

I went with the soaking method. It was still nerve wrecking since I only have 1 label to test peel. I used cold water at first, but warm water worked better.
After doing this, I recommend using the low heat hair dryer instead because my label was wet, and it gave me a 'leak' error message. So I had to take the label off again, and pat dry it which made some parts of the foil come off onto the napkin 😬😬😬 but thankfully it still worked. I am too afraid to touch it again because it is very sensitive and the 'error' death msg may show up again. Next time when I repeel it, I will laminate the chip for future use. I saved about $45 because I got 3 generic filters for $13.00 on prime day


Blow dryer peel, line up arrow, place over, it Worked THQ SO MUCH!!! Why don't they tell yoh in the owners manual, more things to frustrate us😖


Broke RFID between two contact points used tape and aluminum foil to bridge that gap. Seems to be working.


Thanks for this. I'm convinced that the whole RFID/$50-per-filter thing is a giant scam. No way that sticker costs enough to justify such price-gouging. What if you kept TWO stickers and then swapped them out with each replacement? I wonder if that would reset the yellow/red indicator light.


I was able to use a heat gun to get it off somewhat cleanly. I've heard that hairdryer or soaking off can work too. I pulled it off extra slow to ensure the chip didn't get damaged. I was even able to reuse the glue to put it onto the 3rd party one.

While I was able to get my 3rd party filter working, no matter how long I hold the filter button, it never resets. It just shows a 9 on the display. I assume there's a series of button presses to override this or possibly pulling the power on the refrigerator, but there's not a lot of data on these newer RFID chips.


I just want to say... i really like all of you guys. :) Thanks for the tips.


I peeled off the label from the old one. Problem was that when I did, part of the RFID stayed stuck on the filter and rendered the RFID useless. I went to Home Depot and purchased a new filter with the RFID on it. I already had 3 generic XWF filters that I purchased on Amazon before knowing about the stupid sensor. I popped off the RFID reader from the fridge and taped it on to the brand new filter, facing the RFID. I then installed the XWF filter and it worked perfectly. The only issue is I have the other filter leaning standing there with wires hanging out. But I could care less. F**k GE for doing this.


Why wouldn't it work to simply leave an old XWFE in the back of the refrigerator and install a XWF in the socket? Would the RFID chip transmit a couple of inches? ***EDIT - I see now on other videos that the RFID chip must be positioned exactly so my "idea" would not work. This really turns me off to GE products.


tried this method with and without heat on two separate GE brand filters and it didn't work when placed on the generic. I think they started putting the other half of a married pair inside the cartridge because now it wont work when you replace the sticker on the original filter. their answer to the legality of stopping you getting water from your fridge was the 'free bypass plug'. I'm going to try it with the tag from the plug when it comes in..savages....


I read that if you place rfid label on Back of fridge it works that too.


Thanks for this, but as I just went to remove the label it damaged the chip. Not as easy as you make it sound.


Worked like a charm with a hair dryer! Only issue is the red filter light. Any ideas folks?


yeah ..but your supposed to let 2 gals of water thru new filter, then its good to drink, Let us know in 6 months if you get a reminder on fridge to change filter thats what chip is for. chip lets you know when to replace and if you have a leak
