Is overclocking your CPU worth it?

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Should you overclock your CPU? That might depend on a few factors. In this video I demonstrate how overclocking my i5 9600K CPU impacts performance and temperatures in RDR2. The key detail is whether or not your GPU is bottlenecked by your CPU and this will depend on a number of factors like the game you are playing, the settings, the resolution, etc. In my case my RX 6800 XT is being bottlenecked by the CPU at lower resolutions but not at 4K which is where I am actually gaming most of the time. So I usually don't bother with an overclock on the CPU since it just drives up temperatures and fan noise without gaining me much actual performance in 4K gaming. But someone who is CPU bottlenecked or into competitive gaming with low settings might find the tradeoff worth it.

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The question should not only be "am I CPU bottlenecked", but also "do I even need more frames". If I already get above 120fps why should I care about higher framerates? I would prefer a more silent fan and lower energy bill.


Great question Daniel, I've also thought about it, and given that you want to use your computer at low cost while at the same time maximizing sustainable gaming, it follows that overclocking is not a good idea. There are multiple reasons enough to just not overclock your hardware, but instead, optimize the default settings in your bios. For example, the only thing I changed was my DRAM voltage, as this was somehow not correctly done creating instability in the OS. Once that was set right, the machine worked very well and still performs well in all major tasks however not as good as the latest generation. Watching this video contributed to a total of 9 watt power consumption for the CPU alone whilst the temperature is around 24 degrees. This is my preference as I want to be also be able to use the machine in few years time. I am really positive by how well computer parts have been designed over the past 7 years.


To me, and this is coming from an engineer's perspective that loves to tinker with just about everything, no. I just buy quality GPUs/CPUs/MOBOs and components every time I build and it always exceeds my needs. If I made a living in e-sports, I would certainly have a different opinion.


I've been watching your videos for a while now and just now I've subscribed because you are providing answers to questions that regular users have and I find it very helpful. Keep up the good work.


I overclock because i think it's fun to do. To see where the limit is, and to get maximum performance out of my components. I oc Cpu(5800x), Gpu(2080ti) and ram. Gaming @ 1440p :) Love your vids Daniel, keep it up! :)


Perfect. Just the video I was looking for.


I underclocked my ryzen 5900x to 4Ghz at 1.075 volt and its basically silent at both idle and when gaming. Performs great aswell, temps are down to 60 ish from around 80-90 at max 1.4 volts at default settings :O


ill take stability over a few frames and bad temps...i used to chase every frame but it just is not worth it these days. The last good OC chips was sandy bridge, both companies intel and amd are already giving you 95% of what the chip can do.


I feed my 9900K all the onions, with a 360 a.i.o. and 12 system fans she's quiet and lives @ 5ghz 24/7 without for me it's a definite yes, but with the right components.


I have an FE 3080 that I undervolt, for very little loss of FPS but much better temps, it also removes the spiky behaviour of the card
A 5800x that is undervolted using PBO & Curve Optimiser and runs up to 4.9GHz
RAM I just run at XMP, which for me is 3200 CL16
I play at 3440x1440 and FPS is not that important to me, I like the eye candy and screenshots (though Cyberpunk gets 45-65 fps with things maxed out like RT)


I won't touch my 11600k for 2 yrs. Only when I feel a real need for OC I'll do it, better for now that it runs colder than doing OC with insignificant gain. Good way to know if you are cpu bottlenecked is: lower the game graphics, if the fps stay same then you got a problem with cpu so that's where an OC can kick in... low medium or high game is running same. I had that problem in Battlefield 1 with 3570k and 8gb ram. And if the fps rises much then it's a more likely a gpu thing.


I've had a 2600x and a 3600x and I've found that for the most part they perform fine and in some cases better just letting them boost on their own as long as you keep temps under control.


ayy great vid i live ur content especially ur battlefield 2042 video keep up to good work!


Very good explanation. I also didn't know intel had that overclocking software. Thanks for sharing that.


Hey Daniel, have you heard of 1usmus' (Yuri Bubliy) Hydra/CTR for Ryzen CPUs? I have gained nearly 250MHz on my gaming clocks while reducing the operating temperature of my 5900X. It's similar to Curve Optimiser only with much more fine tuning and better results.


I always overclock my Intel CPU before using my favorite program, Windows Media Player.


Will only overclock when there is a real reason to do it. My previous cpu was 2500K OCed to 4.5Ghz. And i think i keep it at stock for 3 to 4 years before the real need arise for much faster cpu clock. Same with my E7500 before that.


I prefer complete system stability over <10% improvement


Depends on the engine of the game, so what games u play makes a real difference, and if you have an intel chip its most of the time worth more then amd,
for amd its important to tune the ram what makes the difference.


Modern CPU’s definitely don’t really benefit from overclocking, and when they do, it’s usually only at resolutions-at 1080P or 1440P. CPU’s now are very strong compared to years ago, I wouldn’t recommend an overclock unless your GPU is very outdated.

At 4K you won’t get any benefit from an OC, I tested my 4.80 OC compared to the default 3.80 on my 10700K at 4K, and had no improvement so now just stick to default settings.

Runs cooler, and performs the exact same.
