Samsung Tab S7 S-Pen Replacement

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Hello Youtubers! It's my first video so the quality is quite rubbish 😅

I recently got the new Samsung Tab S7 and the S Pen nib died on me on the second day (surprise, surprise) so I'm waiting for the replacement warranty nibs/Pen from Samsung at the moment.

My partner got me a spare as an early xmas present so here are the contents in case you're wondering. TBH, I don't understand what's the difference with the spare nibs, apart from the colour. Let me know in the comment section if you have it as well and know the difference!

Also, the casing. GUYS, it's really good, both quality and value for price:

#SamsungTabS7 #SamsungTabSpen #SPen
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If I'm not wrong.. the harder nib is actually better for writing and the softer one is better for drawing.
You can just change the nib depending on your preference whether you like the harder or the softer one.


1 week using my samsung tab s7+, i don't even use it for note taking or drawing, but I just noticed that my s pen tip is frayed, like a water colour brush! IDK what to do! Samsung doesn't have services like you mentioned like buying another s pen with tips or getting it replaced in India, even tho it's a big market for them!!!!


The grey is a harder nib while the black is softer. Heads up, if you had a tab s6 the nibs will also work with the s7. I've been using the harder grey in mine since I only do note taking


Definitely agree on this. The nib is just soft and is getting distorted. I am still searching for replacement nibs here in India


Hello from the U.S. great video! I have the 7+, and needed to replace the nib after about a week. They told me they don't offer replacement nibs. I've been waiting almost 2 weeks for a new stylus. Hoping it arrives soon.


White nib is designed to work on glass protector, while black one is supposed to work smoothly on plastic protectors.


Congratulations Anna on your first YouTube video it wasn't that bad. I believe you should have gone for Staedtler Noris Digital Pencil which works on the same Wacom EMR technology on which Samsung S Pen works. Moreover it does not need battery power to work is longer and more comfortable to work with any day be it drawing or taking notes


Idk if ALL the nib on Samsung pen, whether it was the stylus from the note series, the tab series, the S series, or the S pen itself, are interchangeable but I've tried to use the free spare nib that comes with Samsung Note Edge to fix the nib on my Samsung Tab A 2015' stylus, and it worked wonder~ I was scared that it wouldn't fit at first, since I inherited the Tab A from my parents and they don't know if the Tab comes with the spare nibs or not (they bought the Tab in 2017 and have lost the box a long time ago), so I just rummaged through the old phone boxes that I can find at home and finally found the spare nibs in the Samsung Note Edge 2014 box. Thank god it worked! Now I got 5 spare nibs for free and didn't have to search around the internet to buy the cheap knocked-off one, or pay a load sum for the official one :')


I've actually bought tatinium nibs from amazon, they actually fit and they were amazing, i would recommend a screen protector ofc


yo wish i found this video before i brought my case


You've probably figured it out but I heard the white is usually harder, which means it's better for writing as it allows for your pen to glide better and is more durable for a screen protector.


Somehow, my pen's tip is not stable now, and I was looking for a video that can help me in reparing it. Love from India ❤


Thank u this video helped me soo much !!!


all the best remember me at ur achievements


I'm also facing the similar problem I'm not able to write or draw properly. my Nib' not working well just offer two days from purchase.Thanks For your explaination will tell Samsung about this issue


The nibs of the spen of the s7 are the same of the note 10/ 10 plus and note 20/ 20 ultra so if you have one of the nibs of those devices you can use it on the tab s7 spen


The dark one is more plasticky n the light is more rubbery, both slightly different, but not noticeable if your not an artist who is constantly drawing, and just writing


Thanks, I was searching for such a help for a while ....


These pens are $60+ and this should not be happening!! My tip also became very loose and I don't even write hard. Come on, Samsung!!!!


A wonderful n informative video...I just bought the tab n encountered the same problem that u had... feel frustrated with the quality of the s pen...I love your tab cover so you mind to share the link? I bought one which as u said we don't have much choices for the angle...
