Do Attractive People Have Better Personalities? | Beauty Psychology

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Attractive people are treated better by society. They tend to have a more positive outlook on life. This carries over to their personality traits


i think i developed oppositely despite being a girl. I was bullied for being fat and ugly and was never anyone's crush from elementary up to college, and I knew I wasn't pretty enough to even integrate in social media in the early days of Instagram etc. With that, I have a general distrust with women in general and find men more trustworthy than women because men don't care too much about looks when it comes to friendship.

romantic relationships however, I pretty much gave up on that.


Can you do Monica Bellucci?And why is she considered so beautiful?


Not necessarily. Attractive people just have more opportunities and attention given to showcase their personality.


In India white skin itself is attraction. They dont need jawline, eyebrows anything.😂


This is why I say looks in itself is a multiplier.

The shittier of a person you manage to be while being good looking the worse of a person you are.

However, if you are good looking and kind it puts you at the top.

Think Amber Heard vs Henry Cahill or maybe Keanu Reeves


When you are not attractive and you try to mimick the personalities of attractive people it is never received well. To be likable you have to subconsciously mold your personality to your status so that people recognize that you "know your place" and are not trying to upset the natural social hierarchy. This is the only way to be acceptable as an unattractive person and it is very demoralizing, so unattractive people tend to avoid social situations more because social interaction is very unrewarding.


I have a very good friend who was really beautiful when we were in school. Let's call her A. We were a gang of 4 girls. The other two girls often gossiped about A when she wasn't around. A was a kind and loving friend, and was really introverted, so she never used the "benefits" of her pretty privilege. A gang of popular girls used to bully A, and what I discovered is that my other two friends were the ones telling all her secrets to these popular girls.

After school, i lost touch with the other two, but was still in touch with A. A never posted any pictures on social media. Now we are 28, and A gained a lot of weight in the past year. Then, these other two girls wanted to have a meet-up. We did meet and took pictures, and these girls posted it all over Instagram. They both had a glow up and look great now, however it seemed to me that they wanted to show the world that A was "ugly" now and they were a lot prettier. They were holding that bitterness and jealousy for over a decade. I also noticed they posted the ugliest candids of A, and she will never know because she's not on Instagram. How pathetic.


Pretty privilege has skyrocketed in value since the advent of image based social media. Less attractive people used to have a chance.


Honestly. When I was younger, I never dated anyone that other considered good looking, I just went for what I thought was a lovable and funny personality. And average/below average people can often be very funny. However what I didn't anticipate, as a teenager especially when emotions run high, was their other traits - bitterness, jealousy, snide comments, judgement, insecurity, and latching onto anyone who shows them a bit of attention (all of them cheated, either on me or tried to with me). This isn't to say every below average person is like this, but there is almost another Halo effect for superficially likable people who are less good looking - there's an assumption that they will be modest, down to earth, made more relatable by their life experience. I have not found this to be accurate.


I hate it when people say, "looks don't matter." people are only attracted to personalities if that person is good looking. even if an unattractive person has a better personality than the attractive, society still wouldn't care about the unattractive. it's all about the looks.


I used to weigh around 57 kg for a 5'10" man in my college (age 22). I was always over shadowed by good looking boys of my class. There were very pretty girls in my college and i was invisible to them. Like totally invisible. I had couple of proposals at the time and i was mocked at pretty hard. My body features were low fat face and skinny body. I was a reserved man, talked less and was thoughtful in actions.
So after the college ended, me and the pretty girls were selected for tech job. I had a gap of 6 months before joining the company. So i hit the gym and gained around 15 kg of healthy weight. I went to around 72 kg. The difference was night and day. I was the talk of town. I received so much attention that i never knew how to react to it. It was not natural to me. The big thing i noticed was in the perception of me. The same personality of talking less and being reserved became a big plus of my whole persona. So looks change your outlook on life for sure. If you want to be a bad boy, be a handsome one.


I think an interesting case study in addition to the information in this video would be to monitor how a late bloomer or someone who had an incredible glow up later on in life. Actually meeting people who are oblivious to how attractive they are compared to the average person because they grew up without the halo effect is insane. And usually, they were a part of different groups and retain those hobbies and characteristics. Would this be weird for normal people in society who expect them to act differently?


Funny, I've watched from up close how my very attractive friend and sister got treated very well to the point where they expected to have things just handed to them. They were complete a-holes throughout their lives, so this must mean they're actually double a-holes for not even developing a good personality when the stars were pretty much lined up for it.


This channel is one of the few that can make me "uncomfortably informed" nowadays. On the one hand, the information is factual, useful, applicable... On the other, I wonder how much we should be using it to pander to our basest instincts as opposed to intentionally evolving them.


Attracting so much attention can sometimes cause problems when people are "zooming in" your life. If you're dating someone, they will scroll back to your ex and try to mock if you have any altercations before. They dig up the dirt that you want to hide away. People are very judgemental. They can consider you beautiful but will always stick their eyes on you and follow you close up like perverted stalkers if you're exceeding their beauty standards. You can be beautiful but NOT to a level where they feel envious.


Be nice to each other anyway, regardless of looks. We can try. It's all love. I love you all.


It's kind of like a feedback loop. The Halo Effect exists, so people think you're a good person because you're good-looking/look like a good person, so you'll feel like you're a good person and eventually think that you're a good person. Hence better personalities.


A personality isn't just how outgoing or extraverted a person is...


How about this, the personality of more attractive people tend to veer towards the extremes because of how others behave towards them. An attractive man with a basically good personality will receive good feedback when behaving well and be encouraged to improve his personality to become an even more pleasant person. An unattractive man with a basically good personality won't however receive as much good feedback and won't be as encouraged to improve his personality as the attractive man. At the same time an attractive man with a basically bad personality will largely get away with this behaviour as people will be less inclined to correct it. Women in particular. An unattractive man with a basically bad personality will however be harshly rebuked for any transgression and so be encouraged to correct his behaviour and improve his personality.
