Can Christians Smoke Weed?

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Can Christians smoke weed or is it sin? Join us as Pastor Eric answers this question.
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I dont indulge in weed often but when I do I go to the woods or by the river and I bask in Gods glory. I pray to God and feel so close to Him. That’s not to say that’s the only time I see His beauty or Im in contact with Him. Also moderation is huge here, i dont smoke every day and it does not control me. Also I dont get blazed out of my mind, just a few puffs and I enjoy the beauty God blessed us with


I can say i started smoking when i was around 11 or 12 and was addicted big time, i am now 24 and i gave my life to jesus 6 months ago and stopped smoking, honestly i feel so much better, i dont have brain fog and laziness anymore. God is so good thank you jesus!


If it controlls you DONT do it... that goes for everything.


I don't know if it is a sin or not, but I was an extremely heavy user of weed, very addicted and I tried to quit many times over the last 30 years. I was trying to fill some hole that I didn't know what it was. It was only last year I accepted Jesus, and on day one, I have never touched it again and have never looked back. Thank you Jesus!


As a Christian who has dealt with spiritual warfare all my life, 100% weed was making me more susceptible to the devils attacks. I’m still facing the repercussions of my usage now that I’m sober, my mind feels changed (honestly significantly more dumb for lack of a better word) and more numb to emotions. Weed took who God created me to be and altered the way I think, act, and speak. Weed was used as a coping mechanism and now I’m sober and the memories I was trying to run away from still exist, so exactly as you said Eric, the side effects are not worth it for a temporary solution to what you’re trying to run from.


I agree mostly with the speaker here.

I am a Christian who has a few serious medical conditions and cannabis works better for me than the other available options. And I've been through the gambit of drugs and non-drug therapies. I too have suffered a lot of spiritual attacks in my life, and when I first started using cannabis for medicinal purposes I did notice the increase in the ability for the devil to mess with my head. In fact I feel that THAT is the biggest danger to Christians using it, more so than the physical side effects of long term/excessive use. But I had to trust God to teach me how to handle and manage it and how to use it in a way that He was ok with. For me though, Cannabis amplifies my emotions, and amplifies whatever state I'm already in or leaning towards, good or bad. But through a little trial and error I learned how to control it most of the time to where it actually puts my fleshly nature to death a lot more than I ordinarily could and weakens my fleshly nature for a while, making it easier to obey scripture and resist temptations. I do believe that cannabis can affect our spiritual sensitivity in a broad way, making us more open to perceive or receive communications and clarity from BOTH sides, and that's usually what scares most Christians off and makes them think cannabis is a sin automatically after one or a few tries. But the reality is God MEANT for it to affect our minds the way it does in a sliding scale, where lower doses are fine but anyone who tries to push the dosage up too much will get smacked by it with a wake up call and a stern warning to get it together or cut it out completely. The benefits God intended from it only come from responsible doses, but God will still protect people if they accidentally overdo it sometime and have a frightening experience. Medical users get used to the effects and can navigate it without impairment but the devil's biggest threat regarding cannabis is messing with the heads of folks who accidentally took too much because they weren't being cautious and responsible enough and them being so overwhelmed by the experience that they don't know how to handle it and the devil is able to terrorize them for a little while in that state.


Yes I pray to God and worship him like crazy while smoking my herb he blessed me with


God says be sober minded at all times! 20+ yrs of smoking yet became addicted and it hurt me! Plus it is smoke going in your body!


Thank you for not straying away from difficult topics! 👏 Weed prevented me from having the full peace and joy God wanted to give me. The peace I get from God is deep and long-lasting while the "peace" I got from weed was always short-lived and never satisfied me.


I was saved 20 years ago and smoked weed.
I still smoke weed and praise my savior Jesus christ everyday 🙏
He lives in me and I feel the holy spirit in me when I smoke❤ especially when I read I smoke. I give thanks and praises for weed!!
People drink alcohol I smoke weed
Thank you lord for everything!!
And for dying on the cross for my sins
I Jesus name 🙏 Amen!!


8 years sober I was gonna be a lifer but when I kept reading revelation about all sorcerers going to the lake of fire which is to do with drug usage when we look at the under lying meaning inwas like naw not going to the the lake of fire for weed smoke 💨 then I battled major spirits nightly for months .


I was a chronic marijuana user since i was 13 years old and stopped six months ago when I re dedicated my life to the lord and am now 31 I started using it as a means of calming my anxiety it worked for a while then it started causing horrible panic attacks and anxiety and now im sober was an alcoholic too for 8 years of my life it almost destroyed my life my marriage but im sober and its caused long term effects but im getting through them day by day now I dont feel like I need a joint every hour everyday I used to not be able to go a day without it would go through two ounces a week and two half gallons of liquor a day then quit the alcohol and just smoked weed for a while and quit it six months ago along with shrooms after i rededicated my life to the lord and now i dont feel the need for drugs or alcohol grew up a preachers son but took the wrong path and believe me there's doors you open to demonic forces through the use of all those substances I wasnt myself on all that stuff


Weed doesn't make me high, I feel a little buzz but it's not the same as when I started when I was 15.
It has been 1 week that I stopped smoking.
Everytime I stop I get depressed, I only do the necessary things.
I work in home office, so I only work and then lay down on my bed, I don't feel good, I don't feel pleasure in the things that give me pleasure, like my personal projects, studying playing games for a good time.
I have been using weed for 15 years, I'm 30 now, I tried to smoke less, to keep me away from my depression, but it doesn't work, I tried to smoke only 3 times a day, but I have this compulsive feeling to keep smoking.
Just like cigarettes, that I had a hard time quit smoking tobacco, I'm free from tobacco, 3 years without it, and just the smell of tobacco makes me want to puke, I hope that I have this feeling for weed someday.
Pray for me, so I can get rid of weed once and forever.
God bless y'all


You are not perverted by what goes into your mouth, but by what words come out of it, Jesus said.


I’m just getting diagnosed with ADHD at 39. This seems to be why I’m involved with cannabis and other life issues.


I used to use this verse to justify my smoking habits

Genesis 9:3 - Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

And this is from someone who smoked every day, all day for 12 years.

It’s once the migraines started coming from my constant smoking and would only subside when I finally laid down smoking weed, that I had to really be honest with myself and say that this isn’t the highest place that God wants me.

The verse doesn’t say, I gave you all the herbs for meat(meaning food) and you can smoke too… I’m not opposed to ingesting marijuana as I believe this is backed biblically.

The issue for me that arose is everytime I would go to “edibles only”, I would inevitably be dissatisfied with the lack of “high” that was produced in comparison to smoking and would always resort back to smoking sooner than later.


Proud that my pastor takes on these topics and provides sheparding and leadership! It is a "deadening " of the mind after one hit (for those that would compare it to a glass of wine)- for a reason. The great news is Jesus loves and invites as a we are, but He will not LEAVE us as we are.... you can be free of this as the Spirit works from the inside out.


I went back and forth on this for 10 years. Watching video after video and listening to religious “authority” after “authority”. All, searching for the answer I wanted to hear. I’ve made every practical excuse some of you have. “God put it here”, “it’s medicine”, “it calms me to talk to and hear God”, “I’m more loving when ‘medicated’”….

A few “authorities” said the same thing, “If you have to ask…”.

You know the answer in your heart and you’re waiting for a human to tell you what you want to hear in order to justify it over God’s word. You want a human to use God for you to remove your stain of guilt.

I’m not Orthodox but a priest said in a video “to attempt to open the noetic eye with substances in order to communicate with the spirit world, is sorcery”. You don’t know which voice is answering back and also, God will reveal His mysteries to you in His time. If you want the Holy Spirit to take up a permanent residence in you, you MUST be sober. Stone cold sober. For every reason you think cannabis is a good medicine, God is better. When you suffer, go to God instead. Read your Bible and if you’re still stressed, read more and pray more.


I'm in the other camp. I'm a devout Christian (Roman Catholic) and I smoke marijuana daily. It is different for everybody. How 2 joints affects me vs. how 2 puffs affect someone else is not synonymous with alcohols intoxicating effects. My archdiocese currently takes the view that Marijuana is an instant intoxicant, therefore unlike alcohol cannot be had at all because it's affects cannot be tapered. This statement is untrue, and coming from decades of prejudice against the plant, it's affects (which differ greatly user to user, unlike alcohol; yes i understand some can ''hold their liquor'' better than others, but again attempting to compare apples to oranges here) Marijuana, for me personally, as I can only speak from my own experience, does not intoxicate me whatsoever. The physical affects are that of relaxation, a lightening of stress cerebrally (like weight lifted, hence the term ''high'' for me) and a slight dry mouth. My patience for challenges in life increases, my desire for the world to slow down (the term ''stop and smell the roses'' comes to mind, to take time to take in all that god created for us and to take time to stop, block out the distractions in life, and connect with the Lord) increases, and life becomes more simple. I understand this is not the affect for most users, and that my circumstance/tolerance to the affects of the plant is unique. I am able to perform at a high level in a profession that requires a uniquely high-level of attention to detail, I am able to maintain positive social relationships, and I am able to prioritize my family ( wife and 2 beautiful children ) and their needs/desires, without any hinderance in any of these arenas of my life. Law enforcement does not like policing marijuana for the very reason of people like myself. With Alcohol, officers know exactly where you are on the spectrum. With our christian based angle of i'll cut myself off before intoxication, it matters not to the law. They can (with breath, hair, and blood tests) say you are a .12 BAC, or a .20, and deem you intoxicated. They have a system in place and can police that system well. With marijuana on the other hand, a person like myself (see car and driver 1980's closed-course marijuana intoxication and driving experiment with 3 different level marijuana users and 3 very different results) can function on a similar, arguably better level than sober(again more patience being the driving force in that claim).

I would implore the Catholic church to start over on their approach to Marijuana. To not go off of the mainstream, negative narrative that hippie counter culture gave the plant, but rather to look at how all civilizations have interacted with the plant for the last few centuries, and come at the issue with an open mind as to not try to correlate marijuana and alcohols affects and nature hand in hand, but to view them individually and see for themselves the multitudes of good that can come to some (not all) who may benefit from the affects of this plant.

Genesis 1:29 ''Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat (I interpret this as to use what we were graced with, to our benefit, not to abuse, and not to our, or humanities demise, and to do so in a way god would approve, aka still living in his way/image.)

God Bless Everyone, Jesus is Risen, he is the only truth, the lamb of god, our savior, The Redeemer.


I wish i would have never started again 16 years ago 😔 the holy spirit warned me i didn't listen now i pray i have the strength to quit
