Can Christians Get High?

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20 year smoker here, I didn’t want to quit smoking weed because I loved it. I was like George. Tried to justify it, but God knew how I really felt so I admitted it to God that I didn’t quit because I loved it (Flesh) I knew I had a calling. So I wanted to, but never could. Finally just came to the conclusion of I wouldn’t get sent to hell for smoking, but during judgement day, what if…God asks you, out of all those blunts how many of them led someone to me? Every time you lit up how many times did it glorify my name? I would be left speechless. I’m a barber and I do my best to speak Jesus to all my clients, and you know if they came in and seen me smoking and I tried to share the good news how much of what I said would be void or fall on deaf ears…that’s not what I want, we all are called to share the gospel…

Finally I asked God take it from me, I can’t do it alone. I want to be in your will. Not mine. By the grace of God I am 6 months clean TODAY.


The more pain I go through with a sober mind, the more I go to God for peace. It unites us.


The fact he started out by saying “this is a demon I’ve been trying to fight for a long time” answers your question right there.. getting high is something that feeds your fleshly desires and if you’re truly led by the Holy Spirit you wouldn’t smoke, don’t be deceived by sin.


If you're reading this please pray for me. I am stuck in a vicious cycle. I am a functioning alcoholic and then that turns into partying and then that turns into watching corn. I dont want to keep living like this. I want to be close to God.


For every reason you drink or smoke, God is the better solution.


I smoked weed for 10 years. I am 27 now. Everytime I would get high I would always felt convicted….I decided to stop completely and I instantly started to have dreams, vivid real dreams. I had one more “urge” to smoke weed to get high because I was battling anxiety and just boredom. I went to bed that night sober and God came to me in both my dreams. I saw a different life for myself and I saw how God could work in my life if I just did not smoke weed anymore. Ever since I had those dreams I never once desired to smoke weed anymore. God has a calling for all of us and we all have a responsibility to take care of the body (temple) God has blessed us with. You have the freedom to do what you want, but remember that everything you do alive on earth God has an account of it and he will ask you why you did the things you did. Seek Jesus Christ and believe with all your heart and he will reveal his plans for you. I’m very thankful I was able to quit smoking and get right with Jesus ✝️


“Be self controlled and sober-minded” Thank you God! Praise the Lord Jesus!


I'm 37, smoked since I was 13. 29 days clean after ACTUALLY repenting and getting rid of people, places and things. It helped me sleep and never been able to sleep well since I was 18. I'm miserable, uncomfortable, I have no confidence and question who I am alot. I still can't sleep more than 3 hours at a time. But my God is bigger, he keeps his promises, he's the Deliverer and healer... In due time God will provide sleep, confidence, joy, and I am starting to believe what my real identity is and it has nothing to do with THC. I basically had a calling and conviction from the Holy Spirit with him saying " I can't grow you and take you any further in your purpose without you surrendering this to me." I was devastated but I CHOSE to follow Jesus and I must be obedient and be made perfect in my suffering and pain. No matter what God is faithful and blessed obedience. I am whole in Him and because I love him I will continue to be sober and find joy in my misery because I know he will deliver me from it once my mind and traumas are healed. Thank you Jesus 🙏


I used to smoke all day everyday, drink heavy on the weekends. I asked God one night in fervent prayer if it’s ok, welp, let’s just say that I don’t smoke weed or drink alcohol anymore, it’s been replaced with prayer and scripture study which I feel much better about. God bless yall.


George is awesome for being so honest, open & transparent I feel him


Intention is important. Relaxation is one thing. Escapism or to heal is another issue. I used shrooms and dmt. During an Ayahuasca ceremony, Jesus showed up and told me to stop lifting the hood and poking at the spirit. He said I AM the mechanic, not you. TRUST ME 🙏🏽
Praise God


Holy Spirit dropped this in my noggin a while back, just as soldiers at war have to be sober and ready to fight, so we as Christians have to be ready for the spiritual battle we are in at all times. How silly we look when we are drunk and high with our guard down in this perishing world. Be of a sober mind at all times.


"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" - 1 Peter 5:8


As a born again, Colorado native, weed was a large of my life, even after I encountered the living God. I took me years to come to the realization that getting high was really taking me farther from God. In reality I was getting low, in the sense I was coming down from my seat in heavenly places to seek comfort from the things of this world. Family, let the Holy Spirit be your comforter. Seek things that are above, not the things of this earth. I encourage you that there is a better way and that you can leave behind all regret and shame.


I’m a walking testimony. I’m only turning 26 this year and I was a weed smoker for almost 10 years. And I mean chronic I couldn’t do anything even be with my family unless I was high. One day I was so sick of it and I’ve tried to quit plenty times but always went back. Anyway one day I was on my bed crying out to god to please help me and heal me of this addiction. I told him I’m ready to submit fully I’m done being a lukewarm Christian. I trust you lord. The NEXT day I was healed. God completely took the urge, the craving, the emptiness from me. I felt god working inside me. I’m now almost 3 months sober this is the longest I’ve gone without it. And I will never cross my lord by going back to what he healed me from. I’m so blessed. My life has changed. I no longer struggle with mental health issues. Praise god. Our GOD is so faithful.


I threw my last drugs away yesterday. I feel so much more free and I thank God. It has been a 6 month struggle, but I started to realize that I actually don't enjoy being drugged and my best moments are when I am close to the Lord.
I also used to pray when high, because I thought I could focus better, but then my pastor told me "if you seek a relationship with Jesus, is it a good relationship when you only come to him when you're high?". Sober life is better, because whenever you are high and drugged up you make yourself unavailable to God and serve your flesh instead.


As a 20 year weed smoker I can testify that I use to be just like George & addicted to the comfort of smoking but once I got my annoiting, the Holy Ghost has been the comforter I need. His convictions show & will hurt him in the long run. It's just the enemy's way of keeping him trapped.💯 Peace & Blessings🙏💕🙏💕


I loved smoking. But I noticed that when I smoke, I start desiring things that are not from God or of God. It makes me want to indulge in things that I know are not good for me like over eating (gluttony). Then I thought about 1 Peter 5:8 that tells us to "be sober minded." Even if I'm just smoking and laughing, and just enjoying myself, I am not sober minded when I'm high. The Lord has really been dealing with my heart. Eternity is on the other side of our last breath. 60-80 years of life seems long, but compared to eternity, it's a vapor in the wind. This life is temporary. Don't waste it. In all things, glorify God. Do I miss it sometimes? Yes. But even those moments are temporary. There is nothing I can get from weed, that I can't get from God. enough. My flesh is always going to crave the things of this world because it is also of this world. That's why when we die, we don't take these bodies with us. We are called to live by the Spirit. Not our flesh. Now, when my flesh is thirsty for sin and I'm tempted to replace God and all his fullness, graciousness, and love with the desires of my flesh, I audibly remind myself that the flesh will always crave sin, but the Holy Spirit requires righteousness. We have to stop teetering between sin and righteousness.


I am glad I came across these comments- because this is something I struggle with right now today. Thank you all for sharing you guys testimonies. 🙌🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 I'm asking for prayer for deliverance- in Jesus' mighty name- Amen.🙌🏽🙏🏽🫶🏽


I’ve been sober on almost 3 weeks of pot and nicotine. I am grateful for God and his help. Last week I got baptized and the days before I was offered pot and I turned it down. And I felt as if I finally passed that test! So thank you Jesus!!!
