Genshin Impact Beginners Guide: 25 Tips for New + Returning Players

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0:00 Intro
0:25 Stamina
1:44 Ad Break
2:51 Focus On A Couple Of Characters
4:19 Two Free Characters (+Spiral Abyss)
6:37 The Adventure Book
7:33 Free 4-Stars Weapons
9:00 Save EXP Books
9:46 Use Your Sigils
10:30 Prototype Weapons
11:58 Make The Resin More Valuable (+ Keep Your Fragile Resin)
13:46 The Serenitea Pot
14:48 Do The Events While They're Available
15:46 Character Banner (+ Pity System)
16:56 Weapons Banner
17:28 Normal Banner
18:17 The Shop
20:50 Free Beidou (Event)
21:20 The Traveler
22:04 Elemental Resonance
23:13 Use Your Food
24:07 Don't Be Afraid To Do Coop
24:43 4-Stars Weapons Can Be Good Enough
25:30 Artifacts + Elemental Cups
27:16 Farm Crystals (+ Expedition)
28:18 Parametric Transformer
28:47 Treasure Compasses (+ Reputation System)
30:45 Redeem Codes
#genshin #genshinimpact
Genshin Impact Beginners Guide! Some of my top tips for new and returning players!
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Explore every corner of the map and pick up every shiny thing you see


Biggest tip: wearing headphones may improve your gaming experience.


My tip: Don't get yourself burnt out by playing TOO much. Enjoy the game, take some time to get invested into the story and characters. Rushing to AR45 is tempting, but it's not really worth a lot of you end up getting bored because there isn't anything else to do.


Here it's another tip: When you are climbing, don't always jump. Your stamina will lose quickly. But if you climb slowly, you will have even more stamina then jumping after climbing. Hope that helps :>


i'm AR 12 or something. I was exploring around, trying to get as many teleport waypoints and statues as i could (for the healing) and ended up in liyue. explored a little, bought some recipes, did a side quest... now i'm back in mondstadt doing the main story quest pretending it never happened lmao


Me, an AR 56: *interesting...*
My tip: You can play with characters, but artifacts play with you


TIP: For newer players, each of your characters have talents you can level up as you play through the game. Do not neglect these because it's a nice boost of damage or utility for your team.


Pro tip: have fun and don't try to rush.


Tip: You can actually ask the blacksmiths for tips where to find ores. They will mark your map where clusters of ores can be found.


Be careful of ascending your adventurer rank until you are really ready - everything gets harder to kill and can slow your progress dramatically. On the up side - your rewards are better.


Another tip: dont underestimate 4 star characters


This is why Mtashed is such a positive CC in the Genshin community. We have enough creators for the hardcore players and whales, but it's nice to see someone do good for newer players and those less experienced.
I'm AR56 personally but still, respects


not a beginner but will still watch the video. I cant believe inazuma comes tomorrow!


My tip for beginners: Instead of just randomly putting artifacts or weapons on your characters I suggest going to your bag and press the artifact that you want then click fast equip so you see what it will lower or if it will add up damage and etc.


Another tip is: play with the characters you like. Doesn't matter if you don't have any 5-stars yet or if people dislike your favourite character and try to convince you that they're useless. Every character can be strong if you build them right so just play with whoever you want and don't let meta influence you, it's _your_ team and the only thing that matters if whether _you_ like them or not. Team comps or which characters you use don't matter outside of the Abyss anyway so just go with whoever you like the most, however unconventional or inconvenient it is.


Here's one of my personal tips for new players: when you get those XP books and you use them to level up your characters, have you noticed that once you level up a character, their HP bar goes to max?

You can actually save those XP books, and you can use them in the middle of a really tough boss fight. Let's say you're doing one of the world level ascension quests and one of your characters is about to die. just bring up the character menu and level them up one! Now he/she has full health! It's basically a free heal and you're not consuming any food, so it doesn't affect your appetite status. (you just can't do this trick if you have reached your max level and need to ascend)


Tip: Do not destroy your 3 star weapons, sometimes they are better than 4* ones for some specific characters because they are easy to get to max refinement rank.
Keep at least 1 copy of each R5 weapon
For example: Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, Harbinger Of Dawn, White Tassel etc


This tip might help: every day, you can ask the blacksmith both in Mondstadt and Liyue for the locations of crystal ores. If you do this daily, you can have more crystal chunks and magical crystal chunks. You can use the magical crystal chunks as materials for the parametric transformer.

OFC, if you have the time, you can check the interactive map to farm all the locations of these crystal ores.


I started to play Genshin Impact 2 days ago. I've got Xianling via the newbie banner and I'm so happy with her 😍
