How to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset | Linda Chiou | TEDxKerrisdaleLive

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The leap from the comfort of a 9-5 corporate job to the insecurity of starting your own business is one you should take only after careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation. In her talk, Linda reveals how she started her own entrepreneurship journey, and shares her top 5 tips for cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset.

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As a student and a future entrepreneur, prioritizing learning and growth is number one. I always try to pursue new knowledge and ideas about life. I love to learn and consider myself a student of life. I’m always reading a new book, practicing a new skill, or researching a new subject I’m interested in. Making personal development a part of my lifestyle. Each day, I set aside time to read blogs, articles, and books that help me increase my knowledge, sharpen my skills, and feel even more motivated and inspired to move forward.


9:58 thank you for your honesty.
13:13 passion,
14:03 focus on your niche ( perfect your product or service as you go and learn from your customers and find out how you can stand out from your competitors),
14:29 build a trusted and talented team,
15:19 embrace failure,
15:55 set small achievable goals (consistency is the key).


As a potential entrepreneur, I found this to be very relatable to everyone because it emphasizes the importance of choosing what brings you fulfillment while also bringing you joy. That life is not just about getting what you want and following your dreams. But it is about chasing your goals without sacrificing your feelings in the process. By putting equal value on achieving it and being comfortable in doing so. This talk educated me that we must prioritize things in a balanced manner. Not only for entrepreneurs, but for individuals as well, this approach could be ideal. That our feelings, as well as chances, should not be neglected. Which is why we must learn to equally exert effort on both. In this sense, it can help us grow and bring us constant joy.


As a graduating student, this topic made me realize that no matter how good your profession is, or how big your salary is if you are not happy and comfortable with your job and in return you have no time for your family and for yourself everything is meaningless. To be in workplace even if you got paid minimum as long as you got to feel the happiness and comfortability, that what matters most. like what she stated happiness is more essential than money or career.


After being laid off twice to companies I gave my all to them, during this unemployment season I've decided to start a business. While I most likely won't make a profit enough to not work in the corporate world for the next 2 years at least it's a start for a better future where I'm not dismissed because of others


I love how she said that happiness is important than career or money. as I graduating student and also a mother you inspire me to become an entrepreneur because you can choose your schedule and time no one will dictate you I can do the things that I want and I am the boss. I learned that to build a business is a big risk to take you just need to be hard working and patient to become successful thank you for sharing your journey that women can also become a successful entrepreneur.


Inspiring insights from Linda on transitioning from a 9-5 to entrepreneurship. Her emphasis on careful consideration and her top 5 tips for an entrepreneurial mindset are spot-on. As a business coach, I highly recommend this video for those considering the leap – concise and powerful guidance!


Linda's opening line was very motivational. I deeply understand how she points out that money is something that we can easily recuperate and get back and how time is the most important thing in the world because when time passes there's no way of getting it back. I love this because her Ted Talk is on Cultivating that Entrepreneurial Mindset and when we talk entrepreneurship we talk business, which is money and success but we all have different takes on success which she points out and gives us advice on how to achieve it while also gaining happiness. She then tells her story of how at a young age she had entrepreneurial skills which she used in starting her own businesses but even if they failed it didn't deter her and only motivated her to do better which I think not a lot of people can do. I like how we are kind of similar in this way as I too have worked small-time jobs and developed experiences and knowledge that I am using today. Her Ted Talk for me closely revolves around how she learned from her experiences and how she used it to build herself up while pursuing what made her happy and for me, this is her main point which is to be successful is to be happy. So for future entrepreneurs like us, this reminds us that for us to be truly successful we must work on what we love and be hungry for growth and for our pursuit of happiness.


As a graduating student, the topic in this video that I watched was extremely beneficial not only to us students, but also to others who were able to see it because we acquired additional information and knowledge from her experiences prior to and after she began her profession. She stated that happiness is more essential than money or career, which I agree with. Make sure you enjoy your job or career since you will be more successful and less likely to burn out if you are happy and enjoying it. Make certain that what you're doing is worthwhile, particularly in terms of time.


As an entrepreneur, I can relate to her especially on the challenges and obstacles that a young individual experienced in terms of having a right mindset and attitude in building his own business and career. In life you will not always get what you want most of the time but the hard way for you to build your character and attitude towards the success you are aiming for.


Some people appear to be born with the entrepreneurial spirit, the desire to create something new, address problems in the world, and go it alone. Others put in a lot of effort to cultivate and maintain that mindset. Sharpening your entrepreneurial attitude can have a huge impact on your life, whether you plan to start your own firm soon or years down the road. It will assist you in continuing to learn, progress, and stretch yourself to your full potential.


I'm still at my day job and working on my side business for 2+ yrs and lately it's been harder to juggle as my side business requires more time to expand and my day job is kind of in the way. The anxiety of taking the leap to transition to full time entrepreneurship is real, but these motivation videos help keep the momentum strong.


As a graduating student, her talk is extremely beneficial because she discussed her professional experiences; it has inspired me to take risks and believe that anything is possible if you truly enjoy/love what you are doing. This movie is incredibly motivating, especially for those who desire to start their own business. Remember to enjoy every minute while working toward your goal. It's not easy at first, but if you stick with it, it'll all be worth it! Just keep going and believing in yourself; there is no such thing as the proper time to start retracing your steps. She also says that happiness is more important than a job or money, especially if the job is causing you stress. It doesn't matter how much money you make if you aren't happy and don't have time for your loved ones; everything is meaningless. Time is ticking away, and we can't go back in time. Take chances, and always do your best and what makes your heart happy.


As a graduating student, this topic was really helpful because it give us more knowledge about her experiences before and after she start here career. I really like what she said that happiness is more important than a career or money especially if your career is not fulfilling and it just give you stress, if is not worth the time investment. Enjoy every little moment while achieving your own dreams because time is something that you can never get back. This video help me to pursue my goals, career and dreams without any hesitation and doubt and now I realize achieving my career and job is my life and happiness. This video is really inspiring especially to people who wants to become entrepreneurial. People who wants to have their own business must watch this video because it's about a person who shares her experiences, progress, and how she became successful. Thank you for the inspiring story. ✨💖


As a graduating tourism student, I found the discussion in this video relatable and very essential in taking a step in my career path. Way back, in choosing what course should I take in college, I asked myself, what job would I want to do wherein I can work responsibly but at the same time, I would be able to do the things that I love without being stuck to my job. And so I've decided to choose tourism management course for the reason that I was always into traveling and exploring. When I was in high school, I've always dreamt and planned of having my own business someday. Practically, I want to have a job right after I graduate and save as much as I can to be able to venture my own business because like Ms. Chiou, I want to work on my own terms while managing my own time. After watching this video, I became more inspired because she's a living proof that with perseverance and good mindset, I could achieve my goals too.


She's such an inspiration especially for young woman who want to start their own business. Legend !


As a Graduating college student, the topic in this video are very inspiring and remarkable. she talked about how she started until she became successful, to be successful you need to enjoy what you are doing, i really agree with her. lastly Prioritize your learning and growth. Because entrepeneur constantly pursue new knowledge and new ideas.


Personally, I was really fascinated about the speaker's talk. She is very influential and very effective to the listeners. I totally agree about what she have said in the first part of the video, we are taught that we need to study, needs to have high grades, and land on a corporate job earning minimum wage to higher amount of money. However, we are not taught about how entrepreneurship goes. Money can be earned but time is very precious. We need to do what we really love because we can always gain money but not time. In entrepreneurship, always focus on your niche and learn from your customers. You need to have a strong fate for you to succeed. If you feel like you wanna quit, always remember why you started... This is really exciting and informative!


it's scary how the first part of her story is exactly like mine! and the way she felt and thought! I just have to venture to my entrepreneurial self


I listen to your stories every day, at least twice a day. Thank You for sharing and motivation.
