Testing NEW Fighter Pilot Tech while Dogfighting

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This is footage that hasn't been seen before--the Air Force's premier test and evaluation squadron, the 422 TES, flies with the latest technology that's not available to the larger Air Force. They've partnered with the Defense Innovation Unit and today you're going to get an inside look at a mission.

📷 Produced by: Sam Cyphers, Josh Hak, and Nicole Livering


F-35 fighter pilot, previously flew the F-16, including 82 combat missions. In 2016 selected as the Top Instructor Pilot of the Year for Shaw AFB. Mission commander and the only fighter pilot to fly two different types of jets into combat on the same day.

*Approved and adheres to AFI 1-1, USAF Social Media Policy. For questions reach out to the Defense Innovation Unit (under Secretary of Defense) Legal department. Opinions in this video do not represent the United States Air Force, DOD, or any other organization*
Рекомендации по теме

It’s really awesome to see the heart rate of the pilot within a dogfighting scenario, shows just how athletic an individual has to be to do this profession! Huge respect!


I am a retired respiratory therapist, and the sensors seen here have been in use in health care for decades. It's surprising to me that it has taken this long to apply these things to air combat. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of aircrews already use cheap, otc pulse oximeters on their own.


I was a high-G test subject at the centrifuge at Brooks City Base in San Antonio from 2015 to 2020. I was outfitted with a few iterations of this product over my years there to test it at G and performed a synthetic workload. It's neat to see this thing actually in a plane now.


Love hearing flip talk through things in the cockpit


Wow that cockpit footage is unmatched.. audio was amazing, the pilots live commentary made it really immersive. Amazing watching the wings and Amraams flex and shake in high G maneuvers. This has to be the best job in the world. Plus on top of that they are testing new technology and equipment to make future pilots jobs that much safer. Absolutely awesome episode! Thank you for sharing this with us.


This was fantastic! Loved it! Thank you for sharing with people like me who were wannabe fighter pilots. You can see how important it is to have really good cockpit vision. That bubble canopy offers incredible views.


It's actually kinda mind blowing that this is JUST NOW getting researched in 2022. Especially since we've been pushing hard g's for over 70 years. A pilot's fitness plays a HUGE part in his ability to push the limits AND stay just as sharp mentally. In that sense they're pro athletes. I just assumed that this bio monitoring was already a part of being a pilot in a fighter jet. It's awesome that it is getting done.... It's just a little weird it hasn't already been sop.


It’s great to see civilian applications applied commercially and adopted nearly overnite in the military. These types of initiatives will move the military ahead even as hardware and budgets lag. Great video!


This is awesome! We really need these technologies for our pilots. Also, love the patch Hasard!


Hasard! Thanks so much for showcasing the importance of some of the ways we are transforming pilot training and performance. Great stuff, as always!


That bubble canopy really does make the world a difference, it's incredible the field of view in this thing


Yyyoooo!!! Such a small world!
I was station with Capt Warden(Flip) at Eielson AFB. Let's go!


Essentially, putting telemetry on the most important piece in the whole C2 picture…. The actual pilot.
The festinated expedition of process is actually mind blowing if they can get it through that fast. Very cool.


This has been in science fiction for 50+ years and in real healthcare for at least a couple decades. I figured it was already incorporated into the military by now. That guy was like a cat playing with his food against him in the defensive, lol. Thanks guys for the video.


Great video, awesome to see how physiologic data monitoring in real time can improve safety and improved effectiveness for the pilot. As an anesthesiologist, this was especially interesting for me to watch. Thank you for giving us a behind the scenes look at what you guys/gals deal with up there - you’re all pretty incredible!


It’s great that someone like you can show everyone who dreams of flying these aircraft what goes on in them and how it feels to pilot them


Thank you for sharing this stunning footage of the dogfight. Realy interesting to see actual data how the manouvers affect a fighter pilots body. It's realy valuable to me to get trustworthy first-hand information.
Appreciate your work.


That is so cool! We always talk about technology to the airframe, delivery systems and avionics. About time we start monitoring and helping the one at the controls. #SendIt


Spectacular and a nice new point of view. It makes you understand how prepared the pilots must be (in every aspect)


Hasard: so flips gonna try to gun ike
flip: "fight's on" "Fox 3!"

dammit flip you had one job
