Why Does School Sucks | Comparison

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If you’re a student and you think school sucks, you’re not alone. There’s a certain point where all kids start to hate school. Most kids like school during their early elementary years, but something happens around 4th or 5th grade. Kids start being aware of other things around them. And at some point, kids realize school isn’t that great. In fact, it sucks.

Even teachers agree that school sucks. Teachers are mostly there because they’re getting paid (which is reasonable), and even money can’t make them enjoy the experience. If you’re in school (student or teacher) and you’re depressed, don’t worry about it. It’s normal to be depressed at school.

This probability comparison/comparison video is based on relevant sources and community discussions. All numbers and facts listed might not be up to date, valid, or in any specific order.


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Fun Fact: some layouts of schools are actually built off of prison layouts


In my school there are enough bathrooms, but the only 2 complaints I have about them is 1st that we're not allowed to use them during the lessons, and 2nd is that they are extremly disgusting and it just makes you feel uncomfortable using them


My mental health has been falling apart since i entered middle school


“Teachers don’t get paid enough”

Meanwhile: students doing what teachers made them work on and not getting paid, forced labor, getting punished, and more. Teachers do that.


My main problem with school system is the by-heart system and the force into learning something which you're not interested in. And non-professional teachers
Pressure is good sometimes but there's limits;

here's an example: Person A wants to become a boxer, his teacher will push him down and let him pull himself up to become stronger which is VERY NECESSARY for boxing. But Person B wants to become a boxer too, but his teacher taught him about maths and science which is UNNECESSARY for boxing, it makes them less motivated and push them down, the teacher lets him stay there.

By heart system is okay sometimes but why are some taught to memorize such long sentences? So useless.

I'll say High school system is messed up, but primary such as from nursery, kindergarten to grade 4 is fine!


I agree in Every single one school sucks and im an anti-school and school makes me loose my Brain cells and it feels like hell


No point of watching this I already know how bad school is


School is prison, because you can’t leave until a certain Time, and the food their sucks


School honestly does sucks! it is so boring from someone like me that gets bored easily and I ended up having so much problems with the schools.
That I was put in that ended causing me to quit it at grade 10 and my parents did zero shit over my problems since I know in fact my parents didn't
Bother to take me out from a elementary school that did used to have a teacher that hated me so much which I do remember I used to be a elementary school.
That was close by my house until I ended up having to be put in that bad elementary school since they didn't have the special classes for me from someone
Like me that has a learning disability which I can see how school can be so frustrating for people with disabilities and of course with junior high school.
My parents didn't even bother letting me walk to school since I didn't want to take the school bus aka a small bus that I never like in grade 8 is the times
That I ended up having to be force to be on the small bus with students in a different school that were so rude to me and even the time a Muslim female.
Decides to gay harass me by calling me gay for singing a disney tv show theme song that I never find that right I get called gay for singing a theme song
And also I did have my own fault for wanting to go to a high school that is in an area that also has a second high school that I have hear many crazy stuff.
About the second high school that I have hear many of the students would do drugs and smoke and even have sex which I can even see why they have a
Day care but of course I honestly never would knew how the school itself would have a second class for me and the other students have to be in which.
It was the times I ended up having a really toxic moment in that class! since I never like I was being yell at by classmates since they never like my laugh
Which from the first time I got yell at by the classmates, I was like damn yo it is just a laugh! while I get told how people are going to get annoyed at it.
Which I was also like It's like I'm not even allowed to laugh at all while I get told you can laugh but just not with that laugh even though it is my laugh
While I also never like how the teacher herself threatens to send me to the office over my laugh and I also never like some other classmate himself.
Threatens to knock my jaw out all because he didn't like my laugh! which I never find that right at all and I also never like how I got yell at again!
That I ended up in tears since I just couldn't handle having to be yelled over my laugh! which they do prove how toxic high school students can be.
And I also never like I got called names like being called stupid that hurts me! from someone like me that got call that so many times that I can't
Even take it that well! and even the times I also got called the f slur by classmates aka a word that only gay guys can say but of course I can always see.
On how that word will always be thrown as an insult by many people that ain't gay which it ain't going to stop people from using it as an insult though
While I also didn't know that school will also have a gym class for me and the other students to be in which makes me feel like I'm back in elementary school.
While I always will hate school gym from someone like me that did have such bad feet and even my back was hurting which I also never like sports at all
Which I do think schools should know how not anyone likes sports! which it was also the times I start ditching that class and start ditching school even more.
Which I also ended up having mental issues too and I also would never like I used to have a substitute teacher that wouldn't understand I never wanted to draw a cookie
Since there was a time in 2013 I ended up having a cyberbullying incident that got me very hurt due to how I got harass by some user from a meme site.
That cause me to lose interest to draw and even cause my anger to got worse! which I just never like how the teacher just himself just wouldn't understand I just
Didn't want to draw at all! 🙄which I end up ditching again and that's when I finally quit school which seeing the problems I have been having from my life!
I just have been so lost in life all thinks to those problems even with those problems from school too.


Schools suck because teachers aren't paid enough? that doesn't sound like an accurate point.
When I was in the 2nd grade, My homeroom teacher was also my math, sciences and english teacher all in one and she would make us write a lot, so much that I had to sharpen my pencils before going to school and she would get triggered when I would ask to sharpen my pencil to the point she said that she would take anyone's sharpener if she saw it. Me and my classmates didn't like her but when we found out later on that she was a rookie and wasn't paid enough, we started to laugh at that.
