The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Fishing Guide | Best ways to Get Treasure and Fish!

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The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20 Fishing Guide

Everything You Need To Know About Fishing In Minecraft 1.20, Including how to build the Easiest Automatic AFK Fish Farm in Java and Bedrock Minecraft 1.20, Learn How to Get the Best luck when fishing in Minecraft all you need to know tips and tricks and fishing mechanics explained in Minecraft Survival 1.20! This Guide Explains Everything You Can Fish in Minecraft 1.20,
What Enchantments are on the Best Fishing Rod and Tons of Minecraft 1.20 Fishing Tips you Need to Know in this Ultimate Guide.

0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Basic Fishing Techniques
1:13 - Fishing Loot
2:09 - Jungle Biome Fishing
3:42 - Fishing Rod Enchants
5:42 - Fishing in Bedrock vs Java
6:57 - Sky Exposure
7:05 - Fishing in Rain
7:16 - Particles and Fishing
7:45 - Fishing Rod Durability
8:09 - Fishing Far from the Bobber
8:46 - Offhand Fishing
9:49 - Original AFK Fish Farm
12:00 - New AFK Fish Farm
13:24 - Cool Fishing Rod Tricks
15:13 - 10 Minute Fishing Test
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I consider the fishing rod to be a vital piece of kit and should be crafted ASAP when you start in a new survival world.


Got lucky and fished up a few rods with Mending, Lure and Luck of the Sea in a single session. Never have to worry about my fishing rod again.


Just wanna say i really like your channel and just subscribed. I used to play Minecraft a lot around 10 years ago and now that Im getting back into it everything is changed. I’m really glad someone is making very current tutorials for the game lol that are easy to understand. Thanks and looking forward to more content.


I’m glad someone like you is revamping every single guide to a specific feature in Minecraft both old features and new ones.


In Pc Bedrock, if you dig a 5x5x2 hole and fill it with water, you catch stuff. If you grab a bucket and fill the hole with just a few fish, you catch stuff VERY quickly - almost no wait time, enchanted pole or not. That suggests that fish proximity plays a role in wait time.


Tip for bedrock edition players, keep a fish(mob) near your fishing area to decrease the amount of waiting time


omg thank you so much for clarifying about air exposure, I built a fishing farm in my cave house and was wondering why it took so long to get fish.


Also I think fishing in ocean is a lot faster, there's maybe some chunks which increases your chances to fish.
I tested it.
Also I keep a cat on my boat so phantoms won't annoy me.


Fishing is so relaxing. I love to fish from my boat too. I was really shocked when I came back to iminecraft and caught a saddle lol But very glad, I def needed one. Love your guides, they have been very helpful in getting up to speed on the newest features I've missed.


Mending has pretty random chance.
It's amazing to get. Also you can get really powerful bows and books from it.
Gets you lots of infinity bows.


Great information. A lot of people are just starting in Minecraft with consoles & phones they got for Christmas. It always helps to understand how things work so a player can make good decisions
I'm subbed & enjoying your channel.


on bedrock you'll be able to reel the fish in the second the trail of bubbles reaches the bobber, you don't have to wait for it to go underwater.


I think AFK fish farms will be fixed in the upcoming wild update, the censor block could potentially detect bobber making noise and real in the rod for us! Which should make it possible for AFK treasure fishing!


Fishing is unironically my favorite thing in this game, just because of how early you can start and how useful it can be in the long run.
All it takes is two oak logs and one or two spiders...


My man's not wrong he does make the ultimate guides he can tell you literally everything there is to know about fishing


I love fishing. But nobody I play with every use it. I think it's because it's tedious and nobody wants to sit there forever fishing, especially first starting out it's pretty slow but after you've you've fished up several enchanted rods and put them all together you're set. Get your self a grand stone and a fisherman villager and you're set for a decent xp and emerald farm. Also you can get other rare enchantments such as frost walker that you can't get from the enchanting table as well as fishing up enchanted bows to put together to get a decked out bow with either mending or infinity, whatever you prefer. Fishing is OP and I'll always advocate for it.


I love your guides. Great insight and presentation, similar to content Cubey made 2 years ago.
P.S. saddles are renewable through raids


There is actually another way to get saddles renewably, by killing the ravagers when you started a raid
P. S. Sometimes I wish the probability to get puffer fish was lower 😂 I think I’m the only one with this problem.


3:18, saddles are renewable by way of illager raids in bedrock. And fishing.


Me fishing: STOP giving me pufferfish

Me when I need them: STOP giving me cod
