[ASMR] Affirmations for Anxiety, Depression & Suicidal Thoughts (softly spoken)

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I hope that this video can help you get through a tough night, but please try to seek professional help, as I am not a therapist. *hugs*

SNAPCHAT: bananagaloshes

For any and all business inquiries, please email me at softlygaloshes (at) gmail (dot) com Thank you! :) (NOTE: This is NOT for just asking questions or wanting conversation. This is for business reasons only. If you wish to talk to me casually, send me a tweet, a message on my various tumblrs, or my Facebook. All of those are linked above.)

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Keep this going. The world needs more healing. Thank you so much.


Once you got to the 5 year old self part. I broke down in tears to be honest. No shame. Like I've done a lot of stuff i wish i could take back when dealing with my depression so that part right there hit me hard. Thnk you so much for this video


you have no idea how much this means to me, this video is pretty old so you probably won’t even see this comment but i just want to say thank you so much. i’ve struggled with mental health basically all my life and i seemed to finally be getting better but lately i’ve felt that everything was falling apart again. it’s so hard staying hopeful when you don’t have or ever had what you so desperately wish for, it really feels like it’s all in your head and you will never realistically achieve it. I needed to hear someone say that using your past as proof for your future is bullshit, thank you. Tonight was a rough one but I’m so fkn grateful to you for this video, you genuinely made me reflect on a few things and gave me hope, thank you so much, really.


i've been struggling with self harm and suicidal thoughts / attempts since i was 12 (i'm 20 now) and was diagnosed with chronic depression and then bpd so i am so beyond grateful for this video- my life rn is probably the worst it's ever been and it is so hard to get through the day but i know the nights at least will be a little easier with this video. you are incredible and i love you and i'm crying cos i'm so thankful. we're your family bekah and we adore you. x


My friend committed suicide because of depression I knew him since 1st grade and he was 15 when he hung himself In September...thank you for not killing yourself :(


but my 5 year old self was cute and cheerful, I'm just a sad sack of misery and ugliness


The 5 year old self part got to me so hard thank you so much for making me feel better...


I think you do more for people than you realize. I’m not going on one of those long rants in the comment section but I think you could talk someone off a ledge. Please keep in mind how much you mean to people and take care of yourself.


I know the are so understanding. You made me change my mind....I feel for you. I wish I had a friend like you


I'm sorry that you know what it feels like to be that low...but I'm so happy you made it through. Because you're here. You've a great person. you help thousands if not millions of people feel relief from Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, PTSD, etc. And I would like to speak for everyone here in saying we are proud of how strong you are and we all love you and what you do to help all of us escape and relax. I hope you see this. I hope this makes you smile. Because you getting in front of the camera and making these videos helps so many people and you've made so many people smile including myself, I would just like to return that favor. Thank you for being such a great person for so many.


With the amount of pain and suffering I've gone through in the past and recently, I always find it amazing where I stand right now

When I was 14 I tried to kill myself twice. I felt unloved, unwanted, useless and worthless. I'd just been diagnosed with aspergers and at the time it felt like a massive kick in the solar plexus. I felt like things would never get better.

Fast forward 7 years. I'm a 21 year old man who is reaching the heights I was once told I would never achieve. I've represented my county playing a sport I love and things are going as well as they ever have been.

Whenever I'm feeling down I always think of my late uncle and 3 late brothers. I remind myself they wouldn't want to see me in a bad state or upset. So when life knocks me down, I pick myself up, dust myself down, and move forward. Thank you so much for this video. It could potentially save someone's life ❤


Minute 12 genuinely made me want to cry. I need a friend like you


My younger brother tried to commit suicide when he was 18 but I stopped him and told him they are many things in his life that are worth living for he turned 20 on October 5th each day I feel more proud of him


Please. Please make lots more of these. I'm literally on the edge of insanity. I'm still in school and I absolutely love it, I'm a straight A student. But at the same time, I hate it. I'm fucking tired of being called a nerd, or geek, I'm tired of being pushed, punched, slapped, and humiliated. I'm just so done. God please help me. Help us all...


I know you probably won’t read this but words can’t describe how much I appreciate videos like this.I’ve been in a dark place these past few years and this video really makes me feel like I’m being understood.


I had my first serious anxiety attack at 20. It was so incredibly debilitating. Something happened that absolutely devastated me and I had never felt more alone in my life. But eventually (it took months) things got better and I was able to look back and see things more clearly for what they were. I am now much stronger and wiser and in better control of my emotions. I was also able to make friends and not feel so alone. I do still get anxious at times and I tend to isolate myself when I'm at my very worst but surrounding yourself with genuine people who care about you truly does help. ♥


You're the first person in all my life... that I've felt understands what it's like to feel this way. Every time I look for help online I only find suggestions to reach out to friends and family. No one can even comprehend that someone can be so broken that they don't even have those things. Anyway... you're a wonderful human and I wish I had a friend like you. I'm very happy things got better, you deserve to be happy and live a good life.


Thank you so much for this video. I've gone through a rough patch of life for about 3 months, not to mention many more in the past. My parents are getting divorced, I lost one of my closest friends in august. There's some days I really don't see the point of getting out of bed. I got home from school today wanting to just zone everything out. But I see this video, and I'm so grateful. You are one of the most caring, nicest ASMRtists I know. I'm not the only one grateful. You are so brave to share your story. And we all are so grateful you put time into your day to help us. Thanks.


you are an asset to anybody struggling with these issues. I watched many ASMR videos about this subject trying to find some sort of relief but this is the only one that actually made me feel better. what you've done turning your struggles into a huge positive is amazing, and I find you very inspiring. I realized that I, like I think you do, really want to heal others. I think there is a core understanding that suffering through these things undeniably bring. I can feel your empathy and felt agonizing empathy for you. I just wanted to say you did a brilliant job and this video is important.


the 5 year old part really put things into perspective for me. Thank you so much for being such a doll about this and making videos to helping people. I hope you always make good decisions for yourself and you get everything you want.
