Lateral Lisp - Overview of Amy Graham's Lateralization Deck

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Bjorem Speech Sound Cues Lateralization overview by @grahamspeechtherapy6428 This deck incorporates “new sounds” to help children eliminate the old sound and old speech pattern. The idea behind these "new sound" cues is to STOP shaping the "old" sound that the child is lateralizing and to start from scratch with a "new" sound. When a child thinks we're working on /s/ they often go back to lateralizing (or /sh/ & /ch/ if those are the phonemes they're lateralizing), even if they're accurate at the isolation level.... so, I have created NEW SOUNDS for /s/, /z/, /ʃ /, / tʃ /, and /dʒ/ .

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Um...okay, I have had a lateral lisp with CH and SH sounds since I was about 11 years old. I do a TON of public speaking and, while it hasn't stopped me, I'm so self-conscious about it! This was SO helpful! Even just this little intro video, telling me what my tongue was doing wrong and how to fix it was incredible. Thank you!


At what age do you start targeting these?



No I am not kidding. That’s basically it.

I have been on the biggest linguistic kick in the world lately and finding out that a lateral lisp, a speech impediment that many people have tried to correct, is basically 0.5 steps away from one of the hardest sounds in the entire world (the “ll” in Welsh, in this case) was genuinely fascinating to me.

If you grew up with a lateral lisp and got it corrected but still use it from time to time for the heck of it, then congratulations, not only are you able to be better understood, but every Welsh learner ever is probably envying you right now.
