CREEPY Reasons Schools Were Shut Down!

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NO WAY some of these are REAL! 😳 Which one did YOU find the creepiest? 🫣

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2:27 Because Luke seemed confused, here's a summary of the Salem Witch Trials and how it relates to the topic of schools. The Salem Witch Trials was a period in American history during the 1690s, and it is a popular pick of study in American education. Many students who studied in the United States are aware of its nature, but to keep it simple, it occurred in Salem, Massachusetts. It describes a time where more than 200 people, especially women, were accused of conducting witchcraft and bewitching others. Twenty people were executed after being tried and presumed guilty. The aftermath and devastation of accusation of witchcraft and ending lives without scientific, grounded evidence inspired courts to seek more concrete information rather than just relying on witnesses after the trials ended in 1693. In relation to the video, my understanding is that the education of the Salem Witch Trials may have engendered a lot of "fear and paranoia" among students. But it doesn't give very explicit information, so that's my best interpretation.


Ok, you prob wont believe me, but i found a creepy doll in the library at kinross primary (scotland) and i was like " oh nice, josey!" Because i had a friend called josey and she had alot of scary toys, it was only a minute later when i went to return the book about dolls and the doll in the library was gone! Ever since, there have been creepy sightings of collapsing students when they look in the bathroom stalls, and a red figure always was standing in the car park looking at me, only me, i found that creepy, so i told my best friend about it, she believed me, so she went to the window and it was looking at her, the next day, we found red gloop in the girls bathroom and slime in the toilets, and that is when me and my bestie were having a privite chat in one the stalls, we exited the stall and we saw the red figure in the bathroom with us! We blinked and it was gone! The end

Thanks for listning😊


9:59 guys never play blue whale, My mom is a teacher of 8th grade and she heard her students talking aout this game, after shool my mum came up and told me never to play it . Blue whale is extremly risky because she heard the last task was to kill themselves and if u didnt they would track the persons location who didnt do it and would kill them and u cant delete it then it would also fuind ur location and kill you
i hope it helped!


3:53 that’s more nasty than disturbing



Unfortunately this happened to so many aboriginals children in residential schools, and there graves were discovered a few years ago.

May they rest in peace


The blue whale game is a game where people, usually teenagers, take up 50 days of tasks and the last being off them selves


3 years ago in fourth grade me and my friend at recess saw a creature in the woods near the playground. There also an abandoned outdoor classroom with a puppet stand and we saw it staring at us from behind the puppet stand. It had the face of the one at 5:47 but with long black hair. When we saw it, it disappeared in a second. We also weren’t the only ones who saw it but no one else believed us. Now it’s 3 years later and I went to my friends house and we were in the backyard. She has a creek in her yard in the woods and the creek has a tunnel that goes under the main road. We heard running and splashing in the tunnel but we didn’t see anything and we think it’s the thing we saw in 4th grade. Plz believe me…


“If there’s ghosts in here I’m not saying you guys aren’t real”😂😂😂
I love you and your videos ❤❤❤


School was demolished in the autumn of 2012. Today the small patch of forest where it once stood bears few reminders of the old school, or that it had eerily overlooked the town below in a state of abandonment for over fifty years. Though now gone, the stories from Lambertville are still very much alive, mostly recounted in the form of hushed tales told around campfires.

Like many buildings that have fallen into decay, there were numerous urban legends that surrounded the old school. However, none were more prominent than the tale of “Buckeye”. The story goes that the Buckeyes football team, from New Hope, PA were playing a game against Lambertville High. During the game, the Lambertville team dog-piled a Buckeye player named Billy. When the Lambertville team dispersed to allow the Buckeye player up, it was discovered that the boy was dead. Most stories claim he had broken his neck, and that his head was turned completely around on his sprawled corpse. It was said Billy haunted the halls of the school from that day on, even after its closure and eventual abandonment. The tale claims that if you stand in the abandoned school at night and say “Billy, I challenge you to a football game.” that you would have your neck snapped. Phantom football players aside, there is indeed an imposing presence to be found in that forest atop the hill. The phantom of an abandoned school so ingrained in local legend and New Jersey lore that the tearing-down of its physical form did little to remove it from society’s collective consciousness. What follows is the history of Lambertville High School, in memoriam.

Lambertville High School, originally constructed in 1854 on a hilltop overlooking the town of the same name, enjoyed a pleasantly uneventful existence until 1926, when a fire devoured substantial portions of the original schoolhouse. The following year, it was rebuilt and remodeled, and would continue to see service until June of 1959, when the completion of the larger, modern South Hunterton Regional High School pushed it into obsolescence. The vacant edifice remained perched firmly on its hilltop for another 30 years, overlooking the growing town and the unchanging blue ribbon of the Delaware, until vandals set a fire in 1992 that ripped through the structure and destroyed the entire roof.

Approaching the school in its abandoned state, it was clear that the forest has reinstated itself as grounds warden. Whatever lawn there once was had been completely absorbed by the wood, and everywhere trees pressed close against the decaying red brick walls. The building itself was traveling down the road to total collapse, with only its reinforced concrete floors and fire-proof stairways providing a skeleton to support the decaying carcass of the construction. Entering through the torn doors, one was immediately greeted by the familiar smell of decomposition. This, though, is in some ways a different odor than one finds in most of forgotten places; This is an ancient rot: the subtle, musty perfume of a place where everything compostable has long since turned to dirt. Save for the largest structural members and the last disappearing sections of wall, nothing remained. It was difficult to even see this place for what it once was, to imagine the sound of children in what now look more like caverns than hallways. The interior perpetually dim, bound by windowless hallways and an all-surrounding forest canopy.

Climbing the stairwell, leaving the abyss of sunless hallways below, one emerges to a surreal vision, as they step onto the floor of a forest that had taken root three stories above the ground. The school’s roof, burned and collapsed for almost twenty years ago, had become a rich bed of topsoil on what was once the third floor. Ivy, bushes, and even full-size trees flourished under the open sky of the upper story. Wandering through this young wood, one might forget that the ground lay far below, at least until happening upon a window.


4:26 I find this creepy:in my old elementary school at lunch we would find cockroaches in the food and then next day there was a word saying die written in blood


3:58 bro must have lost his sanity to do that


Wait what?! They have cameras in the bathrooms ?!?! "Toilets flushing on their own"


As a Ukrainian, I saw u were talking about the blue whale. It was a game in Telegram that told you to do all the things that they said. Either, they will get killed. So I guess, killing your teacher was what they told him to do. At the end, they tell you to commit suicide. Kids were stupid at that time and almost all of them did that. One girl went under a train, another girl fell of a tall building and she recorded it on a video. Her name was Tasya. She also used a song in her video which was later banned In all the EXUSSR countries.


In my school you can't go to the roof, if you do you will jump from the roof if you don’t even want to


Scary story at my school: one day I was using the bathroom and as soon as I was about to leave I heard something coming from the lunchroom which was right next to the bathroom but the sound wasn't a pot or pan falling it was


Everyday in my school there was a girl haunting my classroom, singing creepy songs and stealing our stuff


True story: When I was in 8th grade, my high school was shut down because of a Mercury spill. The 2 rival high schools had to form 1 for the rest of that year. I missed it by a year, but it was all over the local news at the time


The Blue Whale Challenge is an online game that originated in Russia and is infamous for its sinister nature. It typically involves a series of tasks or dares assigned to players by a curator over 50 days. The first tasks could include challenges such as "Wake up in the middle of the night" or "watch a scary film"


My school is a bit haunted, but I still love it❤
