What if I 'DETACH' from my Twin Flame and they DON'T COME BACK?!? 😩😭

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Student here!! This journey is so far beyond the mind! It doesn't make sense to the mind, but listen to what Kurt says. It WORKS! Other self came in today after taking every amount of focus off and going within. Trust the process!!!!


For me dark night of the soul was extremely painful on my whole being it constantly felt like something very close to my heart was leaving me and I cried and cried and cried tears just flowed all the time my heart ached so much constantly my inner child constantly felt like it was suffocating. The words can’t describe how painful the process was for me.


If you even ask the question "where are they?" you're still stuck in duality. You are everything and everything is you. Your heart is important, and it's yours.


I met my twin flame, and sorry for saying this, but I am not impressed. I was deeply into him, and understood he was the DF to my DM. But the guy is a mess. A grown adult with nothing to show for it, desperately seeking attention to fill the holes left by childhood wounds... with a few character traits I despise. I know he is my mirror, but I became totally absorbed into his drama and excuses. I had long made peace with my wounds, history and character. So, we broke up, and Im taking up the hobbies and life I abandoned when we met. Im happier for it.

As for him, I send him God's love and hope he figures it out. Im as broken as the next woman, but can't imagine that the Universe wants me to be miserable until he "figures it out". He is a good soul with lots of demons to battle. And some battles are meant to be fought alone. If he finds someone to console him in those storms, more power to him... I hope he finds his rock... I'd tip my hat, if she could figure him out and had the patience I didnt...


If they don’t come back it shouldn’t matter if you’re so detached from them. Life will go on and you’ll be content either way so it’s a win win.


There is “WORK” to do, I have been in the Spiritual Journey for 6 months, it requires Perseverance, Patient, it gets better, much better! I trust God! Thanks Everyone! Have a good Spiritual week


Haven’t even watched this yet… but I know the answer. Either they’re not your twin flame or if you’re still asking this question, you haven’t actually fully detached yet. You have to get to a point where you DONT CARE. I’m still working on that. For the first time in six months after finally detaching properly, with meditation daily, focusing on my spiritual journey, I had exes coming out of the BLUE everywhere. I’ve done this twice now and happened both times. Not just one person, but a lot. Even those in relationships. I barely thought about him and it was incredible, felt so much better and blissfully at peace and felt like I didn’t care but still wishing him well… those experiences with other people coming back to me made me overthink about him again and wondering why am I attracting everyone else and not him. Because I’m still ASKING. He is still subconsciously the goal. He can’t be the goal. These relapses happen and everytime you do the work again it gets stronger and you care less and less. It takes time guys. Just trust the process and have faith in the fact this is just your spiritual journey and whatever happens happens. Your ego will suck you in wherever it can. Don’t succumb to it. Just observe what’s going on and you will grow on this journey and you will be in abundance, regardless of the outcome with your TF.


Hi Kurt ! Your student here 😊 I watched your video course 3x, reading the Power of Now for the third time, I watched Samadhi 1 and 2 a couple of times, meditating 2x a day, watched Samadhi 3 A few days ago and had a Satori, a huge breakthrough, Oneness, bliss, I stayed like that for 1/2 day, then had a bad day with obsessive thinking about TF, anyway more “WORK” to be done, feeling great again today ! Thanks Kurt !


I am very lucky to experience my spiritual awakening by meeting my twin. For me this is the most beautiful way. Thank you so much Kurt for your time.


You’re definitely the real deal I’ve followed everything you said and my twin flame reacted exactly how you said they would and I’ve felt so much better since I’ve been following you


You hit the nail on the head with your current situation in this video Kurt. You are a teacher a guide like a college professor. If people don’t do their homework they can’t hold you to blame for their failures. In the end it’s us that have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions not you as a professor. You give us the tools the things we need to build our body mind and spirit it’s up to us to do the actual work. Thank you and your crew for giving us the opportunity tools and guidance to build ourselves up! ☯️


I'm just looking for peace. That's all.become healthy and live my best life. And give something back to the society.


Guess what I've done all the things you say and it works. But the more I "detach" the more I get synchronitys about him from universe. How can I not think of him when he's constantly thrown in my mind?!


You speak with so much care and love. Thank you Kurt (and Andrea)


He’s me! I don’t want him, I do want him! He’s me! We are one soul I am him! I don’t want him! I just want to see him! It doesn’t matter if I see him! Tic tick tic tic back and forth for 2years it’s winding down but holy crap it’s draining!!!


Thanks man, your videos are legit, I had an Ahah moment yesterday about this, this "connection" will not manifest if there is any level of attachment, that means you have to be completely let go of any expectations with the person, you cannot fool the universe 🙏🤗💯


I put a longer comment about my situation below but I know Kurt probably wont read that because it’s long 😂 but it would be good if he could address why so many others are attracted during the process. But also mainly want to say, Kurt, you don’t know what you’ve done for people. Seriously, you have helped so many thousands out of serious depression and sadness. I was at the brink of something very dark and I can’t thank you enough. I’m married so can’t sign up for the TF stuff because my husband will be like wtf is this. But thank you for saving my life and so many others like me you haven’t met because they can’t do your coaching. Your free stuff is just as effective. Thank you so much x


I was 100% he was my tf but after detaching when he decided he wants his family (which I can't blame him for) he has stayed out of my life. I've stopped completely thinking about him and it's like I've been let off the ride. I'm so thankful but still so surprised cause I thought it would never end. I hope he never comes back because I've never felt better.


This journey was so tough, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel so zen. I barely meditate, but I'm Zen. Live in the present moment. If you want romance, then you can definitely manifest a soulmate. My twin is somewhere else, and I'm happy. Detached life is not about him, it's about me.


I felt no fear when you said, "Then he's not your TZ". I now know that when I let go of everything, detach, I will attract everything the universe has for me. So also a love that will transcend all my memories, even the memories of my 'TZ'. I love this journey! ❤️
