Stop Wasting Your 550 Paracord and Start Using Bankline

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550 Cord is amazing - but is it the right cordage for all your projects?
You decide!

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I stumbled upon this video while searching for a simple-ish pattern to use for a new roller skate leash. I’m not a out-in-the-woods kind of person, especially during the hot, humid summers in east Texas. When I see bankline, I’m thinking about what all I can crochet with it. LOL. That being said, I had to subscribe to your channel after scrolling through your videos while watching this one. You have TONS of videos that teach skills everyone needs to have in their pocket whether they are out in the woods a lot or not! I live in a rural area where cell service is often sketchy. I can’t plan when I’m going to have an emergency and be stranded in the middle of nowhere, but I absolutely can make sure I’m prepared if and when something happens. I would be SOL if it weren’t for YouTube content creators like you who have taught, and are still teaching, me basic survival skills. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!


I'm old, I'd never heard of bankline until I discovered YouTube a couple of years ago. I'm sold on the stuff. Corporal's Corner Shawn Kelly uses it to make the most outrageous shelters so selling me on its strength is not a problem. Great demonstration!


I've known about this line for nearly 50 years. My Grandpa used it for anchoring his duck decoys, and I became amazed at the strength it had soon afterwards. I never though to use it, except for hunting ducks. Gives me an alternative to my paracord for lashing duty. New sub, we'll deserved.


Recently started using bankline this year. I went with the "obligatory" #36. Ended up with two spools, one that is twisted, another that is braided. I like braided better, because when you cut twisted, it wants to unravel fairly easily. Braided seems to be more like a miniature rope. So far i've used it to make guy lines on a couple tarps, and for a couple prusik knots on ridgelines. Yeah, probably overkill. Been meaning to replace the roll of 550 cord in my emergency kit but keep forgetting to. One thing I'll continue to use 550 cord for is to hoist or hang anything heavy into a tree (like say, elk quarters). 550 cord being wider, won't cut or pinch my hands and is easier to work with in this capacity.


#18/36 tarred bank line will serve for lashing, gear repair, fishing line, trip lines .... I'm still loving your "ratchet knot". That is golden !


I'm 71 years old and never heard of bankline until I watched a Blackie Thomas video a couple months ago. Doing a search of what exactly is bankline I found your video. Informative, to the point and entertaining. Just on the merits of this video I subscribed.


You people have turned me into a deranged dog man wandering the woods looking for "good sticks".


Great vid, like someone else said no one really thinks about bank line. I carry 250-300ft of #36 along with 150 ft of 550 cord in all my bags (hunting, bug out, truck kit).. You can cut small limbs with along with pvc pipe. Ive used it to hold parts together on my truck before and I’ve also used it to make a primitive bow. Good stuff, great way to start my morning. Awesome


Excellent stuff TOP! The scariest part of jump school for me was recognizing the actual 550 cord for risers, assembled and packed by another human 🤣


Started using bank line like 10 years ago, 'cept round here it's called trot line.


Excellent. Finally picked up some bank line from a company you know . Our local / chain sporting goods and China-Mart haven’t had anything in inventory for a while


YEP. Very well said man; not to replace but to compliment the 550 cord. I carry #12 and #36 bankline in my gear, I keep hanks of each in my nav kit and butt packs, and the remainder of my 1LB rolls stay in my main backpack. I also bought a set of gimlets to make incredibly strong joinery paired up with bankline! Seriously, grab a gimlet or two to include with your gear. You can easily drill holes by hand in wood (plastic as well, and probably even some bones), with a gimlet. For bushcraft tables, chairs, ladders, structures, frames, tripods, spears and hunting/defense tools; you can notch out your joinery as usual but drill a hole through the center of those notches/joints and feed the bankline through and tie it off. Incredibly strong line, and it don't rot. Those joints will never fail, if you run a bit of #12 or #36 through them. SOLID JOINERY. Don't just tie poles together - marry them together. If you wanted to do a 4 wall 10X10X10 bushcraft shelter, with about a 5 or 6 inch diameter poles, drill a hole in every single pole at the top of the poles, and the middle (I'd bury the poles at least 3 feet deep at the bottom), all the way around and feed the bankline through all of them all - SOLID walls is what you create. Structure will last for years and years. Takes a bit of time and effort, but the result will be worth every second it takes. Drill and tie some poles to the interior horizontally as well, to increase the structural integrity. Bankline is a must have camping/bushcraft/survival item, and a gimlet or two to is a seriously smart idea. Thanks for sharing this, TOPS!! Hope all is well budd!! Sorry for the rant here but...grab a gimlet and experiment with it and bankline. Outstanding results. PEACE!


I been using bankline for years and years; and not for fishing! You already know this but seriously to everyone, it is a real world option. I had a friend that laughed at me when I pulled out my "little string" but once he witnessed the things I used it for and how long lasting and effective it can be he came around. It will last outside in the weather and is awesome for stringing tarps; I even use it to hang decorations outside the house. Great video!


I agree with you 100%. I have used bank line for years on things that were not going to need 550 cord's strength. one thing to note, using bank line is great, but you really cant efficiently recover it. once it has been tied, and under pressure the tar (or wax) really grabs on tight and it does not want to let go. the knots I get with it are generally so tight I cant get my marlin spike it to even try to recover it. so for anyone that is going to use bank line just know that you are going to need to cut it off, not untie it. but then again, it is REALLY cheap per foot compared to paracord, so it does not hurt as much to have to cut it.


I was at a dollar store and got 100 feet of Butcher's Twine, for $1. It's fairly strong (I couldn't break it with my hands) and should be useful for camp crafting. It's also visible. You won't feel bad cutting this twine for various purposes. Comes tennis ball sized wrap.


Nice example, displayed of its capabilities of the #18. #12 Twisted the strands can be separated and used even more sparingly as fishing line, snares for small game, tying off sensitive gear as to not lose it. Love watching the endless videos of use for something that may come in handy some time. Stoked and Grunt proof fan 👍


I have a roll of waxed string that was given to me by an old phone guy. They use to lace cables with it before zip ties were invented. Awesome stuff, very strong. I think I will get a roll of bankline and check it out.


I use bankline for practice but keep Atwood Parapocalypse in my emergency bags for the multi-use versatility. This rope is designed with every scenario in mind. Not only do you get all the benefits of paracord, you also get high-end practical survival tools. With a waxed-jute strand. Use the 10lb fishing line to catch your dinner. Use the 900F heat-resistant cord for campfire rotisserie cooking, friction saws, or suspending a hot broken muffler. Lastly, you have the Dyna X cord with super strength, ultra low-stretch and perfect for emergency sutures, dental floss or animal snares.


I use #36 tarred braided bankline for literally everything at camp. It is a stout line that holds knots really well and does not unravel when you cut it. I dont even use 550 for ridgelines anymore its all bankline.


I use 550 cord I have still left over from SF. If you need to get into survival shelter construction, then you can use the 7 strands in the 550 cord. You use whatever you want, I'll be over there smiling and sipping my coffee. I'm 73 and never thought I'd make it past 21. I'm not changing now. Y'all be safe. Peace.
