Don't pay for it! Make Your Own Rope at Home with 100 Year Old Method

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In this video we show you how to make your own rope and rope. If you need rope, be sure to watch this video called rope making. Making rope is actually very easy, make your own rope making machine at home with the method in this video.
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Thank you very much for showing this. I think most other commenters are missing what was so important to me. Everybody is talking about the economic value of the rope you made. To me, the value of your video is knowing HOW to do it, not the value of the finished product. Thanks again!


I saw a demo of this process at a Russian festival of all places at fort Ross on the NCal coast. I was so fascinated by the process I took quite a few pics of the apparatus the gentleman constructed. I then took thes hm & drew up instructions on how to go about the whole thing. I wanted to add what I learned here for anyone interested in the process. It was a hand crank Vs a power drill. The crank gear had 60 teeth & the 3 individual hooks had 20 teeth - so 3 turns per hand crank rotation. His apparatus allowed any length as does yours. It allows the use of inexpensive twine purchased in bulk & 1 strand of twine can be used by running single triple or 5 strands through ea hk at ea end. IMPORTANT - odd #s only on each hook. After making rope you can strengthen it by wetting it down under tension but it will shrink by about 15%. Need 100 ft? Start with 115. The drying/shrinking is what sets & strengthens the rope Lastly this gentleman explained that after drying it he rubs it down with beeswax either entirely or at a working end for a lasso for example so loops allow smooth passage of rope through itself which also has applications in boating. Anyone interested in making such a thing I have full notes & pics. He also used a 3 holed wooden hand tool which worked as a spreader as the 3 ropes were twisted together which ensured tight even finished product. The whole thing was so cool.


У судомоделистов это называется Тросомот. Они таким образом мотают канаты, тросы на парусные корабли. Но он у вас не правильно сделан. Посмотрите как они делают. Там система немного другая...
У самого дома лежит тросомот и скажу, что отлично работает.
Ваша верëвка размотается потому, что смотана не правильно...


Thing is, this can also be used to make straight quite sturdy metal wire, which would cost a lot to transport straight.. And you are only limited by the distance between endpoint and beginning..


Finally I found what I was searching god bless you bro


Wow, that was just excellent! I love it. So simple, yet so captivating, seeing it in action. Thanks


When I was a Cub in Winnipeg back in 1966 we made rope this way. It worked well.


То-есть ты хочешь сказать, что мне, чтобы не платить за пару метров веревки надо: Сверлильный станок, циркулярка, шуруповерт, 4 мебельных ролика, 4 крюка, расходники и моток бечевки? Охренительная выгода получается! Это сколько километров веревки мне надо сделать, чтобы отбить затраты?


There have been some great replies for this little trick. I was amazed how much people know about the mechanics of rope. This would indeed have a loose lay if the tape were removed but with that said this was a great trick if you had the materials and needed something to get you by. Great video and very interesting.

Fun trivia question: What is the difference between rope and line? Hint: it has nothing to do with length.


2:55 spins to the right
3:03 spins to the left. (Which is correct since the individual pieces were twisted to the right.)


Пойду куплю станки, чтобы сделать вкревку за 2 доллара


Wow great idea let me get down to my workshop downstairs...


Very awsome, seen it done to make in Mexico to make a laso for horses .


Great Job!! But please don't use gloves with the Drill Press and Circular Saw.


J'ai personnellement fait des cordes avec un système similaire datant du début du 20ème siècle. Cordes pour attacher les chevaux, vaches et taureaux... à partir de "cordes à ballots" en sisal. Principale différence, d'un coté il y avait quatre crochets (a manivelles) comme sur la vidéo, et de l'autre un seul. On tournait les quatre manivelles d'un coté, avec une planche à quatre trous pour tourner les quatre ensemble, puis ensuite, de l'autre coté, on tournait la manivelle unique pour que les quatre brins s'entremêlent. Quand on tournait les quatre, un cône en bois positionné du coté de la manivelle unique empêchait les brins de s'enrouler. Quand on tournait ensuite la manivelle unique, on faisait avancer le cone vers l'autre coté, tout en continuant à tourner du coté des quatre. Pas besoin de couper quoi que ce soit, on faisait même une boucle d'un coté en insérant le bout entre les brins plus loin.


Great idea for making ropes in various sizes while building model ships. Thanks


This is great. I’m going climbing next week and the climbing rope is soooo expensive. Now I can take the whole family!!!


Great stuff! We learned to dk that in the boy scouts back in 1976.


﴿ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا﴾


In middle school in the 6th grade for a project for history class we had to make something that was made in the stone ages or midevil ages like the way they would have done it and don't from scratch so I made a 100 foot roll of himp 4 ply rope by hand no power tools just by hand the way they did it and grew the plants my self as well in our horticulture facility using the green houses grow lights and chemicals to help them grow bigger faster and stronger to make the most of amount of rope as possible form the plants it took me 30 plants to make 100 feet or rope. Was gonna use a method like this my dad made a setup to use a drill to twist the string to rope but I had to do it by hand no power tools allowed for anything we decided to make and had to do it using tools they had back then only and document the tools and process of making it this was back in 2002-2003
