537 AD Hagia Sophia. Old World Byzantine / The first Domes, Euclid, Elements, Isidore, Logos / Logic

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Today we will discuss the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey. This roughly 1500 year old building is from a time when Istanbul was Constantinople, roughly 537. It was originally a Byzantine Roman Cathedral, to house the Holy Roman Empire, designed by a man whose work heavily influenced freemasonry, built in a design that would completely reshape what we knew at the time about architecture.

To say this is one of the most important buildings of the Old World is an understatement. This, by many historians accounts, is the key to understanding most aspects of Ancient Architecture, and how they influence modern day buildings.

Today we will discuss the epic nature of The Hagia Sophia, said to be built 532-537, while showcasing some unique photographs. At the end of the video, we will look at the oldest photographs of the Hagia Sophia I could find (from the mid to late 1800’s, and early 1900’s). We will also discuss the Hagia Sophia’s Patron Saint, the date December 25th, and some other more interesting and esoteric concepts. Enjoy!

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All I can say/know is I am truly blessed to have stood in that that space in 1988, my jaw on the floor, gazing mostly upward. An astounding and beautiful masterpiece of architecture to be sure. And to have withstood an earthquake of magnitude 8 is amazing in itself. Thank you for another great video.


WOW! you have such incredible, unseen and well presented images! And I follow them ALL! Please encourage sharing your work to gain more followers. SO glad I found you.


I'd say that mosque in Istanbul is the most important landmark of the entire country of Turkey. Breathtaking!
I visited Turkey 10 years ago, not Istanbul but the coast area. They have a lot of fascinating Old World architecture, most of it kept in mint condition, while a lot of other buildings are not maintained.


Another great presentation! Thank you!


I'm glad I was able to visit and record my visit there just before the pandemic hit


Left and Right Seeing and Crossing Over at the Centre "Pineal"


My theory is that these buildings had lots of metals (both precious and other) incorporated into their structure. Much of the metals were stolen by those who found these ancient buildings throughout the world over the past several centuries; and replaced with wood and plaster etc. This could be why the surname Smith is so common: metal smiths were in high demand during the Middle Ages, because old buildings were stripped of their metals and re-purposed. There were probably tens of thousands of buildings that were dismantled and harvested for their high quality iron and other metals and bricks etc.. Just my theory.


Beautiful building... was there in November’19... so hard to capture in pictures the vastness of it...


I also love this church. I want to see it in reality one day!


Who would thumbs down a video lie this?!


This Narrative, like all narratives, old or new, is a crock!
If you want to know the function of these ancient buildings, your first clue will be their color; if they are striped either red and white or yellow and white, then they were power stations that gathered etheric energy a form of electricity, then distributed it. What they actually are is ancient technology hidden in plain sight, under the guise of religion!
If you look at an up to date photo of Hagia Sophia, hung between two of those towers you will see what appears to be a fish net, I wonder what the purpose of that could be.


Elite Shepherds herding a load of Sheep.


In the Essene teachings Sophia is mother earth


built from dredge like all the rest by orange ditches, in my opinion riddle: who would sell their own grandma?


and bull...a collective...like all saints churches...all saints as a collective...a meeting place of neutral ground


in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God... where does it say God created the Logos or Christ or the Word? God the Son is not a created being


Very good, now the time line debunked


Hey, when you master soul theft, chakra cyphining, you don't let a lie/ computer program/ alchemical step like a religion get in the way. Got to love the architect?


Interesting video sir. Ol mithra and the 25th. Oy vey, it is abundantly clear in Bible that Yehoshua HaMashiach would have been born in the autumn time frame. The Scriptures indicate the shepherds were still grazing their animals in the fields when He was born. Christmas, or Satan Claws day has nothing to do with Mashiach.


If Jesus reigned for 1, 000 years he would've needed his own church. I think he did already reign and I think this was his church.
