In-depth Explanation of What Caused Noah's Flood - Dr. Kurt Wise

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Paleontologist Dr. Kurt Wise explores the "geophysics of the Flood" and provides a fascinating look at the processes behind this catastrophic event that happened in the days of Noah. The question of how a global Flood could happen is an important area of research for modern creation scientists. One of the theories used to explain this process was developed by a number of scientists featured in the film. It is known as "Catastrophic Plate Tectonics" and has a great deal of explanatory power concerning the geophysical processes behind the global catastrophe.

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This lecture is from our 2017 'Is Genesis History?' conference. We invited a number of scientists and scholars to teach in-depth on the Creation/Flood model. You can buy, download and watch over 70 more lectures like this at:

Dr. Wise earned his BA in geology from the University of Chicago, and his MA and PhD degrees in paleontology from Harvard University. He founded and directed the Center for Origins Research at Bryan College and taught biology there for 17 years. He then led the Center for Theology and Science at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for 3 years, before founding and directing the Center for Creation Research and teaching biology at Truett McConnell University for the last 7 years. His fieldwork has included research in early Flood rocks in the Death Valley region, late Flood rocks in Wyoming, and post-Flood caves in Tennessee.

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4 year old upload, this is fantastic!!!! Why am I just now learning this? This should be presented yearly


I listened to you Mr. Wise many years ago about fossilistion and how quickly it can happen that you witnessed at St. Helena. You mentioned you changed you whole prospective on Creation. I am thankful and blessed as it cemented my faith and trust in our CREATOR and HIS WORDS OF TRUTH. Telling others about you through the years. Bless you.


I have watched it with the same enthusiasm he explained, I recently discovered this channel and even before watching all these, in 2015 for the first time I felt Pangea has to be real and definitely there should be some connection to Bible, I thought it was destruction of Babel and scattering people along with continents. WOW this whole explanation, I have learnt Geology as a subject in my education, never been so proud to have completely understand this presentation. This boosts up my faith in the Bible and also proves science is not something we can simply say no to. When the evidence is there, you need to examine it. Thank God for all these PhD doctors, who dedicated their passions and lives to God.


...if every one of my teachers in school were like this man i would have passed every class with A++++ and would have really enjoyed learning!


Of all the people in the documentary, this guy is my favorite. His enthusiasm is infectious. I love to hear him lecture!


Immanuel Velikowsky was describing exactly this in his books which he began writing in 1946; for which he was mercilessly pilloried by The Orthodox Geologists. It's so good to see his work still lives on, which proves that The Truth is indestructable.


I wish I had a teacher like this when I was in school.


I have been searching and looking for this kind of explanation. Excellent! Love it. Thank you Dr. Wise!


More please!!! I understood 95% of this presentation. I am a nurse, who took Geology in college, 1990. I learned more in 2 hours here than in a 12 week course.

This information was so technical, yet so understandable, that it is absolute proof to me that the account stated in the Bible is true.

Thank you for your hard work and passion for bringing this truth to the world. Jesus did say the rocks would cry out His name. I know, this statement is from a different context, but they are crying out His name. ”1 Corinthians 10:26: for, The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”


It has already been said numerous times in the comments, but I have to say it again. What a joy to see someone so enthusiastic and oozing so much delite in what he's presenting. It make me happier just watching him. It doesn't matter what the subject is. And his excitement only grows stronger as the talk progresses. Two hours ! That's hard to pull off. I could use this guy to watch for depression therapy... even if he was talking about watching the grass grow.


Hello Brother Wise. I hope that you continue well!
I continue to watch your videos as often as possible, about every 06~Months.
Thank you for your beautiful presentation ❤️ I Truly enjoyed 😉 watching and learning 😊
I also believe that you should. Consider; 1st Thessalonians 02;07-12, I believe that there is a strong delusion over a large part of humanity right now!!
I've been Sharing your videos with friends and family, and they mostly are in a hypnotism type of delusion!!
No matter what I Request or Do, They Just Will Not Watch Any 😕 🤔 of The Videos I Forward to them.
Yes, I get angry, 😡 upset!! However, I believe that it's in God's hands at this point, since I also believe that we're very close to the Tribulation.
Thank you and "All" of your your fellow Scientists That Have Produced These Incredibly True and Knowledgeable Videos!!
May Jehovah God Continue To Bless Each and Everyone of you, In The Name Of Jesus The Christ, Amen 🙏


28:05 Dr Wise's delight at the explanations for observable phenomena is infectious. Love his natural "tickled" expression! Thanks for sharing the enthusiasm!

Oh and 32:30: "Yah . . . "


I just love his childlike enthusiasm:) it’s so refreshing to see an intelligent adult being excited about rocks and mud so much!


I’ve watched this video 3 times and never cease to be amazed. I’m willing to go so far to say this could be one of the most important videos on YouTube. If you don’t leave at least grappling with your assumptions I don’t know what else to say. It doesn’t mean it’s all correct or doesn’t present further scientific or philosophical challenges. But for me I think this series and this video in particular that clinched this growing disease with the conventional paradigm and said, “Well, I guess I AM a Young Earth Creationist after all” and started embracing the label of happily looking foolish towards everyone else. But videos like make you wonder who is fooling who


His excitement is contagious! Could not turn it off!


I would love for this to be turned into a multi season docu-series. Graphics and animations, interviews, etc. I think we should get it funded. I have so many ideas.


50 s in, "Science should begin with Scripture"? Literally the first step of the scientific method is Observation. This should be interesting, but is divorced from the scientific method


I’m really enjoying his joy and enthusiasm! It’s helped me learn loads of things! Thanks IGH! 😊 I’d love to hear more!!


By the sound of his voice he knows we have and Amazing GOD...


That was really neat! 1. If you believe in thermal build up triggering the fountains of the deep breaking upwards, is there any way to predict the first location of the breach of the surface? 2. Are you tracing the movement from a single event, or is there evidence that the continents may have been moved under multiple catastrophic events? What is your mechanism for raising the north American trough which was a sea at one time? If the Siberian traps evidence coal burning, did the coal burn in air or under water? Similarly, are there cross-bedded sand deposits that show evidence of being formed in air and then being transported under water? What is your model to differentiate between new rock, old rock and re-formed rock, and potentially separate events for these?
