QuickBooks Tutorial: QuickBooks 2019 Course for Beginners - QuickBooks Desktop

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During this extensive 4 hour, 44 minute QuickBooks course we take you from QuickBooks newbie to intermediate QuickBooks user. This is the perfect grounding if you are looking to learn QuickBooks Pro 2019 and you're brand new to the subject

📝 Use the timestamps below to navigate to different sections of the course. If you already know one of these topics, skip ahead!

0:00:00 - Welcome and Overview
0:01:30 - QuickBooks Versions
0:07:20 - What's New in QuickBooks 2019
0:13:20 - Setting Up Your Company File
0:15:59 - Using Easy Step Interview - Part 1
0:26:36 - Using Easy Step Interview - Part 2
0:31:02 - My Company Overview
0:34:21 - Identifying the Components of the QB Environment
0:42:53 - Converting QuickBooks Desktop to Online Version
0:44:32 - Preferences - Part 1
0:55:03 - Preferences - Part 2
0:59:15 - Working with Users
1:06:29 - Chart of Accounts - Part 1
1:16:59 - Chart of Accounts - Part 2
1:27:00 - QuickBooks Sample File
1:30:54 - Working with Customers and Jobs - Part 1
1:40:38 - Working with Customers and Jobs - Part 2
1:49:31 - Estimates - Part 1
1:59:10 - Estimates - Part 2
2:06:51 - Invoicing from Estimates - Part 1
2:15:25 - Invoicing from Estimates - Part 2
2:21:13 - Invoicing Customers for Products and Services
2:23:19 - Receiving Payments
2:32:52 - Creating Deposits
2:38:49 - Creating Credit Memos
2:45:30 - Creating Statements
2:49:25 - Income Tracker
2:53:01 - Working with Vendors
3:01:28 - Entering Bills
3:08:52 - Paying Bills
3:15:09 - Credit Memos
3:19:00 - Working with Items - Part 1
3:27:31 - Working with Items - Part 2
3:33:33 - Creating Purchase Orders
3:38:19 - Receiving Items
3:41:41 - Creating Bills for Items
3:45:02 - Paying for Items
3:46:48 - Manually Adjusting Items
3:49:59 - Working with Registers
3:58:53 - Downloading Transactions
4:04:38 - Creating Entries and Writing Checks
4:08:32 - Bank Transfers
4:10:27 - Reconciling
4:16:29 - Setting Up Loans
4:19:21 - Creating Loan Payments
4:22:25 - Loan Manager
4:28:37 - Setting Up Credit Card Accounts
4:33:32 - Entering Credit Card Transactions
4:38:57 - Reconciling Credit Cards and Making Payments

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Рекомендации по теме

I’ve been using QuickBooks on a daily basis for two years and you have taught me some tricks I never knew. Cindy McGuckin is an easy to listen to narrator. I appreciate your clear and thorough, to the point instruction.


Update info for experienced users only: 0:00- 16:00. Setting up company, 16:00 - 34:00. Environment Overview 34:00 - 43:00. Transferring Desktop Version to Online Version: 43:00 -


From Somalia, located East Africe u welcome Fantastic Quickbooks 2019 thnks Alto Sister Awarness Keep going and Goforward All time


I was really dreading Quickbooks. Thank you for making it simple and understandable!!


Hi Cindy, I greet you well. Wonderfully informative and helpful presentations! I watched both this 2018 and 2019 editions, as well as your 2022 presentations. I have learned something from each. What I find missing, however, is a sections on reports. I know there are ots and lots ofreports in QuickBooks and it would be nearly impossible to present on each. But I feel you could give us something on the major one, as well as how to customize some of them. Best regards.


Thank you so much for the tutorial, it helps a lot.


Very useful presentation. I learned a lot.


Clarification: @3:00, you don't 1099 a vendor who is a supplier which is the Pelican Building Materials in her example. That may be confusing to beginner. You only 1099 subcontractors who do labor or service and they perhaps purchase their materials (from Pelican Building Materials, for example) and in effect resale to you. Materials-only vendors are not 1099.


Hi, Cindy. I've been working with QB for several years. I'm self-taught. Would you be able to recommend the best way to enter a stop-payment check in QB? Background: the donation check was written in November 2023; we deposited in the bank in Dec 2023; the bank notified us of stop-payment a few days after we made the deposit. We deal with stop-payment and bounced checks infrequently. The QB Help in the application has not been helpful. If you have a YouTube tutorial, may I have the link please? Your thoughts and recommendations? Sincerely.


I am a new starter of QuickBooks, hope so it will be useful for me BR, thanking you.


Great presentation !! Cant wait to watch 2020 :)


Do you have a tutorial for 2019 Mac? This must be for a PC, why is QB’s so much different (inferior) for Mac users?


This is a fantastic tutorial. However, I have the 2020 version and there seem to be some changes! Do you have a 2020 version?


I have exams later in the year and i think this video will play a great role in my passing. Keep up the good work.


She starts assuming the viewer knows nothing about QuickBooks, then talks about modifications which are only useful for experienced users.


I want to make single entry in quickbooks desktop 2019 pro.. please advise how to make single entry in quickbooks 2019 PRO


why in Quick Books not showing automated Amount in Words as we are creating Estimate, Invoice ect.


How is this for beginners if you start talking right at the beginning about the esoteric add-ons of the 2019 version?


I am taking very detailed notes with drawings so i can flip through it when i need to. Do you have a follow-along booklet like you can print with PowerPoint presentations? It would save me a lot of time.


Another question. I have some customers for whom invoices were issued mistakenly, before I started. (Long story) As I was fumbling around trying to figure out how to deal with this, I discovered how to void the invoice. Would a credit memo have been better? And is there a way to fix that now?
