Massive Power Boost On Any Class In Diablo 4 - Tempering Guide

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I'm Raxxanterax and I make Build Guides, Leveling Guides, Tier Lists and More for Diablo 4, Last Epoch, Path of Exile and Path of Exile 2. This video explains how to do Tempering in Diablo 4. Tempering can be troublesome in but with this quick guide you can obtain massive power and survivability early on with any class in Season 5 and beyond.
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Another tip: Gold and crafting materials are extremely valuable throughout the entirety of the game, so in an effort to minimize the expense of these resources, it is best to follow an order of operations when crafting.

ALWAYS temper first because tempering is the only step in the crafting process that can "brick" your item (aka, make your item too weak to bother using, and in a way that cannot EVER be undone on that particular item, at least currently as of the start of Season 5). So, if BlizzardRNG™ screws you and you fail to get the targeted temper(s) on your item within the allowed amount of temper rerolls, the item is automatically irredeemable junk (assuming you have more gear to repeat the tempering process to try and get the targeted tempers). You don't want to waste gold and rare crafting materials on the other crafting steps if you fail to get the targeted tempers, so get the tempering out of the way first.

Technically, the rest of the crafting steps (enchanting, imprinting, and masterworking) can be done in any order, but I would recommend doing enchanting, then imprinting, and then masterworking. While you can technically enchant an item (aka reroll a single affix) an infinite amount of times, the gold cost scales IMMENSELY to the point where continuing to reroll for a desired affix may just not be feasible, effectively "soft-bricking" your item. Imprinting (applying a Legendary Aspect) is simple and could be done at any time, but there is no point in wasting the crafting materials imprinting before tempering or enchanting if those steps could hard or soft brick the item.

Naturally, masterworking fits in as the final step considering, 1) the materials for masterworking can only be acquired in the endgame Pit, and 2) this step could require several masterworking resets in order to optimize the "critical" single affix buffs at Masterworking 4, 8, and 12.

TLDR; As a rule of thumb when crafting gear, ALWAYS temper first, then enchant (if necessary), then imprint, then masterwork.


Bro really named his rogue BowJob 😂😂😂 Never change Raxx


Understanding tempering is easy: find a really good item, brick it through tempering, rinse and repeat.


Edit: Looks like they added "Tempering Guide." Perfect. Disregard this comment

Just a thought, since this video is targeted at casuals and could likely be a long term resource for new players, maybe include something in the video title like "How to Temper Gear" so that this video is more likely to pop up for new players who search "diablo 4 how to temper", or "d4 tempering explained". I could see new players assuming that an 11 minute video talking about a "Massive Power Boost" might be too far above their pay grade.


First time trying Sorc in D4, went with Chain Lighting and was following the leveling guide from Maxroll.
Didn't know what tempering to put, so I logged out of the game thinking I will look online.
Minutes later, Raxx puts out this useful video.
So, I log back in and I do what he said, then went into a Nightmare Dungeon (already got to T3 without the tempering, very slow) and I was flying.
Thank you Raxx.


This vid is why your career is taking off man!! Straight to the point no BS, like teaching a class. Tks


thank u so much. as a casual i absolutely had no idea how that worked. Thx!


This helps so much! I was so confused as to why I was not killing no where near as fast as other people even though I had the same stats sometimes even better stats, the same build with the same aspects and all of the passives and paragon glyphs. Thank you so much man! God bless!


Tempering has helped boost my Cataclysm dmg by over 200% and core dmg to distant well over 100%. The level 2 capstone boss got deleted in seconds when lvl 36. I think Storm Druid is being slept on.


Rax, I appreciate this video. My tempering approach lacked the focus you recommend. Thanks so much. Its really helped me out.


Finally. I don’t know why, but the way you explained it made it super clear to me.


Thanks man. I fail at crafting in any game. This diluted it quite a bit for me to at least make some easy perfunctory choices. Preciate your videos for the uninformed such as myself.


Knowing WHAT tempers is tough for a noob like me, so this is very helpful!


Also a reminder, at helltides if you put in a heart at the altar, you get MORE LOOT! Don't just afk wait for others to do it.


Yes it makes sense. Thank you. This is amazingly useful for simplifying a mechanic that has highly complex choices.


Thanks, Raxx. I followed your last Tempering video and it was hugely beneficial.


Thanks, I only started end of last season and not played any similar games before. This is really helpful!


Raxx dude, I love you man!! Thanks to this video I made a new character and my progression is so much smoother and my enjoyment of the game has increased tenfold. Keep doing the good work for us casuals


Absolutely awesome video. I've sent it on to a bunch of people I play with who struggle with understanding tempering. Thanks Raxx!


Love the guide and thank you for that.

Wish there was a way to use up all of awful RNG for rerolls all at once. Armor x4 --- groan --- armor x4 --- groan --- armor x4 --- groan --- armor x4 ---- WTF? Seriously, there is no way that this should be possible, yet here I am, living proof that it is. Wish that I had some of that streamer luck.
