Who Even Is An Entrepreneur?: Crash Course Business - Entrepreneurship #1

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You've probably heard the word "Entrepreneur" thrown around a lot in business. It conjures images of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, or Oprah Winfrey. But, it goes way beyond that. In this episode of Crash Course Business: Entrepreneurship, Anna helps us to figure out who Entrepreneurs are, and what that title actually means.


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Drug lords are hardcore entrepreneurs. Change my mind.


I feel that list of reasons entrepreneurs start company's on such a deep level. I don't do well in interviews and you can't put "self-taught *insert skill*" on a resume. It's so frustrating knowing your worth but not being able to express it and ultimately getting sold short. It's definitely been a big motivator for getting myself started in my business


I regret not joining entrepreneurship while in Highschool. Learning this type of skill is vital when you want money to work for you rather than YOU working for money. I'm just thankful that there is YouTube to watch videos that can help me develop ways to start a business.


Feels weird to hear entrepreneurial terms so often without being pushed to buy some scheme. :)
Good job. Looking forward to the next episodes.


Being your own boss as an entrepreneur is one of the most misapplied words. When you are the entrepreneur everyone becomes your boss. Your clients, employees, financial backers, etc. will all be telling you what to do.


"Really, anyone can be an entrepreneur, given an idea and the right tools to develop it." Off the bat, love this line, basically sums it up the topic perfectly. Doesn't matter who you are, anyone can build a business, it just takes one good idea.


Might be a weird compliment, but the enunciation is on POINT! Love it!


On spot video! Grit + Idea + firm mindset = Entrepreneur foundation.


thanks to this video i finally decided to dive in my entrepreneurship dream and actually work toward my own business.

i'm finally opening a brothel!


This is such a high quality video I feel sorry watching it for free! Keep up the AMAZING work :)


I love how this came literally two days after I decided to start my own business. Hope this'll help.


SOO much more to being an entrepreneur. Most people aren't prepared for it


Anna's presentation is great; clear, enthusiastic, engaging.

And props for such a cat-friendly background too. I'm sure a cat would love knocking that mug off the table, eating the plant, and tearing that lamp to shreds. :D


In the words of Bigweld:

“See a need, fill the need.”


This is a really well thought out explanation and the speaker did a great job of delivering the material in an upbeat and natural way. I'm excited too see more content of this topic!


One small piece of feedback: When Anna started talking about Congress in her example, I was confused at first because I thought she was talking about the political body. It would've been better if she had said "Congress the cat", or even better, if she had mentioned beforehand that the examples will feature her cats. Otherwise, awesome Crash Course subject -- looking forward to what will be covered throughout the course!


Great episode! Anna did a great job explaining the concept of entrepreneurship and who entrepreneurs are. I especially liked her point that entrepreneurs are not just people who start businesses, but also people who are innovative and think outside the box.


I watch crash course every day. Today i choose to start a new playlist and thier is Anna. Youre the best been following you for years.


Success as an entrepreneur requires a combination of several key factors, including:

1 Strong vision and determination: Successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are committed to making it happen.

2 Problem-solving skills: Entrepreneurs need to identify problems and develop innovative solutions to meet the needs of their customers.

3 Adaptability: The ability to pivot and adapt quickly to changes in the market is crucial for entrepreneurs.

4 Financial management: Entrepreneurs need to be able to manage their finances effectively, including budgeting, forecasting, and securing funding.

5 Networking: Building strong relationships with partners, suppliers, and customers is essential for success.

6 Sales and marketing skills: Entrepreneurs need to be able to effectively promote and sell their products or services to generate revenue.

7 Strong leadership: Successful entrepreneurs are able to inspire and motivate their team to achieve their goals.

8 Continuous learning: Entrepreneurs should be open to learning new skills and knowledge to stay ahead in the market.


“Problem Solving!”
“On and On!”
