What is an entrepreneur?

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The folk at Big Ideas Wales know that there's no one better to tell you what's an entrepreneur and the skills you'll need than: entrepreneurs. So they asked some, and here's what they had to say...
Attitude, creativity, organisation and relationships were the 4 key points that make a successful entrepreneur:
Having a positive attitude will get you a long way.
All you need is a bit of imagination and the ability to think a bit differently and BINGO, you’ve come up with a brilliant new idea.
To get to grips with the day to day running of things good organisation is essential.
Running a business is definitely a people thing. The more people you know the easier it will be to use your powers of persuasion and get things done.
Attitude, creativity, organisation and relationships were the 4 key points that make a successful entrepreneur:
Having a positive attitude will get you a long way.
All you need is a bit of imagination and the ability to think a bit differently and BINGO, you’ve come up with a brilliant new idea.
To get to grips with the day to day running of things good organisation is essential.
Running a business is definitely a people thing. The more people you know the easier it will be to use your powers of persuasion and get things done.
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