How to Fix a Surging Lawn Mower

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It's intolerable! That racing up and down, surging, frustrating! In this video I'll explain to you the reason a lawn mower surges like that, and I'll demonstrate what can be done to fix it and get it running smoothly again. Hope this helps you get more life...and less aggravation...out of your mower! Buck's Small Engine DIY, putting the "Do" into "Do-It-Yourself"
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The thin wire that comes inside a twist tie is great for cleaning out the tiny holes in the emulsion tube.


To prevent your carburetor from getting gummed up, shut off the fuel valve when you are finished mowing, then run the engine until the carburetor is dry and the engine stops. This is especially important at the end of the mowing season. If you leave the carb full all winter, it will be gummed up by spring. To be on the safe side, I always run it dry after every mowing. Some people also use gasoline stabilizer additives, but it's not necessary if you run the carb dry.


Literally the best video. Showed the issue discussed issue discussed resolution and showed resolution. Great camera angles. Cut and direct. PLEASE 🙏🏽 keep your videos coming. Other people’s videos suck.


I have the Honda 160 in a older mower and for the last few summers has been surging just like at the start of the video. I knew it was the carb, but was afraid to take it apart and break it. Thanks for the step by step - especially the carb disassembly. I have always used premium ethanol free gas to keep it from getting gummed up and fouled. A quick tip on getting it re-assembled is to tip the mower on it's side 90 degrees - I found that way easier and the gasket's did not fall while trying to re-attach the crankcase breather hose and getting the plastic housing into place with the two main bolts.


Saved me, brother. Went from “idk what is wrong” to a $6 bottle of carb cleaner and fixing it within an hour. Appreciate you!!


My man!!! Followed your directions to the tee and it runs beautifully!!! Thank you for taking the time to save us big Much appreciated sir!! Amazing how something in the carb can be so tiny as to cause this much pain and suffering! lol!


I have the exact same engine with the exact same problem. This video taught me how to fix it. Thank you.


This was great! I just picked up this same mower from a neighbor for $125.00 and while it was only used about 8 times 2 years ago, it had this same surging issue most likely due to the fact they left the fuel valve open the entire time. Thanks for the detailed DIY video!


Great instructions!!! I followed video step by step and it runs great. I literally was about to buy a new mower right before watching. Thanks so much!!!


I emptied the gas and added seafoam to some fresh fuel and let it run for a few minutes. Got it working like champ.


Thanks for the video! This is the second time I watched and second time I fixed two lawnmowers with your help! I really appreciate you


Thanks! I watched several other videos to try to get my mower fixed and yours was definitely the most detailed and thorough, and finally got my mower working correctly (after 3 different tries with the other videos)


Yeah yeah yeah..not a mechanic by any means..watched this video because my lawnmower was doing this..same mower btw..u explained it perfectly..I did everything you did and in like 15 mins. was mowing glad I found an ez diy video like this instead of pay someone..kinda feel dumb cause it was so simple..thank you for the help


Yes, this is the best video on cleaning the carburetor and the jets. No power tools were used in any part of it and you showed that it wasn’t that hard to reassemble without using temporary alignment bolts. I couldn’t see if there was only one opening to reattach the thin governor wire. In other problem areas you cautioned about using the correct size of screwdriver to loosen the emulsion tube a very good tip. Thank you for posting!


The best video on this particular issue of surging. Thanks for clearly explaing and sharing.


Good morning from Canada. I just got my Honda lawnmower serviced, it had the same issued. I left a little bit of gas sitting all winter, until last week I try to re-start it. But no a go, I ended up paying $90 for carb cleaning and rebuilt. Now it's back to life 👍


Take a picture of the linkage connections prior to removal to ensure proper reassembly. You’ll be glad you did


Excellent video, thanks! Agree with other viewers, keep it up!
Cleaned carburetor and gas tank for a Hra214 Honda mower, but not the center tube. Mower was running for 20 min, then surging and dying. Will clean parts like you showed, similar design. Except this one may be 20- 40 years old and still runs!😅


Thanks for this video. I fixed my mower! I had to take the carb off and clean it two times but it worked great.


best video on this I've seen. Will be taking mine apart shortly.
