AP World History Changes: Pros & Cons

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Humans have developed complex systems over the last 100k years, but WHAP is a deep dive into the politics, economics, and cultures of only the last 800 years. 🌏

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The results just came in today, and I got a 4! Thank you so so so much for your help!


Before taking this class, I would have been thrilled with the changes. But after noticing how I am able to partake in political, geographic, and historical conversations, I am very disappointed in the move CollegeBoard made. This class has really changed my life in a great way.


This is the problem with AP courses, when you allow a business to dictate what students learn and you have teachers teach to a test instead of teaching students you get these problems. I will never teach an AP course for this reason, teaching to a test does not prepare a student for rigor in college it lines the pockets of College Board. Shame on the educational system for pushing this agenda on students, parents and communities.


I saw your video at the College Board first. Yes! Thank you for using your authority as a history teacher in a sociopolitical manner. I teach 7th grade social studies in Nashville, TN where my students of color do not see themselves ANYWHERE in Nashville's national persona. I taught Sundiata and Mansa Musa and that was the unit where I had the highest percentages on assessments, next to Mesoamerica. Ancient history is crucial in forming the identities of non-European civilizations. History teachers stand up!! I am going crazy that 45 pulled us out of the United Nations. Hello??? Did anybody else notice? Girl, I just want to say that I love you, I love what you are doing and you are inspiring me to read, watch and educate myself more on current events so the knowledge can be interpreted to the next generation whom it will affect. God bless! -Lauren Fitzgerald


Thanks for the explanation. It was clear, non-combative, and yet still full of pathos. You certainly persuaded me... well done.


Well my school has this Pre-AP world history class in freshman year while I took the AP exam this year as a sophomore.


Personally, I'm not a fan of the Pre-AP replacement idea. I go to high school in Texas, so we already have Pre-AP classes in middle school and high school. It's nothing new. But in my specific high school, pre-AP classes are weighed the same as AP classes - which is seriously messed up. To top it off, we have Pre-AP world history for sophomores as an alternative to AP world history. But that class is literally a joke. They have "current events" assignments which are weighed the same as quiz grades. Their quizzes have 5+ questions where you have to "define a word" that was in the textbook notes. They have extra credit (up to 10 points) on every test and the class itself is pure memorization and nothing compared to a genuine college-level history course. I don't want to live in a false sense of security and think I'm going to do well in college because of my success in a Pre-AP course. That's why I took AP. Pre-AP is for the weak students who only care about GPA. I have a lot of friends in that class because "it's an easier 5.0 than AP"

BUT I'm getting offtrack lmao. I just wanna say that in essence Pre-AP courses barely have any value. Most of the time they are too easy and don't prepare you for real, difficult education being taught in college. Pre-AP world geography in 9th grade was also a joke as well, and it didn't prepare me at all for AP world history and I struggled a lot this year because of how I didn't learn anything important in that class besides the capitals of countries around the world...


I don't see how this new AP World is really different from AP Euro. AP Euro also happens to start in 1450 (if my quick googling was accurate), and it seems that the overlap between the two courses would be huge.

I also don't really understand the argument of there being too much content for students. As a student, there are APs that get a rap for being difficult because they have so much content (Chem, Calc BC, languages), but AP World is not one of them.

An easy solution that would give students more time while keeping period 3 would be to make this course an AP instead of a pre-AP. This is definitely possible - we already have AP Physics 1 / Physics 2 and AP Calc AB / Calc BC. Maybe Euro could be replaced by AP Post-1450 World History. This would probably be cheaper on CB's part, too. Plus, if students are only interested in periods 1-3 or only interested in periods 4-6, this gives them the option of choosing which part of history they would rather study.

For us students, pre-AP is a nightmare because it just sets more prerequisites and makes it harder to register for APs.


Seems to me that the solution is pretty simple. If a fee has to be charged, charge it divided between the two classes. That way students get the opportunity to take both Early World History and Modern World History. It still needs to be broken into 2, but having this turn into a race discussion is pointless. Students should get to learn both if they so choose, and not have too much content crammed into one course that cannot possibly due the content justice.


World history is one of the most useless subjects to be in school. Seriously, try listing jobs to obtain with a history degree alone:


Archeology(oh wait that needs science)

Politician(politics not just history)

Someone to provide context for a historical movie(that's a Ok job)

Let me rephrase: history is only good for becoming a history teacher or to provide for the entertainment industry.


it sucks ass
I like the old ap class
