Will Tesla Eventually Start Advertising?

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Can they rely on word of mouth alone forever?

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The fact that Tesla doesn't spend money on advertisement is advertisement in itself.


Given the popularity and image of Elon Musk, they can hold off commercials.
If Elon retires from Tesla or something else happens, I'm sure brand awereness can be retained by a worthy successor.
maybe X Æ A-12?


They don't advertise because the supply is the issue, not the demand


They probably will start ads when their cars are cheaper and evs are more common because competition will be higher


The best way to get those who are not interested in a Tesla is to get them in one. A polished referral system would be the best way forward.
Very very few people would not look at an ev, hopefully a Tesla, as an option for their next car or truck.


There are other things in between "word of mouth" and "paid advertising". Even if someone lives mostly under a rock, when Consumer Reports and Car & Driver magazine and J. D. Powers consumer rankings and NHSA safety rankings and Kelly Blue Book awards all consistently name the top cars Teslas, and that their favorite gasoline car is nowhere mentioned, eventually they will have to get the idea that a new day has dawned.


Thanks for making this video i raised this question on the discord sever lol


I think they should just do a super bowl ad every year. It's expensive but given that it would be once a year to the biggest audience in the world it would pay for itself.


I don't think so. Anyone that may buy one already knows where they are.


How much advertising do you see targeted at the "laggards", really? Manufacturers target the enthusiasts because they know that people that don't really care about cars will follow the opinions of somebody who does. Tesla already did a pretty good job of getting the enthusiasts on board, and will continue to do so. People won't buy ICE cars in 10 years because they will be more expensive than EVs and, in many cities, illegal to drive. Tesla's competition is from simple, cheap EVs that the incumbent auto manufacturers might eventually manage to churn out, but don't hold your breath. In fact it's more likely that Chinese companies win on the low end models. But if Tesla can be popular in the taxi market (robotic or human) and public transport (Boring tunnels) then people will be regularly reminded why it might be worth spending a few thousand dollars extra on a Tesla rather than a cheap Chinese alternative.


Tesla already has the kids. They don’t need win the fading Luddite crowd. The longer Tesla exists, the less advertising they will ever need to do. When selling real estate and clients get picked up in a Tesla, then while getting left out at one house and having the car drive around to the next, waiting for us when we come out blows minds every time.


Well, also insurance, Im sure there are a lot of young people like me who would love to buy a Tesla Model 3 or Model Y, but the insurance is ridiculous! They wanted to charge me $400 dollars a month 😞


😂Please I’m 60 years old and got my Tesla model 3 at 58 and started driving electric in 2013 and haven’t looked back ever and will never have an I. C. E. Car again


Yeah but in 10-20 years many of the issues you mention will likely be long gone e.g. changing will prob be quicker than filling with gas. Correct conclusion maybe but outdated reasoning


Couldn't agree more! My MAMA fO example is in her 60s and immigrated from the Soviet Union. She doesn't give a shit how Teslas work and nor do SO MANY other people. We need to face the fact that most average people don't give a shit how an EV actually works and will simply default to a new/used ICE car as their next car. Now, Elon has stated that he absolutely hates ads, but if he truly wants a rapid shift to sustainable energy, something like an information campaign is MINIMAL. There was a Now You Know episode around 6 months ago that revealed the ignorance of people with regard to electric cars. I feel the central theme people don't understand around EVs is that you can charge them at home like a cell phone and never have to go to a gas station again. If the vast majority of people commute under 30 mi a day, and the lowest range Tesla is well above 200 miles, range anxiety doesn't affect 99% of use cases -- yet it's often the number 1 or number 2 issue people think aboOt when they're debating even looking into an EV vs an ICE car. If you think the EV industry can just use word of mouth alone for the vast majority of the world to adopt it, you are INsane. You know what the number one word in the world is after "ok" -- it's coca-cola and that did not happen through just word of mouth.


I think it would be dope AF if they did a superbowl commercial sometime in the near future!


As long as they cannot keep up with the demand, they don't need to advertise. When they have enough production to satisfy the demand, they probably will


Ooo! Oo-ooo! Ooo! I haven't watched the video yet, but I would hazard a guess!

SolarCity, operated by *Elon Musk's Cousins, * used to advertise a lot. As soon as SolarCity was acquired by Tesla, all that advertising ended. Presumably, everyone responsible for advertising and marketing campaigns there was let go. And today, even with the SolarRoof and PowerWall product lines, there is no paid advertising of either by Tesla Energy. Not scaled back, not just a little, but NONE. ZERO. NADA. Not flyers. Not newspaper advertisements. Not YouTube commercials. Not website banners. Not radio spots. NONE OF IT.

So, my guess...? Tesla will NEVER _'have to advertise'_ and thus, WON'T. They would have sold exactly ZERO more cars over the past eight years in the U.S. by advertising. Not _some, _ not _a few, _ but NONE.


Hate any kind of ads! Just waiting for my CyberTruck


Idk They have a lot of people like me that just need the price to be right give me a 25K stripper model 2 with denim cloth seats and no moonroof 210 mile range with regular cruise control. I think investing more in production and the efficiencies of scale will be the play.
