Elon Musk Explains How Will Tesla Advertise

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Tesla will soon spend money on Advertising. Elon Musk is softening his position on Tesla Advertising and now says At some point, Tesla should probably do advertising to support high-quality media.

If the word of mouth has got Tesla this far, imagine what would a 50 million dollar advertising budget do to promote Tesla vehicles.

Cleantechnica, replying to Elon Musk, tweeted writing.
“But if you ever do put it into sales & marketing, we know a good media site for that.”

Elon responded and wrote, “At some point, we should probably do advertising as art/communication/entertainment & to support high quality media”

Elon Musk's comments about Tesla spending on advertising were recently related as a response to an article from fellow EV news outlet CleanTechnica, which covered the recent price reduction of Tesla’s solar solutions. After commenting that it’s still “better to put the money into the product than sales & marketing,” Elon Musk noted that eventually, Tesla should probably do some advertising to support “high quality media.” This is quite a statement from the CEO, who has been anti advertisement in the past.

"Elon Musk’s references about supporting high quality media open a lot of opportunities for the electric car maker. The CEO, after all, is a known supporter of nontraditional media sources, as evidenced by his overt support for prolific podcaster Joe Rogan, whose approach to information dissemination is quite different from mainstream media. References to art and entertainment also invoke past programs from the company, such as Project Loveday, where the Tesla community was tapped to create compelling videos featuring the company’s products," writes Simon Alvarez in Teslarati.

The topic of Tesla advertisements has been expressed for some time now, at one point being discussed directly at an annual shareholders meeting. During the event, some Tesla shareholders even volunteered to utilize their own resources for the company’s advertising push. Musk, for his part, stated that he has reservations about advertising due to the level of trickery that usually goes with the practice. Nevertheless, the CEO did admit later on that Tesla could have “advertising for information to refute misinformation.”


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I voted my shares against advertisement. Until they are close to fulfilling their reservations list, I would focus on growth. When they do reach that point, I like the public service announcement idea for "advertising" and not using the big media that smeared the company for so long.


I always admired Tesla for not being obnoxious pushy salespeople. Sometimes, just in spite of present-day aggressive advertising, I vow never to purchase their product. I honestly hope, Tesla finds an equally Innovative and classy way to inform the public, as it has revolutionized the auto industry. Whatever you do Tesla, please do not follow the same common path of advertising and marketing. The most offensive thing I find about present day advertising, is how insulting they can be to your intelligence. Advertisers will lie cheat and steal to manipulate you into buying a product. They can be shameless and unscrupulous. I'm always working to sell people on buying a Tesla, as are many loyal YouTube followers. I've yet to meet a person who's taken a ride in a Tesla, and hasn't said they want one. I haven't bought one yet, only because I got to drive my last vehicle into the ground, but my Cybertruck is on order.


You know what will happen if and when Tesla advertises? All the haters will say "see, now they have to advertise because the demand is dropping" or something similiar


Just use SpaceX to advertise Tesla. Every now and then launch a new car model enroute to Mars


I would like to see TESLA WORKSHOPS around the country where people have an opportunity of driving Tesla cars and being shown how autopilot and all the other gadgets work with tech drivers onboard. That way potential customers can familiarise themselves with the cars and not buy cars they find difficult to drive and then complain they do not work properly.


I am a great admirer of Tesla cars. But I think they need to address their reported quality issues before they can honestly advertise their products.


His way caught my attention!!! Forever.


Better yet: set up your own TESLA ad-agency!


Fighting Madison Ave. can be a wasteful game - careful. Look at the Billions $$ spend by Legacy auto - waste or net bnenefit ?? Can't make enough cars now - every thing they make, they sell. NO NEED for Ads yet. stupid idea. Ads might be good for you, for Tesla - not so much.


company in the world is above advertising 🙄🙄🙄


While this channel may personally benefit from Tesla advertising, with that acknowledgement, I still think Tesla will greatly benefit from advertising as shareholders proposed for the upcoming meeting. If the word of mouth got Tesla this far, imagine how much an ad budget of 50 dollars per car would do.


I think it should be noted that Tesla’s “advertising” will consist of correcting all the lies told by corporate media.


I think tesla should not do traditional tv or billboard advertising but instead sponsor very popular podcasts. Joe Rogan comes to mind


Dispelling myths is a really good reason to advertise.


If demand is greater than supply NO ADVERTISING IS NEEDED.


Volume, Volume, Volume Tesla's growth is going bigger than just word of mouth and future completion.


It would be within their mission statement to publish advertisements that are a series of PSAs regarding EV adoption.


Most of the misconceptions are about EVs in general, not specifically Tesla. Let the competitors dispel the rumors


Oh and less car maintenance for an EV would be nice too.


I believe they need to get their panel gap, paint chip and damaged seats/headliner problems under control and develop a method to stop the first 6 months of bad quality down to 1 at the minimum. This should be down before advertising to mass market and buyers being mad about paying 40, 000+ for a vehicle that has a bad finish quality still
