Game Over for Tesla Advertising as Elon Musk Suggests Openness for Advertising

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Elon Musk suggests he is open to some type of Tesla advertising, but what type of Tesla advertising?

There has been some backlash against Tesla from prominent supporters that they should advertise to combat the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that is constantly spread. Should Tesla do this and if so, what should they do?

Elon Musk responds to a tweet about Tesla HVAC, wrote "Most people have no idea just how good the Tesla air purification system is. Literally 10X better than any other car," He then also replied saying "Maybe we should advertise informationally just so people know stuff like this exists."

Tesla does have quite a bit of advertising right now. It may surprise you when I say what this advertising is. The advertising is from Elon Musk himself.

Elon Musk has over 57 million Twitter followers. Many of those followers will like, share, and retweet what Elon Musk is saying. This has a huge network effect and reaches many people. The question remains, however, is there a better way Tesla could advertise besides its CEO saying how cool the cars are or that the Model S Plaid is alien technology?

How could Tesla advertise in the future?

Tesla could advertise on traditional television media, such as cable television or commercials for sporting events like the Super Bowl, NBA finals, World Series, etc. This is what other automakers are doing. Will Tesla do this?

I don't think Tesla will go the traditional media route for advertising. I think Elon Musk thinks that going that route will taint the Tesla brand and lump it in with all the auto makers. Elon would rather excitement and buzz come as a grassroots movement, like when the Model 3 was released. The excitement and buzz created by people alone creates a halo effect and mystery, which people love.

Tesla could also try advertising on YouTube videos or Google AdWords or any of the other Internet mediums for advertising. This is a better option than television as overtime, television is going to lose more and more market share and users. I'm not sure what Tesla should advertise on the Internet, but a good start would seem to be debunking FUD and pointing out relatively unknown and cool features of its vehicles and solar.

Tesla seems to have lowered its interest payments for its PowerWall and solar setup. You can see the 0.99% APR rate at Tesla's energy website. Why not advertise that a little more?

I think Tesla should advertise things like this now and use the Internet as a medium for it. Why not say that Tesla has a low rate of 0.99% APR for its PowerWall and solar panels and push this through the Internet? I think Tesla energy should definitely advertise right now in order to gain market share and users.

Why not also advertise its technology and simply explain its advantage? Tesla can easily advertise its technology advantage over Ford, but instead, the internet is left to combat statements like "Ford has a battery advantage over Tesla".

Tesla should NOT advertise its auto business right now. Not until all its other factories (like Giga Berlin and Giga Shanghai) are up and running AND at full capacity with batteries. At the point, Tesla has reached a large scale and competition is also producing millions of vehicles, then I think advertising makes more sense.

But right now, Tesla is supply constrained. It doesn't need to advertise anything while it's capped. But at the time that the cap goes away and Tesla isn't selling everything immediately and doesn't have months of backlog to sell, then it makes sense to market Tesla auto through advertising. But not now, that would just frustrate more people with longer wait times.

Should Tesla start advertising more? Does this make sense to do even while Tesla is supply constrained? What are some ways Tesla could advertise?


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Who watches TV anymore? Who watches anything w/o blocking ads?


I personally think that Tesla should be very careful they don’t advertise like the other people do.

We should have more strategic events like the model S delivery event.


OMG, why aren't marketing MBAs chiming in. Advertising is the wrong word and investors voted it down wanting money to fund R&D. I agree with them. What Tesla needs is PR and I know they dissolved it, but it can be done the proper way. PR is nearly free while advertising costs big money. Current PR is done via Elon tweets, limited events, over 50 YT channels with speculation, Teslarati, Tesmania, MotorTrend, TMC Community, and many others. They need official achievements to come from headquarters and reach non-EV enthusiasts. Most current PR "preaches to the choir", but they need to reach ice vehicle buyers. This is not rocket-science and if desired, could outsource it. In addition to press releases, how about some infomercials using employees.


Wouldn’t you as a subscriber enjoy regular videos from the Tesla channel?


I like your new format With the opening. Looks great


I think they should get the details out better about their products
in their own way


If they advertise they should avoid media that has spread FUD as payback to them.


In 2010 Testla recognized our 20 Kw charging service here at J&R Housing by listing it on his Supercharging site at Worthington MN. Later it was removed and we have heard nothing more from Tesla as we continued to grow our service adding more ClipperCreek EVSE and this year a 11 Kw PV system. We love our Tesla Model 3 but remember that our initial purchase experience was not the best. Is it possible that by ignoring folks like us in the Midwest, instead of engaging us, a growth opportunity is being missed?


I would suggest to take advantage of their YouTube channel


Tesla would be best served to do regularly scheduled press releases and allow the social media to inform to the world at no media cost. Channels hunger from accurate and timely data from the source.


Facilitate sales with best customer outreach and support in the industry. This does not equate to traditional advertising.
Every Tesla Central touch screen is a "Billboard" that is wasting away.
Invite 20 neighbors into your Tesla and watch an "ad". The ad happens after the demo ride and with it they get 7% off new or used price. (7% is what it costs consumer to buy any other brand as dealer overhead cost.. approximately.)
Build it and they will come.
I am from the future and this worked for Tesla in 2022.


Expand the website with inks for architects ie planning a new home, how much extra room needed in the garage for my cybertruck? Or mobility issues what night are the seats from the road ( seniors can climb but hard to get in and out of low vehicles. Etc


Tesla builds a superior product, that's all the advertisement it needs.Is you want information, then go to the Tesla web site.Tesla uses the money to build and innovate


Tesla can start advertise when Berlin and Texas are in full production.
And what? Charge and use experience


No. Tesla should not advertise at all. Ever.

Precisely, Tesla should *NOT PAY ANYONE* for advertising. _'Leaving the door open'_ for the future possibility of advertising may halt _some_ of the criticism from *LAT, WSJ, FORBES, CNBS, CNET, BLOOMBERG, * etc. Maybe. I don't believe in rewarding their poor behavior, though. Each has waged a relative _'War of Attrition'_ against Tesla that has spanned YEARS, over a decade in some cases. Certain they could/would wear down Tesla's resolve in time. Tesla should NOT give up/give in. *[FOUL]* those guys. *[FORGET]* advertising. It is a universal waste of time and money.


word of mouth is all it takes from what i can see


Yes advertise would help a lot but the big problem is battery supply for the semi and cyber truck and are sold out for the next quarter.


May not affect sales which are way beyond production capabilities at the moment, but as a stock holder I would like to see some advertising. More people would invest if they understood this company.


Stop saying "game over" you are using it incorrectly.
