Anne Frank for Kids | The Story of Anne Frank | Women's History Month

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Anne Frank for Kids | The Story of Anne Frank
Women's History Month video.

Who was Anne Frank?

Watch this learning video for kids to find out the answer to this question and many more.

Here some facts for kids that you will learn by watching this educational video during Women's History Month

*Her full name was Annelies Marie Frank

*In 1933, When the Nazis came to power, anti-Semitism, which is a dislike for Jewish people grew, Anne’s family started to worry about their fate if they remained in Germany.

*On 1 September 1939, when Anne was just 10 years old, Germany invaded Poland. This was the beginning of WW2

*On 12 June 1942 Anne celebrated her thirteenth birthday. One of her gifts was a red journal where Anne would write down her daily experiences.It was actually an autograph book that had a red-and-white cloth and a small lock on the front. Anne decided to use it as a diary instead. She named her diary, Kitty.

*They then went to their hiding place. Anne later named it the ‘Secret Annex’.

*The Van Pels family joined the Franks into hiding just a week later. They had a 15 year old boy named Peter.

*On 4 August 1944, the Secret Annex was raided by a German police officer and four Dutch Nazis.

*Anne and Margot both died at the camp in February 1945.

Teachers, if you are teaching about Anne Frank or doing a unit on Women's History Month, this is a great resource for kindergarten, first grade, second grade students. Also a great resource for students who are home schooled/ homeschool environment.

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