The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank - So You Haven't Read

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As Holocaust Remembrance Day approaches we'd like to honor a very special book "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank. This gives us a first-hand look into a young Jewish girl's life as she lives in a secret annex during World War II.

---- Interested in reading it for yourself? Check it out at your local library! ----

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♪ Intro music: "Coffee Beans" by Mike Wuerth
♪ Outro music: "So You Haven't Read Theme" by Tiffany Roman

#SoYouHaventRead #DiaryofaYoungGirl #AnneFrank
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Anne frank
"despite everything that happened I honestly believe that people are good at heart"


The last point is so profound. I did read the Diary in middle school. I did NOT know that two of her friends were STILL alive. I'm in my thirties now so it's a profound realization that when I read that book, those same two friends were my parents' age now.


My school board removed this book for being "inappropriate" so I bought the book myself and read it. I asked others i went to school with about the book and they sadly had no idea this book exists. People need to talk about this in schools more instead of removing it. History repeats itself when people are not taught about it.


I'm reading Frank's diary at the moment. Because of its nature, you can either start at the beginning and work forwards like I'm doing, or dip in anywhere.

I'm finding that reading a couple of entries in the morning is a really good way to start the day, plus a few more before going to sleep.

How a 13yo manages to write with such maturity is astonishing


We read a play version in my high school. We’d have people in the class read for the characters. I can’t remember which one I’d read for but I remember we tried to keep the same people for each character. I began to associate my classmate’s voices and my own with those characters. Definitely one of the better reads from high school. It’s sad schools are taking this away. History isn’t pretty. Humans have done horrible things to each other. We must remember


I’m very glad you covered this. In my personal reading I came to the choice of currently reading this book or Schindler’s list… I chose Schindler’s list. I will certainly read this book when I can


Is confusing Denmark and the Netherlands going to become a running gag on this channel? I remember the same mistake being made in the Thirty Years' War series.


It's said that even though Miep has Anne's diary in her possession, she never opens it and reads it. And when Otto Frank (Anne's father) returns and has possession of Anne's diary, he never opens it and reads it either, until the day he truly knows that Anne is confirmed dead. 😢


Bruh the fact that you mentioned that schools are pulling this book out of the curriculum is crime. Its still one of the most important books to read even now about 70-80 years later.


A useful thing to keep in mind: Anne Frank and MLK Jr. were born in the same year. If not for the actions of evil men, we might still have had them both with us today.


As a matter of fact, i have, and it's absolutely heart breaking. She keeps saying what she'll do when the war is over, but..well...we all know how it ended


And to think that there are bastards out there who say this never happened


So you made a little error. Anne Frank lived in the Netherlands, not Denmark. You used Denmark and Danish instead of the Netherlands and dutch


Rest well Anne frank, your legacy will not be forgotten, you'll be forever remembered. ❤❤❤😭😭😥.


I thank you so much as a Dutch Israeli Jew for making this.
its always so good to see things to remember our history and i am grateful.


Unless I'm hearing wrong - you're saying "Danish edition" rather than "Dutch edition"


Thank you so much for making these episodes! Especially this one, as it means a lot to me since my great grandparents fled the nazi attrocities.


And here's why you have to triple-check your scripts: You can make a short, powerful, important summary of a book, but the only thing anybody will take away is that you can't tell two European countries apart.


I remember watching a film adaptation of her life in Middle or High School (can't remember which). Interesting story.


She was only a few years younger than my grandparents, they were only teenagers when the Japanese took control of the Philippines. I wish I had greater appreciation for history when they were still alive, because not asking them about their time during the occupation is one of my greatest regrets
