Ammo Types in War Thunder EXPLAINED | War Thunder Tank Shells Guide [outdated]

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This video is probably the most time consuming one I've made. But hey, ammo types part 3.

Second channel:
The second channel will be about games like Hoi4, SCP Secret Laboratory, and a bunch of other memes.

📘 Intro: 0:00
📕 Kinetic Energy: 0:19
📙 Solid Armor Piercing: 0:39
📒 APC: 1:02
📒 APBC: 1:19
📒 APCBC: 1:38
📙 High Explosive Filled Armor Piercing: 2:20
📒 APHECBC: 2:48
📙 Sub-Caliber Armor Piercing: 3:09
📒 APCR: 3:44
📒 APDS: 4:23
📒 APFSDS: 4:58
📕 Chemical Energy: 5:31
📙 High-Explosive: 6:05
📒 HE-DF: 6:25
📒 HE-VT: 6:33
📒 HE Grenade: 6:47
📒 Rocket: 7:00
📙 Anti-Emplacement: 7:26
📒 Shrapnel: 7:44
📒 HESH: 8:07
📙 High-Explosive Anti-Tank: 8:52
📒 HEAT-FS: 9:17
📒 HEAT Grenade: 9:32
📙 Guided Missiles: 9:53
📒 ATGM-VT: 10:12
📒 ATGM Tandem: 10:21
📒 ATGM-HE: 10:36
📒 SAM: 10:47
📙 Utility: 11:17
📒 Smoke: 11:22
📕 "Conclusion": 11:46
📘 Q&A With Discord Server Members: 12:00
📘 Outro: 15:05

Thank you all for 10k subscribers!
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Thank you for all the positive comments!
A couple of things to note:

-HEAT does not actually melt the copper. It just forces it through the armor.
-The reason APDS is better at angles is because it has much more velocity than APCR. This way, it can go through angled armor easier.
-Fins do not make a shell more aerodynamic or give it more velocity, it makes a shell more stable over long distances by stopping it from rotating. Because it's not spinning, the shell has a much lower chance of going somewhere else, therefore the shell is stabilized. Thus, shells with fins are better over distances than regular shells. (This is also why the shells with fins are called "fin-stabilized.")
-Due to a recent nerf, HESH no longer performs better when it faces angled armor.
-The shrapnel shell has many different names, but the reason I called it that is because in-game it is called shrapnel. The correct term would be fragmentation.
Thank you to all who corrected me :)


In short, the more letters a shell has in its name, the better it is.


EU server: "someone've put smoke there. I cannot hit him and I will not waste my rounds."
Russian server: "someone've put smoke there! he's there! everyone, shoot him!"


(Armour Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped High Explosive Anti Tank Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot High Velocity Composite Rigid Squash Head)


Pretty new player here: didn't realise I had to have a PhD in this game.


Jeff gets brutally murdered by dog for about 12 minutes straight: the movie: the game


Just a quick correction because almost everyone gets this wrong, but in HEAT shells the Copper lining isn't melted
Instead the pressure from the explosive charge changes the Copper lining into a Superplastic, which is when the pressure causes the otherwise Solid Copper to act more like a stream of fluid, even though it is way below it's melting point and still a Solid. This is important because actual molten metal would just splatter over the armour and not achieve much, but a Superplastic will bore through the armour, since it retains it's Solid form Density. This is a very minor difference but it seems like 99% of people don't know this and just assume the Copper is melted, even though no HEAT warhead achieves temperatures or pressure anywhere near enough to melt copper.


War Thunder: don't use APCR. *do not*

World of Tanks: *angrily spams APCR at everything*


Honestly this is the best explanation I've ever heard for something war thunder related. No bs. No spam. Just quality content. Super helpful. I'm new to playing war thunder and was struggling to figure out what the icons meant. Thanks.


Aah, yes, the guide to, “Which Shell Gives the Most Painful Death for Crewmembers”. My favourite video.


*random heavy tank* : you cant pen me!
Me, With a *hesh* shell: "Well yes but actually no"


Qickguide: Dont use APCR. Like ever. Just dont. Never.


You forgot that you can use Smoke as HE on exposed crew.


a short summary:

APHE/APCBC: pretty good, use it whenever possible
Solid AP: bootleg round, use only if you have no better alternative
APCR: Why would you ever use this?
APDS: Its pretty good
APDSFS: its pretty amazing
HE: no one knows how it works other than the dude who keeps making 20 minute HE only videos, + useless if caliber is <120mm
HEAT: Everybody knows how it works in theory, but no one in practice
Shrapnel shells: why would you ever use this?
HESH: Why would you ever play Britain ground forces?
HEATFS: its pretty great
ATGM: its bloody great


Gaijin: APFSDS or APSH
Me: *tier 1 tanker screaming*


I know how survive to all of shells
"No armor is the best armor"
Flack 88 aproves


Much better than the one from warthunder


One correction:
HEAT shells don't produce molten copper, they just propell it at ridicoluos speeds.
Yes, at these pressures during impact the inverse jet of copper ACTS LIKE a fluid, but the same happens when an APFSDS shell hits armour.


5:14 Small correction.

Larger projectile length means greater penetration since the projectile is destroying itself by penetrating armor. Therefore, all modern AP shells themselves are extremely long and made of the hardest alloys such as tungsten or depleted uranium. Also, the amount of post-penetration shrapnel is directly related to the thickness of the armor the shell has to overcome - the thicker a breached armor, the more shrapnel it would create.

The rest is great video, very easy to grasp. Keep it up ;)


Forgot the starstreak missile we have on the top British spaa. Splits into 3 apfsds projectiles on proximity.
