War Thunder's Ammo Problem

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How ammo interacts with vehicles is, obviously, a core function of War Thunder's gameplay. For being so vital, it's almost shocking how inconsistent certain ammunition types can be. Some are overpowered, some are useless. There are a lot of areas where Gaijin could improve, especially when it comes to volumetric shells.

Check the channel "About" section for the link to the creator of my profile picture.

Songs used (in order from first to last):
Subnautica - Into the Unknown
Halo 3: ODST - Rain (Deference for Darkness)

Sound mods:
Epic Thunder (Pre-release)

Reddit: /u/spookston
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As always, if you have any feedback regarding ammunition, leave it in a comment. I'll pass it along to Gaijin.


war thunder’s “____” problem could be a very long playlist


Before I deleted WT for the most recent time, I was grinding the British tree. The issue with solid shot was very frustrating, particularly with the 17 pounder. I was fighting tanks that could reliably one shot me, whereas my ability to do damage was very limited. Furthermore, I couldn't reverse out of the way because most WWII British tanks have the painfully short reverse gears. IRL, velocity has a big impact on damage and spalling, so a gun like the 17 pounder shouldn't feel so weak. Post war testing showed that for medium caliber guns, solid shot was roughly comparable to APHE regarding post pen damage. Spalling reducing against thicker armor actually makes sense, since in real life when a shell hits a plate it can only barely penetrate, not much of the shell actually makes it through to the other side


The most painful tank to shoot solid shot at is an LVT.

There is so much space between crew members and equipment


"It's fixed" - Gaijin, creators of the cancel button that puts you into a match instantly


I myself can say that HEAT got nerfed at some point. Sherman 105 sometimes doesn't do any damage to target or minimal at best.


Another problem i have is modern vehicles lacking access to shells they'd fire in real life like in the case of the XM 8

I believe gaijin should make your vehicles BR depend on your ammo choice. This would improve realism and increase the amount of vehicles you can use in a line up


You state the problem with APHE very well. It’s great when you’re on the giving end and is horrible when you’re on the receiving end. I can’t tell you how many times the inside of my Sherman got “nuked” by a Tiger I’s shell. It didn’t hit or destroy anything when it penetrated but then exploded and destroyed everything!


The worst is when you need to grind for a top level round on a bunch of tanks. On things like the PT76, the grind to get the CheatFS round makes you almost want to keep the BT-5 in your lineup.


Another thing, HEAT/HEATFS exploading on some leaves... Or a fence, while heat-shielding on a M46 for example is useless.


Something I find quite frustrating is the inconsistency of spall behavior, the amount of spall produced is practically random and how it bounces even more so. Sometimes I’ll get shot centermass and one crew just eats the three pieces of spall, I’ll then be shot again and my tank folds into itself with 100+ pieces is spall from the same type of round. Also as mentioned, side skirts are hellish I’ll hit a panther flat on the side skirt with APCR and poof, gone


Happy Valentines Yaw, I Hope You Guy's Are Showing Much Love To Your Loved One's!


Earlier today, i was hit by an T-34 in my Jagdpanzer IV, i was using the addonarmor, which manifestes itself as spare tracks on the front of the tank. He hit a shot that bounced off the bottom of the track, which then went straight into my tank at a 90 degree angle, which killed my entire crew.

I am just thinking that it is a bit weird that the shot can bounce like that from something that is just sitting loosly on the tank.


The carrots I shot during that April fools event were more realistic then the current apsfds


APCR is so bad too. It's supposed to give more pen than APHE, especially in WW2 tanks, but it will bounce most of the time. It's so useless.


one more note: APCR is absolutely garbage in its current state.


Darts got nerfed across the board by accident? That explains the fact that AGS's M735 can't pen the LFP of a TURMS-T when I fired at one less than 10 m 3-4 times


APCR/HVAP is also one the round types that sits in a bad spot. It doesn’t have the damage to outright kill most tanks in one hit like APDS does and it also performs extraordinarily poorly against angled armor. In the past it had a use against thick flat plates, but now after Gaijin implemented some changes to most APCR penetration, it has become extremely useless on most vehicles it is found on, mostly due to how the penetration increase offered by APCR is only marginally better than what APCBC already gives. Some great examples of this is the APCR for the 76 Sherman, the long 88 for Germany, and the US 105mm and 120mm cannons.


Idk how about you but I find it lazy that apfsds damage depends more on gun caliber than round caliber, of course spall would also depend on velocity and etc but it’s amount is what feels inconsistent


APCR. There is literally no reason to take it out unless you have no choice. I don’t think I need to explain how inexplicably bad it’s performance is against the slightest angle and it makes some vehicles stock grind near-intolerable
