Jordan Peterson Explains Why Joe Rogan Is Becoming Christian

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Jordan Peterson was asked why so many big name people are becoming Christian nowadays. Peterson named Joe Rogan, and his answer as to why was really good... In this video I comment on a 7 minute clip from his interview with Matt Fradd on his podcast @pintswithaquinas on something very important people are starting to notice about this Way of Life we call Christianity...

Here's what it comes down to... It works.

It’s a way of life that produces peaceful, stable, and fulfilled individuals and societies. We are identified by the word Christian, however that term was originally assigned to us by the Romans and Jews at the time right after Christ was crucified… it is not a name we gave to ourselves. The original followers of Christ simply called it the Way… and that is much more fitting, and hits on the point that I want to make here…

We are not talking about some arbitrary set of rules for a medieval people, we are talking about the Way that leads to life in full for human beings… in fact for all living things. Christ is the Logos, the principle through which all creation is ordered and governed. There is a cosmic order, and proper alignment with that order produces ordered, stable, and thriving living things.
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"You get stronger in proportion to your willingness to look upon that which terrifies you". This is true wisdom.


“Sacrifice is the basis of community”

That hits hard


I told my wife this would happen. I told her that Rogan cares about truth. It’s only a matter of time before he starts to get curious.


It’s not that Christianity works, it does. The thing is: it’s true. It’s not merely a story, but God operating at all levels all the time. He doesn’t need anything, but He Wants you.


Joe Rogan is a baptized Catholic. On a podcast he explained that he had a VERY bad experience with a nun while in elementary school. She was terrible. He and his family moved and left the church. Christ is calling him back.


Jordan Peterson has done more to strengthen the understanding of Christianity for skeptics than anyone in at least my life time. He has taken it out of myth and into reality. His knowledge and the ability to verbalize it in a manner that is comprehendable for everyone is amazing.


“We’re here to get stronger not be protected.”


Jordan. How can anyone not love him. I see a 3 hour interview with him and I think, "that's it? Too bad it wasn't longer"


Christ is a way of life! The only peace of mind is through Christ and serving others!


Joe is humble and wise enough to constantly self evaluate and to admit when he knows a change is right, rather than doubling down like many public figures. It’s refreshing to see. This will lead him to Christ. 🙏 ❤️


I was an agnostic (read 'hedonist') for years, and convinced myself I wouldn't believe this stuff until I had solid proof. I assumed that I would find something mathematical, or archaeological, or a first-hand account before I accepted Christ into my life. That's not what He did. He was sly, for sure - not evil, but sly. See, like Peterson, I've always been more interested in people than data, so what did the Messiah do? He sent two women to me - three weeks ago - to explain a basic, established, Biblical concept. I know the Bible well, so when they explained the concept - with memorized Biblical references - I was astonished. I know exactly what happened that day - the scales fell off my eyes. I finally understood the Word of God, and - more importantly - what the message was intended to be, not what I had perceived it as. Because He knows I love people more than data, those two women showed me more patience and kindness - while not judging me - than I have ever experienced from "Christians" in my life. Long story short, I accepted Christ a few days later because of the fruits those women bore. Someone asked me, "so you're a Christian now?" I replied, "Christian is such a dirty word. I'm a follower of Christ." And, after watching this video, I was right - I'm not a Christian. I'm a follower of Christ, yes, which makes me an adherent of The Way. Thanks for this, Zach, and may Jesus Christ of Nazareth - the Creator God - bless y.ou according to His will.


For me I never know the Bible, I never understand the Holy spirit how he is leading me, but now with patience and courage, I can do many things through the Holy spirit that is helping me, Glory be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ


Jordan is very wise and open about himself and the truth as he understands it. Jordan read from the one book that truly matters and studies it and it is helping so many others including myself. I am very very very proud of him, HalleluYah!


Wow this really motivated me this morning.


Great video brother, thank you. Keep it up!


And we'll be glad to have him back.


Some assorted concerns about Jordan Peterson –

1. He is all about the self. Everything, no matter how transcendent or divine, is reflexed back to be about the self. Even the burning bush of Exodus 3. Even the statement, “the glory of God” in Romans 3. He will not approach the holy – he will rather hide in human psychology. Every. Single. Time.

Like many people, it seems to me that he fears the existence of such a God. He doesn’t let himself go there.

2. His entire outlook is immanent… That means, limited to this world (it’s the opposite of transcendent). Everything spiritual or divine is contained in this created cosmos. Everything objective, including truth itself, is contained in this created cosmos. The God of the Bible is excluded completely because there is no self-existing, transcendent, divine being. There is no Creator who imposes order (and a lot more besides), rather, the universe reveals its own order.

This is a neopagan outlook. It is the worship of creation. The divine is only here, part of the stuff of this world, just as we are. Romans 1 calls that “the lie.” It’s serious.

3. He preaches most of the pessimism of Christianity without the optimism. He is hopeless. He is Ecclesiastes without God. He is this passing world without eternity. He is sin without salvation. He carries a “cross” without the hope of resurrection. He is fallenness without redemption. He is the power of man without the power of God… People are messed up. Society is messed up. Utopia is not here and cannot be here. SO, TRY HARDER, MAN! The end.

Without the everlasting Kingdom of God, and the open door to enter it, not by my power, but through Jesus Christ the King… real, objective hope doesn’t exist.

4. He is exegeting the Bible, but “the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14). His exegesis is full of overt and subtle error which can be deceptive.

So, don’t get your Bible study from Peterson, unless it’s with a massive grain of salt and much discernment.

5. When he says “truth” he does not mean what you mean. He means something approximating truth, which the universe has revealed to us about itself. He means some murky revelation of the immanent divine. The Bible is, to him, one such murky revelation of things immanent.

6. When he says “Christ” or “God” he does not mean what you mean. He is speaking in metaphors.

7. If he had any kind of theological qualification, most of Christendom would be marginalising him as a pretty serious heretic. That’s a good thing to just bear in mind.

8. Weirdly, for all his focus on masculinity, he commits the single greatest masculine error imaginable… He rejects the true higher authority, as that authority revealed Himself. He won’t submit. He won’t be ruled over by the God he has read so much about. He prefers to rule over God, finding him in the hidden parts of this world – parts that are revealed in ways that never rise above his own intellect.

A big P.S: None of this is to take away from the man’s towering intellect, his contribution to public discourse, his courage, his understanding of his field, or his discernment of the times in which we live. I have personally learned heaps from him. It is only to help people understand his limits, how to pray for him, and how to be wise when listening to him.


Christianity is not a principle. Keep diging Jordan you will hit heavenly GOLD when you discover the Gospel.


slowly but surely GOD Himself is working on Peterson .. more and more over time ...


This is the Way! God is wooing people to Him including Joe Rogan. If you are honest with the evidence for Christianity there is no other choice but to join the team. Jordan Peterson and his family did and no one can claim they aren't smart cookies. Rogan is for the most part an honest seeker of truth and that's why he's leaning in the right direction. But one of the things I love about the Gospel is that if you explain it simply and clearly even someone as young as five or six can understand it and become a Christian and save themselves from so many hassles in life. On the other hand, people who are saved later in life have a very great appreciation for it.
