How to make healthy PCOS-friendly breakfast on a budget | We the PCOS

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When money gets tight, many nutrition plans go out the window. NO MORE! This inexpensive oat bran breakfast is just what the gym boss / side chef ordered.

Oat Bran is our top choice of complex carbohydrates for PCOS Recipes because it's low on the glycemic index, low calorie, and kind to your wallet. You can enhance its protein count by adding egg whites or protein powder and the latter also bumps up the flavor. Use any protein powder flavor you like and add brightness with affordable frozen fruit.

water - 0 €
oat bran - 0.37 €
frozen blueberries - 0.28 €
salt - 0.01 €
protein powder - 1.02 €

TOTAL: 2.33 € / $2.37


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You CAN achieve your most audacious goals. You really can. It is a journey and that is what we celebrate at We the PCOS. Your process. So, let your gorgeous, belly-bouncing, calorie counting, whisker-plucking, mood-spinning love light shine.

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