Amazon's RINGS of POWER Stupidity! HARFOOTS are NOT HOBBITS!?

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#Amazon seriously need to shut up, and stop saying that #RingsofPower Harfoots are not Hobbits. In #LordoftheRings, it's established that they are on page 3!

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“You have been told many lies about Middle-Earth…”

*From Amazon*

Fixed that statement.


Another glaring change (or perhaps ignorance is a better term) re: Harfoots in RoP:

The actress playing the Harfoot mom described her Harfoot family belonging to a community that is "MIGRATORY and nomads" in an interview posted at the channel Black Girl Nerds.

And in the SDCC panel, the Harfoot daughter actress, when asked by Stephen Colbert if they live in holes, infamously answered "They don't exactly live in holes, but they do live in CARTS (I think she meant caravans but still)."

From Fellowship page 3: "They [Harfoots] were the most inclined to settle in ONE place, and longest preserved their ancestral habit of living in tunnels and HOLES."


Why did they overlook actual dwarfs and hire non-dwarf actors to fill those roles?
Lenny Henry is 6'2''. Where is the representation for short people?
Short people will never overcome oppression from tall folk until they can see themselves.


P&M use "breadcrumbs" instead of what they really mean- "loopholes" to flesh out their mealy script of what they're allowed to use. A classic exercise in time-wasting and plot-diversion to bulk out their 50 hours of footage...


I love the amount of English/U.K. Folks that have rallied together against this madness.


It would be funny if someone asks dumb and dumber if the entire Harfoot story takes place in the Anduin valley north of Lorinand, since the timeline in the appendices clearly states that the Harfoots never moved West of the Misty Mountains until 1050 of the Third Age.


The Harfoots were in the Vale of Anduin and the prologue to LotR makes it very clear they're hobbits and didn't appear until the 3rd age


It would make more sense if they had an Asiatic dwarf due to the tribes that stayed in the East.
Many of whom turned evil.
But that would mean reading the books.


Trilogy & Hobbit 101: There are three types of Hobbts: the Stoors, Harfoots and Fallowhides. Any questions?


I'd have had more respect if they'd just said they wanted hobbits for commercial reasons but couldn't use the name because its copyrighted. The lore arguments are pointless at this stage; they are clearly writing some weird form of fan fiction. I continue to be baffled by who this show is aimed at.


Here is why Harfoots/Hobbits doing great things in the Second Age doesn't make sense: If they did indeed do great things in the Second Age, then Sauron would have been aware of them, right?

The theme of the Third Age - The most unlikely of all the races doing the greatest of deeds loses it's significance. It also loses one aspect of Tolkien's stories. Hobbits were so insignificant that they weren't even on Sauron's radar. Once he was aware of them, he knew so little of them that it didn't occur to him that they were resilient enough to resist the One Ring's power just enough to accomplish their unlikely mission.

You lose all of that if you create a Hobbit story that gives them special significance in the Rings of Idiocy.


I'm over the first dwarf of color she's irritated me enough to not watch it.


Everybody will watch it, because it’s free on prime. So they can call it a success anyway, the rating maybe bad, but they have the numbers to show how successful it is.


I don’t know if they’ve worked out the implication of representing less evolved proto-Hobbits as different in phenotypes.

This article goes so far as to call Harfoots as an “evolutionary predecessor” to Hobbits making the implication of representing them like this an especially bad implication.


"They would be the whitest beings other than the elves" - Actually, the mythology Tolkien drew from had very little distinction between Dwarves and elves. Many of the oldest myths use the terms interchangeably. While in folklore evolution, there came a French V English aspect of rivalry between elves and dwarves as separate races, (as seen in Tolkien fiction) even those seem to imply that while not all elves are dwarves, dwarves are in fact, at least in some way, elves. Beit by common ancestry or simply by way of shared aspects of culture, it is not technically wrong to regard Dwarves as elves, nor elves as dwarves. It all depends on the context.


there is still hope :) becouse well, as far as I can see it on YT comments I would say that there are many ppl who wanted to read the books before watching of TV show to be prepared a bit about the lore :) and also those who did not liked the TV show and thats why they wanted to compare it with the books - so IMO there are those two new groups of potential fans . Even some normies ( not fantasy fans ) who find this show lacking in many aspects started to read Tolkien books.

Thank you Amazon for so many reinforcements for Tolkien army :)

- Tolkien fandom stands alone.
- Not alone. Fandoms !
- To the King !


Err Tony Cox was a black dwarf in Willow. See also female dwarves in this film.


They dont care what tolkien they want to do is make their own version of lotr hence why its "based on tolkiens lotr" amazon wankers


Go woke go broken just don't watch it


So you’re insinuating that there shouldn’t be any non white characters in 👍🏿 👌🏿 😅😂😂
