10 Signs of the Extremely Rare INTJ Female

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Are you an INTJ female? Do you ever feel like you're a rare gem in a sea of diamonds? Well, the statistics back it up! INTJ females make up only 0.8% of the population, making them one of the most scarce personality types out there. From her strategic way of thinking to her independent nature, we'll discuss the unique characteristics that make an INTJ female stand out from the crowd. So whether you're new to the personality type or a seasoned INTJ, join us as we explore the traits that make INTJ females truly one-of-a-kind.

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My wife -> INTJ Me -> INTP Together we complement our strengths and weaknesses to make a powerful team that is ALWAYS growing ever sense we first meet.12+ years and counting. And yes we both go against the grain of society and it's amazing to have her in my life. Random tangent


This makes it seem like INTJ women are born of myths and legends! But in reality we are very ordinary and boring 😂

Edit: wow some people are getting hurt and lashing out 😂 boring and ordinary are relative and can never describe the inner world or accomplishments of an INTJ. But to the casual people with no substance of their own we look ordinary.


I’m an INTJ, and I’m constantly in my head coming up with future research innovations about topics such as marine biogeography, urban planning, economics, and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) development. My partner is an ISTP who can kick my butt in Pokemon battles in about five minutes (even though I have planned them out about two weeks in advance), and prevents me from bumping into trees.


this makes so much sense😭 I finally realise that my personality isn’t weird or different it’s just rare 😭


This helps us all so much when we feel like a misfit and get so upset by simple logical “that is not right” when faced with situations of a simple right or wrong… and us asking ourselves the problem with no feelings behind it that it simply just doesn’t make sense. Feeling like it’s best to work by yourself because everyone else takes their time, wastes time, does it in a more difficult way instead of completing the task perfectly in the smartest approach. Does anyone else get super internally heated when someone talks to you as if you’re an idiot when in fact you could just open your mouth with a novel of facts in systematic order of events on why they are incorrect and is just wanting to send them the pdf of your mental thesis on why they are in fact an idiot and what specifically they can work on to better themselves and their growth to move forward… because same 😅 I have to remove myself from rooms at work so I can visually see the stupidity or hear it for a second so I don’t go into full boss mode.


Now I know why the judge thanked and excused me from jury duty after I said that sometimes ignorance of the law is an excellent excuse, and backed it up with my reasons when he asked me why. I'm exactly the type you'd want on a jury if you want anything approaching justice, so I'm afraid he was more concerned about a hung jury.


more like Asocial, rather then antisocial. Antisocial means psychopaths and sociopaths.


A sense of relief knowing my personality type tbh 🥲


I hear INTJ's are attracted, more than any other type, to persons of the same type, rather than opposites. I believe this is true because two like-minded introverts can go to parties as split the extrovert load, and they'll be ready to leave at the same time (J). They're in the same universe (N, not S), and given the universe of facts being perceived the same, recognize the logical (T) truth. (Plus, they know about the MBTI and use it in every day conversation because of how elegantly logical it is.)
Humanity doesn't need a huge number of INTJ's giving directions from the crow's nest, because it'll rock the boat too much. That said, INTJ's are really useful to groups, unless the group is overweighted with them (see the Libertarian Party, a political party for people who hate politics--right, but early to seeing where politics was headed). However, in a personal relationship, if you can see over the horizon, you really don't want a 24/7 life partner who can't. A group can appreciate an INTJ only after they've proven themselves over and over again unless that INTJ is very skilled at communicating with other types. Personal relationships may not last long enough for the group to trust an INTJ (many have been executed before being found correct).


I.N.T.J. female here, ×3 I have taken the Myers-Briggs, waiting 2yrs between each test. Every time I am processed as an INTJ❤🎉🎉 T.Y. so much....


I actually completely a SWOT analysis on myself. I listed non-conformity and not blindly following anyone, including authority, as strengths.. 😆 😊
We are keen on what our weaknesses are and constantly seeks ways to improve.


I am happy to hear someone understands me.


Thank you for this video. I am finally free to soar unencumbered by a family who took and took but could never acknowledge me.


My 20 year friend asked me if i always achieve my goals, since i do. I laughed and told her most of some of those goals started at childhood, or 10 to 15 years of planning. We are exacting in our plans to accomplishments. I recently bought my 3000sqft home in the woods on land at 64. Joyfully, blissfully happy.


An interesting take on the INTJ female type! Thanks for sharing. Randomly discovered your channel through the YouTube algorithm! 🤟🤟🤟


I tested INTJ twice. I even tried the test with this dating app but I quit cause it was boring lol. It says there that I am an INTJ. (Sounds accurate for me because they were able to tell what I am like and what I really like) But when I saw the first reason- Ahh... maybe all the tests were wrong 😂😂 I am bad at Math. It even takes time for me to calculate even in my head.


I am definitely scarce. Found it amusing that as far back as the sixth grade, my teacher commented on my report card that I have a love for learning. I by no means find myself to be a genius and consider myself to be as wise as my best teacher. I do have a hunger for learning.


I’ve never met an INTJ female. I’m a INTJ male


Always wanted to find one to see if 2x INTJs click...


Maybe I am an intj. I bought every color or the same leggins and a shirt to match. AND I LOVE POCKETS IN A DRESS AND I BOUGHT ONE IN EVERY COLOR😂 and still looking for them for those pocketed dresses
