OBI-WAN KENOBI Ep 3 FULL BREAKDOWN - Connections and Lore You Missed! - Star Wars

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So Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 3 has finally dropped on Disney+, continuing the tragic tale of Obi-Wan discovering the true fate of his former Apprentice Darth Vader. In the episode we got some massive connections to the Star Wars books, games, comics and tv shows, including one of Anakins darkest moments. #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi #DarthVader

So the episode begins inside of the cargo ship they used to escape last episode, with Obi-Wan yet again begging for his Master Qui-Gon Jinn to greet him from the cosmic force. Instead however, he is only greeted by the chilling voice of Reva, warning Obi-Wan that Anakin is still alive… We then get some crosscut shots with Darth Vader inside of his tank, intertwined with Obi-Wan hearing more voices from his past, including Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin on that Fateful day on Mustafar.

Right after this, we see the final construction of Darth Vader’s suit onto his body, before he menacingly walks forward at his fortress on Mustafar. His suit in this series is actually pretty close to the one used in Rogue One.

Next, Vader moves to his throne room and opens a hologram call with Reva, revealing that he has been watching her for some time now. He also offers Reva the position of Grand Inquisitor is she is successful in finding Kenobi. This finally confirms the long held theory that the Grand Inquisitor is a rank that can be earned, rather than just going to the first Inquisitor who joined.

In the very next shot, young Leia asks Obi-Wan what it feels like to use the force, and describes it as the feeling of safety you get after turning on the light in a dark room. Obviously this is the Jedi’s perspective on the force, but it’s actually pretty similar to the way Ahsoka explained it to a young child on the planet Thabeska shortly after Order 66. After crashing her Venator into the unknown ice Moon, Ahsoka was forced to live in hiding from the Empire, and she eventually discovered a young force-sensitive girl in the outer Room. She used a very similar way of describing the force to her, but this was before she started moving towards the balance.

After this, Obi-Wan and Leia’s cargo ship arrives on the imperial controlled planet of Mapuzo, where lots of imperial mining takes place. Mapuzo was mentioned in Star Wars legends, and we don’t know much about it apart from the fact that a huge robbery took place there…

During their journey across the planet, Obi-Wan is having horrific visions, which are powerful enough to even scare Leia. If it wasn’t already clear, he’s a very scarred man by this point in the timeline.

Now in the next shot we arrive at an extremely cool location, that we’ve actually seen before in Star Wars Canon. This place is called Fortress Inquisitorious and is the home base of Darth Vader’s inquisitors. It is located on the Moon Nur in the Mustafar system, but was only moved there after Two Inquisitors fell in love at their old headquarters on Coruscant and Darth Vader shredded up the whole area to find them. As a result, Palpatine forced Vader to move their headquarters to his home system of Mustafar, and here we are. It has previously appeared in the Darth Vader: 2017 comics as well as at the end of Jedi Fallen Order.

Inside the main chamber, Reva comes in and asserts her position as the new leader following the Grand Inquisitor’s “death”, if you can call it that, and you can actually see some Jedi artefacts in the background. First is either a Jedi Temple guard Mask, or one of the youngling helmets that they used to train, and after that you can see a row of lightsabers. These are presumably from inside the Jedi temple, after Vader’s complete slaughter.
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Just hearing James Earl Jones voicing Vader again, I got goosebumps and memories of rewatching all of the movies. His voice is so iconic.


3:20 I honestly wouldn't call this scene hilarious, I'd say it was actually quite tense. Obviously Obi-Wan gets discovered later in the episode, but at this point the Inquisitors don't know that they're on Maputo, and these Stormtroopers had the potential to blow their cover. What's more, when Obi-Wan slips up and says Leia instead of Luma, the Stormtrooper who picks up on it doesn't do it in a cartoonish way, he sounds genuinely suspicious and demands to know why he said the wrong name. I think it's a good example of better writing for stormtroopers, considering that they have been turned into a running gag in a lot of Disney Star Wars media.


It was the best episode far!! Vader was just like Vader from the comics, it was a good duel with Vader & Vader tried to make Kenobi feel how he felt on Mustafar. I wasn't expecting that imperial officer to help Obi-wan Kenobi. Quinlan Vos possibly still alive gives a hope of a potential Bad Batch season 2 apperance!!

Such a big cliffhanger at the end, so excited for next week, we are going in blind!!


Obi Wan's reaction when he first feels Anakin's presence... seeing Vader only a couple hundred feet from him... I got full body chills. The brutal burning of Obi Wan just topped this whole episode off as one of my all time favorite Vader moments. Ewan's acting was amazing, it really sold the dread and the pain and the heartbreak. Loved this episode!! Didn't expect them to face off so early in the series, but I think it was seriously well done.


I like how vader is slower but still aggressive and is playing with kenobi.


Quinlon made me get up from my chair, it was the moment for me. I couldnt help but think of Ventress, Quinlon and his story as a movie


This is my favourite episode and vaders brutality felt perfect to his lust for vengeance and anger, thank you Mr. Darth Vader.


Darth Vader was just toying with Obi Wan-Kenobi when they dueled.


Quinlan Vos has one of the coolest stories


Wasnt expecting them to fight this early in the show, Though it was epic and I hope there would be more and its not gonna be saved for like the last 2 episodes


This episode definitely exceeded the first two🔥


U did not mention the that kid's neck
Broked up by Vader
Brings back youngling killing vibe except with lightsabers it would have been brutal


I gave this episode a 8/10, so far the series itself has been pretty incredible! Nothing short of what I would have expected, for this episode I really do enjoy seeing all the little Easter eggs and hidden nods to other characters/shows, I will say it did seem like kenobi was in that fire for a longgg time! And I did see his arm and leg was pretty burned up but I would have thought he was done for there! Can’t wait to see next episode


The Quinlan name drop got me acting up


Vader was severely brutal in this episode RIP to that child


This episode was absolutely chilling. Ewan's performance absolutely sells it. You can feel the fear that Vader brings with simply his presence. Though it was kind of a headscratcher watching Vader just let Kenobi get helped away when he so easily put the fire out before. Unless the plan was to torture him and then use his desperation to find more pro-Jedi Allies, it's the only complaint I really have.


Jabiim. Thats a planet I haven't heard of in a long time.


Thank Mr. Darth And thank you Star Force for a great narration you have a great voice 🌟.


Those Jedi artefacts are really cool I think. Stupendous wave even did a separate video breaking down what they were all about.


This episode is everything you want as a Star Wars fan, had me in the edge of my seat the whole episode 🔥💯
