Missing 411 David Paulides Presents Two Missing Cases from the Uinta Mountains, Utah

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Raymond Ewer
Garrett Bardsley
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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Good Morning Friends and Villagers!
Youtube did it again, they restricted comments on this video after I had them open and available. I just switched them back and everyone can make a comment.
My frustration is through the roof.
These are two of the most unusual cases you will find, in the same mtn range and two great boys. Very sad.
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I was a Scout leader for 16 years. I made many trips with my sons. This is a father's worst nightmare.


Often imitated, never duplicated. The OG of 411, Mr. Paulides!


I've recently retired, and I can't stop watching your videos. I have watched you for years but now I have the time to watch your videos more. You are a wonderful person who cares deeply about these missing people. You are there to help the family and make everyone aware of the potential dangers that are unexplainable. No one, I mean NO ONE can come even close to explaining these situations where people have gone missing like you do! Keep on keeping on! You are a blessing to so many people! Thank you for all you do!


Every time you mention boulder fields it reminds me of that side bar story yopou told where a man in a national park saw a boulder lift up and a deer get pulled into it and disappear.


Dave I remember Garret’s story from your book. So heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing them again. Better news I got my Idaho and Washington books yesterday and hat! Can’t wait to start them this morning. Thank you for everything you and Ben started. I share your stories everywhere I go. I battle depression and truly your books and YouTube keep me from spiraling. Can’t say enough good things about you and your mission!!


I've watched you for years now. Don't comment much but, I want to say I'm behind you and I'm glad you give these unfortunate, innocent people a voice.


Hi Too Everyone Hope You All Have A Blessed Day 🙌 Greetings From A 🌞 GREAT BRITAIN 🇬🇧


Ok ok ok wait a minute! Hey Dave, I'm trying to keep it together while I type this at this very moment. I can't shake off these chills I got after hearing this episode. If anyone is reading this, what did i just experience today? So i had an electrician come out to my house today which is in Utah. We were having a chat while he was doing his thing on an outlet in my backyard when he mentioned he was a scout master back in the day. So I asked the electrician if he was familiar with David Paulides' Missing 411 on YouTube. He said he wasn't so i had mentioned one of the stories that came up not too long ago about a 12 yr old kid that went missing in the California mountains while with his troop. He then asked me if i knew the story of a kid named Garrett that went missing about 20 yrs ago that lived a couple of blocks from me. I replied I wasn't familiar with the story so he proceeded to tell me about what happened to Garrett and how they named a street after him in our neighborhood. Of course I was amazed considering this happened to someone in the neighborhood. I thought to myself, man if only David Paulides would do a story on this one it would be awesome to shed some light to the story and find out what really happened. Next thing you know, lo and behold what is on Missing 411 today. I saw the title and said there's no way one of those stories is going to be about Garrett. Sure enough it was. I put my pencil down while writing bible scriptures which is what i do on my break and had to catch my breath. I was in disbelief as you can imagine. Talking about coincidence but as many say there is no such thing as a coincidence. I had to share this experience today because i have no idea how or why I had this experience today. Dave, you and your crew keep up the great work!

Robert M.


I have read many accounts of Garrett's story. Some of the articles say his Dad heard a faint yell, "Dad"... as he was walking back to the camp to look for Garrett but he dismissed it. That gave me goosebumps. I feel Garrett walked into a portal. I heard that from some of of your research there are people missing who said they were yelling for help on the same spot that was searched...like there were 2 different places on top of each other. This reminds me of fairy folklore that I've read especially from Ireland. Anyway I came across this account written on Reddit...

I almost walked into a fairy portal

(Re-posted here, originally a reply to someone else’s thread)

I saw a fairy portal once and almost went through it. I was nine years old and it was the week before school. I was depressed about classes starting because kids had started to bully me. My mom took me on a day trip to the local preserve. When we arrived there was a bus load of elementary school kids and my heart sank. I was noticeably chubby & kids were always cruel about it. This was the 1980s and fat phobia was intense. So we walk along the main path, full of kids. My mom could instantly charm children so they loved her but when she wasn’t looking the kids would say mean shit to me. So I wandered off the main trail & found an Indian trail, it was very distinct in spite of a lot of undergrowth, passed between two trees that arced toward one another almost like a doorway and then I came to this huge hedge, it was too high to see over & stretched all the way from the Indian trail to the main path, seeming to cut across the forest. The Indian trail led right up to it and there was a fissure, just wide enough for a child to fit through.

I peeked inside and it was so luciously green and cool (this was a stifling hot day, Nebraska heat, humid and oppressive). So it was unusual to find some place that cool in the forest, given all the heat and humidity.

I squeezed into the fissure, set my foot in the earth on the other side—which was soft and moist and springy, unlike the hard baked sandy earth of the main forest. What I saw remains the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The sky was pearl blue. There was a vivid green bank sloping down to a dry creek overgrown with ferns. A huge fallen tree trunk spanned the ancient creek like a bridge. On the other side was a forest of silvery trees, the most inviting thing I have ever seen. Peaceful, wondrous. All the sounds from outside were hushed. No gabbling children etc. It filled me with joy and at that time of my life I had precious little that made me happy.

Now, I had braced my hand on the outer wall of the hedge, had my other foot firmly planted in the hard, sandy ‘real’ part of the path because somehow I knew if I put both feet in the fairy side I could never go back. It was so hard not to walk into it and start exploring. I truly felt the place call to me, and I have never wanted anything so bad than to cross that tree bridge and explore that silvery forest. Even the air felt different, moist and sweet. I felt a light gentle mist touch my face as I closed my eyes and breathed in deep.

But then I thought of my mother. Could I really just leave her behind? She had a sad life too and I thought it would be a gift to show her this place, and we could go in it together.

Well as I had that thought, the fissure in the hedge began to close—pressing against my stomach and back. I was forced to choose—go forward or go back. I pulled myself back out of it with an effort. The hedge branches caught in my t shirt and tore a hole. Also a branch scraped my arm, drawing blood.

I went back down the Indian trail, past the two trees entwined like a doorway, and found my mother on the main path still talking to those brats who had the nerve to bully me when she wasn’t looking.

I insisted she come with me to see this most glorious thing. She didn’t doubt me, was willing to follow me. Only now it was really difficult to find the Indian trail in the undergrowth. It was all overgrown and covered in leave but I spotted it and made it as far as the two trees that were like a door. Only they were strung with nasty cobwebs, like the trees were suddenly so old and ugly I couldn’t imagine going near them. And the trail had disappeared entirely!

I looked up and pointed in the direction of the hedge, sure she could spot it from there—it was nine feet high and stretched for several yards in both directions. But no. There was nothing, only the usual trees and undergrowth.

My shock when it wasn’t there!!

I saw then it was impossible that it had ever been there. It would have bisected the main path, which was packed with children and teachers. I was speechless, trying to get my mother to understand what I saw. She didn’t doubt me and said, “Maybe it was just for you to see.”

I felt such a profound feeling of loss. Really inconsolable loss. Probably at the end of my days I will still think of that place. That was my chance to enter the fairy realm but I turned back.

I’ve never shared that story. I thought if I had children that I would tell them about it. That didn’t happen, so I’m adding it here.


I cannot imagine the feeling of a missing child. God bless those parents. Sad to hear when they r never found again. Thank you for all you do. God bless you and I love your doggie too!


Dave if your reading this, thank you for being this subject out to light. It was the Dennis Martin case that snowballed for me to follow you. Been following you since, you did an interview with “Where did the road go”.

As a father and having a autistic son like Dennis, that case hit home and very dear to me.

Thanks Again. God Bless


Hi Villagers and Dave, from Winston-Salem. Appreciate your research work—the UFO connection, missing people and Bigfoot. So, after years of watching your program on YouTube, reading your books and watching your videos I have become a “believer”. Your work is amazing and important. Thanks.


Couple things that stand out in the story about the boyscout going missing to me as a boyscout and a dad of a boyscout; the number one rule in scouting is never go alone always have a buddy, also it’s so rare and would actually make me feel cautious if I woke up early in a scout camp and no one was awake yet, that has never been an experience of mine in years of camping, most dads can’t sleep or at least not deeply when camping and most dads are used to waking up early for work. Also they were having trouble catching anything in a beautiful remote mountain lake early in the morning that’s unheard of. Just some thoughts for you Dave. Thank you for everything you do.


Dave - I’m so glad you mentioned Garrett Bardsley. I met his mother, grandmother and sister and when living in Utah at the time. I’ve been so bothered by it since then and still think about him often, especially now that I have a son that is Garrett’s age when he disappeared. My heart is still broken for them. At the time of his disappearance, they had record of every single person who entered the park and everyone was looked it. They went back a year later to search to see if they could find anything at all, clothing, etc so they would know what happened to him. They found nothing. 😢


Dave I remember Garrett's sad story from reading about it in your book. I cannot imagine the pain that his parents went through. It brings tears to my eyes hearing about it again in this latest video. Thanks for all of your hard work Dave. You truly are a blessing to so many of us who need more people like you in this world.


The moment I saw Uinta Mountains in the title, I immediately thought of Skinwalker Ranch. It's all just coming together...


Dave, as you said : something was watching, waiting for that point of separation, and then *took* Garrett. And in the case of Raymond, even though he may not have been *taken* until after he met the sheep-herder, the question must be asked as to how he got to be so far off track to begin with! The idea that something could be watching, waiting, & then taking individuals is very disturbing! This raises the question, who or what could be prowling around "out in the middle of nowhere (so to speak) waiting & watching for an opportunity to *take* some person as its prey? Does it stalk specific individuals? Does it take its prey randomly? Does it wait like a hunter in a blind, until prey happens to come along, perhaps choosing to wait & watch until a specific type of prey shows up? Does it then somehow *lure* its preferred prey into a point of separation that is planned to put the prey into a vulnerable positio


I was born and raised in Montana, and really enjoy your utube channel and your movie on Amazon prime. Can’t wait to order your book


Dave you should consider doing live shows where people can call in.
