What If C-3PO SAVED Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back

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C-3PO was Anakin's first droid creation long before his transformation into Darth Vader. What If C-3PO Saved Darth Vader during Empire Strikes Back? How would 3PO remember Anakin/Vader? Would he still have his memory banks from the Prequels or would something else trigger his memory of Anakin? How would 3PO be capable of saving Anakin and turning him back to the Light?

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Рекомендации по теме

What if Palpatine was killed because his maid cheaped out on clothing detergent and used a type that he was allergic to?


It's always good to see 3PO get his time in the spotlight.


What if Vader stopped Tarkin from destroying Alderaan? Either because it was done without the Emperor’s consent or because a piece of Anakin breaks through not wanting to kill one of Padme’s old friends and uses the Emperor as an excuse.


Artoo locked Threepio's memories from Polis Masa and before behind a firewall. Later, after finding Luke, unlocks it for him. Thus Threepio had his memories blocked, but saved from memory wipe.


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Vader: You weren't around for this during the Clone Wars, but this is called a "War Crime".

3P0: Oh my!

Comedy gold.


Vader at the end "I have a grandson too? Obi wan Yoda I'm a grandpa!!!"


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C-3PO is way out of his comfort zone in the story. But honestly this is another really great droid story


Windu Shows up as a force ghost
Anakin: OH SH-


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Arives at corscant
Destroys the senate bulding, jedi temple, and the entire financial district
Refuses to elaborate


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The Force ghost that visits Anakin in question: "you killed us when we were children..."


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I’m for one am more glad that you made 3Po was not destroyed in this What If.


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"What if the Jedi Order wasn't a part of the Republic when the Sith Grand Plan was initiated?"


Hi Pante Patrol Star Wars Thank you For Crating this amazing Video based on What if C-3PO Saved Darth Video in Empire Strikes Back.


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.
