Cook Once and Eat for a Month! Breakfast, Dinner, and Dessert Freezer Meals All From Scratch

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Hello Becky, greetings from the U.K. I love your channel, I find it very comforting. My wife of 54 years passed away last month, so I’m trawling YouTube for inspiring recipes in addition to the one’s Sue used to cook. So thank you for all you do, it’s much appreciated.


Hello Becky. I bet when you started this channel you didn't even think that you would inspire some random girl across the ocean to make ginger pucks for the freezer, but you did. Internet is amazing and your cooking videos are my favorite, thank you for all the inspiration!


Am I the only one who loves that you filmed and showed us you cleaning up the dishwasher and stuff? The realities of cooking are so much better than pristine magical everything is done videos...


Thought you might like this little story. I’m not a good cook, at all. I never enjoyed cooking and worked multiple jobs so when I was blessed with my son and as a single mother, I started to have to cook more for us. All the while I had 1 FT job and 2 PT. It was a touch time, 1997 through 2009 but soooo worth it. The story I really wanted to tell you is that for my birthday/Christmas or any gift holidays, I would only ask my mother for freezer dinners of the foods I grew up with. These saved us. I know that the people you, prepare and gift these wonderful meals to, GREATLY appreciate it. They are like handmade art or crafts, touching, meaningful and appreciated.


Your recipes of course are fantastic but honestly the most impressive thing is how much you care about your sister in law <3 Very kind and considerate person even down to the disposable pans and paper plates.


I don’t know how to cook. My husband did all the cooking and he just passed away. So, i just found you and hoping I can learn from you. Thank you.


12:45 "Whatever you find in the freezer aisle you can try to make at home" That is genius!! I'm trying to reduce single use plastic packaging and frozen things are hard, but yeah, with foresight you can easily freeze almost everything they freeze. Tomorrow shall be a prep day!


This is the first time I came across your video. I rarely watch entire cooking videos, but you had me captivated from start to finish. I love how you dont drag it out with nonsense commentary. You cook quickly, efficiently & are informative & just pleasingly warm to listen to. Thank you. I'm a new fan & subscribed. I look forward to watching your other videos. Thank you!


Becky, 2023 is my second year garden. I am 70 and stared my garden after watching you. I started with a few pots the first year.
I Grew my confidence and a garden doing this with you. This year I grew 6 raised bed and canned food for the pantry.
Thank you 🙏💚🐾


My grandkids aren't fond of veggies, so I make them pink pancakes with pureed beets; green pancakes with pureed spinach and orange pancakes with pureed carrots or pumpkin. They love them and they get a bit of goodness too.


My mother died when I was 16, I never really had a motherly figure to show me basic women knowledge, thank you for your content, I've gotten some of the ingredients to make some of the recipes! Excited to see results!


I LOVE how you scrape out the ingredients and waste nothing! ❤ I'm a fan and will be watching your channel now.


Hey Becky, I’m baking your pumpkin chocolate chip cookies right now. This is a huge step for me. I’ve been traumatized with lots of family loss( son, mom, dad, sister) and cooking is a trigger for me, but I want to get better. So the dough is chilling. I followed every step carefully. You are my virtual friend that encouraged me. Thank you. Sending love to you and your family. ❤


A lil pro tip; when I'm making meatballs or meatloaf, I always pinch off a little bit of the raw meat mixture and fry it up to make sure the seasoning and texture is on point.❤


This should be shown in schools. How to cook in batch & use for the freezer. Such an interesting blog. All people could learn from this young lady her inspiration to help others. Thank you Becky.👍


Your love and consideration for your sister in law is absolutely beautiful ❤


I’m 67 years old and have never made freezer meals and you have inspired me to try some. It just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks…you just need to be a good teacher!


The reason a recipe calls for chilling the dough (in case you do not know) is so that a) flour can hydrate and b) butter can harden. This will give you a thicker cookie and reduce the amount of spread giving you the intended texture of the recipe.


What an amazing gesture of love for your sister in law

I would just about cry with gratitude if someone brought me food like this ❤


Watching you cook all those meals to freeze was so inspirational. And your sister-in-law is very blessed to have you in her life.
