The Awakening | Book Review + Discussion

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This is a review of the 1899 novel The Awakening which was written by Kate Chopin. In this video I tell you what the plot of the story is and give you my review and a discussion on the novel. I know this book gets taught in schools and in the video I give you some reason why I think that's a great thing. I want every school girl to read it!

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I agree that we can teach old books. But it needs to be taught in a relevant way. I also totally agree about the reading 5 pages a week thing. If you watched a movie over 6 months at 5 minutes every few days, you would find it boring and disjointed too. I think the kids should just be told to read the book in a reasonable time at the start of the year.


I have had to read and analyse this book for my master's degree in English this year, and I (honestly) did not like it. Some possible spoilers ahead, so please read the book for yourself before continuing.

Although I was able to understand the negative position that the story's protagonist (Edna) was placed in (a dominant husband that perceived her as his personal possession rather than a person, the societal standards for women (only being able to be a wife and mother), and the lack of acceptance for her desire for a life outside of her home) the author has written her 'path towards her awakening' in a lackluster manner.

I would have completely understood her choice of wanting to distance herself from her husband and life as mother-wife, and would have supported her in her journey towards an independent lifestyle. However, her decision to express her freedom by having multiple relationships (while still being married I might at) and doing this while also avoiding her children presented her in a negative light for me.

If she would have just chosen to live away from her husband--perhaps even have divorced him--and went to have a career as an artist, all while still caring for her children; I would definitely support her decision. However, sleeping around with strange men, ignoring her children, not being happy with her life as an artist, and (inevitably) killing herself because she was shunned for what she did made me dislike the character, and ruined the book for me.

This is tragic because I enjoyed the concept and writing of the book but the depiction of how women should be able to liberate and express themselves in the story had not only made "The Awakening" a lousy read but has also presented the feminist/female liberation movement in a negative light.

All in all, 2 out of 5 from me,


The point she said about it's relatability in many countries still is so true. Like here in India, things are changing but still in majority of the families, women are not given the same status as that of a man. And this book really makes you empathize with such people and it makes you feel grateful if you didn't have to face such things.


Your book reviews are the only ones I genuinely enjoy <3


Thank you very much for this review! I just started chapter 1 of the book and this helped me understand why it is important.


Searched for a viewing of Kate Chopins A Reawakening and came across this video review of the book The Awakening and OMG I love you for making this book review! I totally want to read this book now! And you're so awesome for not adding any spoilers. Going to subscribe and try to watch more book reviews.


You've sold me! I'm excited to add this to my TBR!


Thank you for making this video! As a woman born and raised in East Asia some of the unjust phenomenon you mentioned are so relatable. I knew this book because my English literature professor recommended Kate Chopin’s books to the whole class. This is how I “awakened” and became a feminist.


This is one of my favorites of your videos. Have you read The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman?


I would like to say that I agree with you about a lot of things that you said. A lot of people that receive a book at school to read as task may not enjoy the book like they should just because someone told them to read. I read this book because my teacher at College gave me as a task from English Literature at my English Graduation. It was a nice reading and I could thought about how we still can find many "Edna" at our real life. For me, literature is a powerfull way to understant History and our position in nowdays. I will take a time to think how I can teach literature using this book. Thank you for your video.


The whole thing is an interesting thing to contemplate. The other day I had a thought when it comes to mariege in the old days .
What if a reason that men were so controling were not only because of the social standards ? What if the reason the men were well not great is because they were depressed with their situations and took their anger out in their environment? Many weadings especially ones made for gain are arranged by the parents resulting in both the men and women being forced to marry what at worst a complete stranger best a person they simply did not love ? What if the men had a special someone who they had to leave or give up on so they could please the family? Imagine being stuck with a person every single day who you possibly didn't care about? Slowly slowly anger and hate would brew and toxic behaviour would develop
I once read that many gay men in the Victorian era basically ignored their wife's for the majority of their marriage and spend their times away with their lover in secret .
Ofcource this does in no way excuse sexism or abuse but it is a thought


This book has been on my shelf for a year waiting to be read! Perhaps I’ll read it next. I happen to have the exact same edition 😁


Have you read The Yellow Wallpaper? :) It's a very short classic and has a very similar theme. I loved it. Haven't read The Awakening yet but it's been on my TBR for ages :)


I just wanted a general premise of the book, but of course I ended up reading spoilers. Glad I found your spoiler-free review regardless!


Nice review of the awakening by Kate Chopin


I just love your videos so much
You're so unique compared to the rest of booktube


I had to study that one on my degree! :) I'd forgotten about it until now :)




I will say like some of the books they choose for teenagers to read aren't relatable to teenagers. I love The Awakening but I read it when I was 27. To me, this book is best served to anyone going through a quarter life crisis. For some people that might be when they were teenagers, but it is probably more suited to those around 25. It isn't hard to read or a matter of "adult content" or whatever. It's just that I think books/media are enjoyed more if you read them at the right time in your life. If you're struggling with being stuck in an unhappy rut while being anxious about the may be time.


I guess my problem is that in the U.S, we focus entirely too much on books like the awakening and the messages it gives. We have read 4 books this year in my class, and all of them have been about women independence, and taboo social norms of the past. We should be diversity our subjects more so we grow as a person.
