Spinning Singles Yarn With Consistency - A Tutorial from Start to Finish!

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Are you ready for spinning singles yarn with consistency? In this tutorial I will show you how to spin a worsted weight single from start to finish. We will talk about setting the tension, drafting, determining your yarn diameter and twist angle (to confidently avoid over or under twisting)! Finally, I will show you how I finish my singles yarn and spoiler alert, I don't hang it with a weight because I controlled my twist! You can do it too!

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I made a mistake in the video and said both s twist and z twist were counter-clockwise. Oops! The graphics are correct so you can look at those during the video, but to clarify, S=counter-clockwise; Z=clockwise. Happy spinning!


It took me about 4 oz of hand spinning to figure out the backwards twist to draft. Until I figured that out there was a ton of overtwisting and frustration. Now everything is smooth sailing.


Thank you so much for making this video. I have been saving up for over 2 years to finally get my own spinning wheel and all of the supplies needed to go with it. This video showed me the unnecessary items I really didn’t need to purchase right away (i.e. blending board, niddy noddy, etc.). You are so gracious for making these videos to help baby spinners. Thank you so much. <3


Oh Evie, this was a really good video the untwist drafting tip was a revelation.


I'm a beginner spinner. Watching your videos helped me alot.. ❤


I am so thankful to you for all of this wonderful information and your stellar presentation. Over spinning has been a problem for me for a long, long time. Thank you ever so much for showing me how to amend my spinning, how to put it on the yarn winder, and easily remove the over twisting.


I'm a new spinner and I've been enjoying and learning from your videos tremendously. Thank you for not forgetting about those of us who are having to learn a new craft entirely from the internet during these challenging times. I appreciate you 'dumbing it down' and giving basic basics that I can absorb and really learn from. #subscriberformyspinninglife


Evie, I hope you get credit for every complete viewing of one of your videos. I have watched some of them 8 or 9 times as I try to figure out what I'm doing on my new wheel.


I found this to be the most helpful tutorial as someone who is new to spinning. After watching this and trying a few methods, I really feel like I’ve upped my spinning game!


Spun my last yarn with your back draw and was perfect. No overtwisting. So grateful and happy.


This video helped me so much. The tip about untwisting the pinch point a little to draft out was just what I needed to see. Also, you showing how to check the twist angle was a "light bulb" moment for me. I had been wondering how to check the twist angle after seeing a spinning tool with the angles on it but hadn't gotten around to looking it up.


OMG - Frustration be gone! As ever, your videos are clear, concise and exactly the right solution to my newbie over twist spinning problems! Still don't get the spinning angle card/ protractor process yet - looks a bit like hold yarn from top to bottom and slide it to the angle you want and tell yourself that's what you were aiming for....err...?!? More research needed here but would help if you could explain it a bit further? Thank you for your hard work and dedication.


Oh wow, I needed that tutorial so much!


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. 1st time spinner.
I borrowed a Sickinger spinning wheel & received a big bag of raw wool to practice with & have been watching videos like crazy, finding your video on S & Z twist helped me to realise I had a clockwise twist set up but was trying to spin counter-clockwise. Also having your singles video running on my lap while I spun my 1st single really helped to calm the nerves (sort of like having a teacher sitting right next to me)🙏🏼💐


So wonderfully clear... thank you so much!❤


I don't have a spinning wheel but this video has helped me with my top whorl spindle to get an even feed


I’m just beginning to spin and so I’ve never applied before glad to see this tutorial


Than you for the tutorial. Not a newbie but learn on the draw technique you showed. Will faithfully practice.


Evie - now I understand spinning angles. Hold the yarn against the card and look at the angle of the fibre twist against it = spinning angle. No-one ever says that is what you look at/ compare in videos and so was very confusing. Off to check mine now! Thanks again.


I never thought to use my yarn swift instead of a niddy noddy to wind it up! Amazing tips!
