How to Spin Yarn for Singles Tutorial

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In this video I share how I spin yarn for singles. I'm using hand dyed shetland (in my memory it was merino, but after shooting this video I went back and watched episode 3 of my podcast and I discovered my mistake!) with a short backward draw to produce yarn for The Doodler shawl by Stephen West.

I'm a spinner who's trying to be more intentional with my spinning. I host a podcast and tutorial videos on this channel, along with an upcoming spinalong series to coincide with the Ply Magazine 51 Yarns book. Feel free to hit the subscribe button if you don't want to miss out.
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As I was finishing my spinning for The Doodler shawl, I thought now would be a good time to do a singles spinning tutorial for you. Hope you find it useful. I'd love to know whether you've spun singles yarns before and what you've made with them.


I spun some yarn a while ago which I am thinking will make a lovely singles yarn for a shawl so, thank you so much for your tips on leaving yarn as singles.

I find that steaming compacted fibre works wonderfully in most cases. I have a clothes steamer which stands on its own and I can pass the fibre slowly through the steam. The fibres relaxing is a wonderful sight! I found this by accident as I had some compacted, almost felted, fibre I was having a difficult time with. I decided a cup of tea would be a good thing to help save my sanity! When the kettle boiled I reached in to turn it off and, for some reason, was still holding some of the fibre and was amazed when I saw the effect of the steam on the fibre.

Often I carry on spinning forgetting to move the yarn along the bobbin and there is a lot of loose build up. There is no way I could ever afford a Woolee Winder but it would be wonderful not to have to worry and have a nice even bobbin.


This is a very valuable lesson. I added quite a bit of knowledge for my singles spinning.


I am a new spinner living in the middle of the boonies on a 100% off grid homestead. So finding a teacher meant driving hours (and I have livestock to care for). Then I found your channel and Jennifer on Expertly Dyed. I watch your hands, listen to your words, take detailed notes and view your videos multiple times (on my tiny handheld phone). I can now call myself a "spinster." A newbie "spinster " that knits with yarn that I spun from my sheep's fleece. Thank you! You are my hero! BTW: I have Border Leicester sheep. Vivian Ann on the side of the mountain in northeast Tennessee


Just love your videos and learn so much from them. I’ve spun for knitting successfully for a two ply but now need to do a single for a lace weight shawl. This gave me a lot of info to help my spin. Thanks again!


Can´t thank you enough for this 51 yarns series! I tell everyone that spin about it and everyone else because they should. Love it, Becks! Thanks again. A great "go to".


I find spinning a fine micron merino very nice, the staples are lovely and long and soft, so I was surprised your experience wasn't nice. But I guess that just shows how our art of spinning has many variables, and surprises! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Cheers!


Becks, Thank you for your helpful videos! I have been knitting for 25 years and am fairly new to spinning. Your tutorials are great! The 51 Spinning was a brilliant idea! Cheers from Olympia WA.


Thanks for the video Becks! I intentionally spun singles once about two years ago. This reminded me that I should try it again. And giving the yarn a hot/cold/hot bath to set it is a great idea!


Thank you so much. I haven't been able to find any videos that are as informative. I have never tried singles but am feeling a little more confident now. Please continue with these tutorials. So helpful


Thank you. I especially liked the reviews of the books and also the clear explanation.Look forward to more videos.


Hello from Brazil! Just a note to say thank you for the great tutorials! I've just started spinning and they are very informative


Wonderfully helpfull. I’m interested in spinning singles for weaving and using as the weft.


Pauses video to go round up basket of Ply issues. (I've only ever knit with a commercial skein of single yarn once - daughter bought (and asked: Please, make me a hat?). Such an interesting video. How have I not come across your channel until this morning? I see how my morning will be spent!


Hello, I'm new to you and your channel and am enjoying soaking up your spinning knowledge!
12:35 Spinning clockwise or anticlockwise: I have found that crochet with my own handspun takes a lot of twist out and makes a weak and too-soft yarn. Thus if I'm spinning to crochet, I'll spin anti-clockwise and ply clockwise. Knitting or other uses don't have that effect, I have found, so I spin those in the received manner: spin clockwise, ply, anti-clockwise.
Now weavers, on the other hand, especially those re-creating historical (I'm talking about medieval and perhaps Anglo-Saxon) fabrics, may have a need for alternating S- and Z- twist yarn ends in the warp, as this will give the finished fabric a particular energy and appearance. I forget whether this is done in order to mimic a more complicated weave or whether it gives longevity, or some other property to the fabric, but I know for sure that ends (warp threads) spun in opposite directions have been purposefully alternated in the warp as a conscious design decision. Oh, that I could remember all that I come across and find fascinating or useful!
Keep doing what you're doing, it's good stuff!
Katherine from Kent 🐑🐏🐐🐃🐫🐕(yes, I have dog fur in my stash!l


I have been spinning for a long time and I thought it was very helpful. You did a great job..


Love this video. I definitely learned a lot. Thank you, for sharing.


Another great video. Thank you. I have spun singles but haven't knitted anything with them, yet. I love my spun yarn in the skein and don't seem to be in a rush to do anything else with the finished yarn.


I am just starting to spin and found your video very informative


outstanding explanation and demonstration, many good tips that others have overlooked
